Monster Association

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The Monster Association is an organization that features in One-Punch Man.



The Monster Association (Japanese: 怪人協会, Hepburn: Kaijin Kyōkai) was originally founded by the esper Psykos who after seeing a vision of the future about humanity drove her mad. She came to found the unknown group and created a meat puppet called Gyoro Gyoro to operate through whilst she herself remained in hiding. At some point, Lord Orochi (オロチ様, Orochi-sama) came to defeat the martial artist Gouketsu and recruited him as a member. It was then that he was cultivated into the creation of a powerful monster to serve as the Monster Association's apparent leader where he became Monster King Orochi ("怪人王"オロチ, Kaijin-ō Orochi). It was then that the Mssociation began recruiting monsters into their ranks where it offered them a world where the strong only ruled and looked to destroy the Hero Association.

Upon hearing news of the Hero Hunter, the Association became interested in finding Garo and recruiting him into their ranks.


In appearance, the Monster Association was an organization whose ranks consisted largely of monsters that sought to conquer the world. They were founded on the belief that one monster alone would eventually fall but all of them together could defeat the heroes. Many monsters believed that they were stronger than the heroes. As such, their ultimate goal was to bring about the end the Hero Association and create a world of monsters.

Their philosophy was based on strength whereby it was considered that only the strong rule. Thus, the higher ranking members were all powerful monsters that could challenge their superiors for their position. Failure resulted in death with the loser being killed by the victor. Thus, the leader of the Monster Association was considered the strongest monster among their ranks. Anyone capable of killing their boss was said to be capable of taking over the organisation.

In terms of organisation, the Association was headed by a boss (ボス, Bosu) though actual management was overseen by a military advisor (参謀, Sanbō). Beneath them, there were the executives (幹部, Kanbu) who headed cadres with promotions handled by the advisor. Hierarchy is based on disaster level with the military advisor responsible for assigning levels on its members.

Through Orochi, the Association was responsible for creating Monster Cells (怪人細胞, Kaijin Saibō) that were pulsing masses of flesh that could be consumed and turn a human into a monster. Some humans did not survive the process but those that did were transformed into powerful monstrous beings. They had to be eaten raw where only one could be eaten by a person with the creation of a Dragon-level monster being considered a successful outcome. This was used as a potent recruiting tool and was offered to people that desired greater power.

They came to establish their hide-out underground in the outskirts of City Z.


  • Monster King Orochi :
  • Gyoro Gyoro :
  • Gouketsu :
  • Nyan :
  • Elder Centipede :
  • Black Sperm :
  • Evil Natural Water :


  • The Monster Association was created by ONE where it featured in the setting of One-Punch Man.

In other media



  • One-Punch Man:

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