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C'Thun is a video game deity who features in the Warcraft.




C'Thun was one of the Old Gods that had been created by the Void Lords who dispatched them to corrupt the world-souls of planets in the Great Dark Beyond. The seed of C'Thun alongside those of his kin managed to settle on the world of Azeroth. In that time countless millennia ago, C'Thun began to establish the mighty Black Empire through the aid of the Old God's spawn who helped enslave the chaotic elementals that were the planet's only inhabitants. Their rule of the world remained unchallenged for countless years until the arrival of the god-like Titans to Azeroth. Vowing to cleanse the planet of the Old Gods and saving its world-soul from the eldritch beings' malign influence, the titans crafted the titan-forged from the planet's crust to destroy the Black Empire. The titan-forged succeeded in imprisoning the Elemental Lords and defeating most of the aqir, but after the titans saw the catastrophic effect that the Old God Y'Shaarj's death had on the planet, they ordered their creations to imprison the remaining Old Gods rather than killing them. After containing N'Zoth, the titan-forged launched their campaign upon the temple-city of C'Thun, purging swams of n'raqi before successfully imprisoning the Old God itself. After the defeat of the Old Gods, the titan-forged set to work ordering Azeroth. After installing the Forge of Origination, the titan-forged Ra and his anubisath servants marched northwest towards C'Thun's prison, laboring to expand the prison into the fortress of Ahn'Qiraj.

For millennia, C'Thun lay dormant within its prison. Roughly 16,000 years BDP, the race known as the trolls accidentally reawakened the insectoid aqir, who had escaped underground during the destruction of the Black Empire. Led by the C'Thrax Kith'ix, the aqir launched a great war against the trolls, but the trolls were able to drive the insectoids back to the far corners of the continent. One group of aqir fled southwest and overran Ahn'Qiraj, enslaving its anubisath guardians with the intention of using the giants against their foes, but nevertheless, the Gurubashi trolls were sucessful in containing the insectoids within the fortress for the rest of the war. The aqir would remain inside the prison complex's walls for millennia afterwards, and over time, the influence of C'Thun transformed them into a new race: the qiraji.


Personality and attributes

He was regarded as the Old God of madness and chaos.

Powers and abilities

Following the war against the Titans, C'Thun was stripped of his full power.


  • C'Thun was created by Blizzard Entertainment where it featured in the Warcraft universe.
  • The name appears to be based on the Cthulhu Mythos entity known as Cthulhu.

In other media

Video games


  • World of Warcraft:

External Link

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