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Genis-Vell is a male extraterrestrial comic character who features in Marvel Comics.




Genis-Vell was the male offspring of Elysius of Titan and Captain Mar-Vell. His parents were noted to had been brief lovers until Mar-Vell's death leaving his mother grieving his demise. She wanted desperately to keep a part of him alive and accessed his DNA from Titan's central computer ISAAC where the genetic data was used to help her conceive his child. Prior to his death, Mar-Vell had requested Eros to care for Elysius and he came to be the adoptive father of her son who was named Genis. (Silver Surfer Annual v1 #6) Unknown to Genis, his mother came to conceive another child who became Genis-Vell's younger sister who was named Phyla-Vell. (Captain Marvel v5 #16)

Ultimately, he came to feel that there was nothing for him on Paraxis and he resolved himself to leaving the planet. He left home when he was 17 years old and had not returned back in the next 5 years. (Silver Surfer Annual v1 #6)


Personality and attributes

During his teenage years, he was noted to look much like his biological father. Initially, he looked to honor his father's memory and decided to go by the name of Legacy. (Silver Surfer Annual v1 #6) He later decided to change his name again and went by Photon. (New Thunderbolts v1 #6)

By adulthood, he was given the choice of either following his father's footsteps or to leave his legacy buried. (Silver Surfer Annual v1 #6)

Genis was the biological son of Elysius of Titan and the legendary hero Captain Mar-Vell. His parents were noted to had been brief lovers for a time until his fathers death. Whilst growing up, Genis was not aware of his biological fathers identity. He had always noted that his mother Elysius was always sad as if she had lost something that would not come back to her. (Silver Surfer Annual v1 #6)

He was led to believe by his mother that Eros of Titan was his father. Whilst growing up, his mother raised him alone though Eros was said to had always provided for the family but was never there to be a real father. It was only in his adulthood that he came to learn that the man was not his father. (Silver Surfer Annual v1 #6)

His mother came to conceive another child that became Genis-Vell's younger sister with her being named Phyla-Vell. (Captain Marvel v5 #16)

Powers and abilities

Genis-Vell was born from genetic material on Mar-Vell that was stored on the central computer of Titan. Titanian science was used to age the resultant offspring to adolescence within the span of weeks. The child was implanted with false memories of a childhood in order to hide origins from him. His genetic structure possessed a latent power that remained dormant in him since the day he was born until his adulthood. (Silver Surfer Annual v1 #6)

As Photon, he shown to be strong enough to battle the likes of the Sentry. (New Thunderbolts v1 #14)

Initially, he was armed with wristlets that were modelled on Mar-Vell's Nega-Bands that were designed to trigger the latent energy he had inherited. (Silver Surfer Annual v1 #6)

The Nega-Bands channelled interdimensional matter from the Negative Zone and channel them from that plane of reality to the positive matter universe. As that matter was positively charged, it was channelled and released outwards with these emissions becoming charged particles of anti-matter energy. The collision of matter and anti-matter resulted in an explosion that could be used offensively against a target. Similarly, he could channel the energies from the detonation of the bomb back into the Negative Zone through the spatial apertures created by the Nega-Bands. Genis-Vell could control a photonic field around these 'bombs' and shift a stasis field around them. (Captain Marvel v3 #1)


  • Genis-Vell was created by Ron Marz and Ron Lim where he made his first appearance in Silver Surfer Annual v1 #6 (October, 1993).
  • The character debuted as Legacy in Silver Surfer Annual #6 (October 1993).
  • He later took the name as Captain Marvel in Captain Marvel v3 #1 (December, 1995).
  • The character the took the name of Photon in New Thunderbolts v1 #6 (May, 2005).

In other media

Video games

  • In Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, Genis-Vell appeared as a PSP exclusive playable character in the video game where he was voiced by actor Roger Rose.



  • Silver Surfer Annual v1: (1993)
  • Captain Marvel v3: (1995)
  • New Thunderbolts v1: (2005)

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