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Arlong is a male anime and manga character who features in One Piece.




Arlong the Saw.

Arlong the Saw (Japanese: ノコギリのアーロン, Nokogiri no Āron) At a very young age, Arlong was abandoned by his father in the Fish-Man District and soon forgot his father's face. However, at the age of 15 he was then approached by a man claiming to be his father, who left Arlong with a young girl named Shyarly that was born to a different mother and thus became his sister. During his childhood, Arlong grew up in the Fish-Man District along with Jinbe, Macro, and Fisher Tiger. When he was 25 years old, he formed his own crew. On Fish-Man Island, Arlong would usually spend his time teaching younger fish-men, such as Hody Jones, to hate humans or harassing the citizens of Fish-Man Island for befriending humans, much to Jinbe's scorn. Jinbe severely disliked Arlong for his brutish actions and behavior, often stepping in when he was causing trouble. Whenever Fisher Tiger returned from an adventure, both Arlong and Jinbe would give him a warm greeting. After Fisher Tiger attacked Mary Geoise, he became an enemy of the World Government leading to him forming the Sun Pirates. Arlong and his crew were then integrated with Tiger's crew of pirates as they set sail on the sea. During a battle with the Marines, Arlong was surprised at Jinbe's brutality towards them, continuing to beat them long after they had lost consciousness. In the aftermath of the battle, Arlong commented on how brutal it was. During their time roaming the Grand Line, the Sun Pirates battled numerous Marines, including those led by Rear Admiral Kadar. Arlong, who had become completely ruthless, killed a Marine simply because he was human. After the battle, Tiger had a discussion with Jinbe and Arlong, telling them not to kill humans. Otherwise, they will stoop to their level. Tiger went on by saying that their ultimate goal was freeing the oppressed and not becoming cold-blooded murderers, much to Arlong's dismay. When Arlong brought up the suggestion of instilling fear in humans by using ruthlessness, Jinbe smacked him in the head. The Sun Pirates later visited an island where a former slave of Mary Geoise named Koala resided. The inhabitants there had no way of returning the girl to her homeland, so they asked the Sun Pirates to take her. After she boarded the Sun Pirates ship, Arlong hit her for being a human and had to be restrained by Hatchan. Even though most of the Sun Pirates warmed up to Koala, Arlong remained antagonistic towards her. He believed that Koala was no different from the cruel humans, but Jinbe disagreed with him. Eventually, Koala was returned to her home, Foolshout Island and Arlong merely commented that Koala was just going to grow up into the humans he has known and hated. Not long after Koala returned to her family, the Sun Pirates realized that the citizens there betrayed Tiger and the crew by summoning the Marines in exchange for ignoring Koala's status as property of the World Nobles. In the ensuing battle with the Marines led by Rear Admiral Strawberry, Fisher Tiger was badly wounded. The Sun Pirates lost their ship, but they were able to steal a Marine ship and escaped. On board the stolen Marine ship, the crew tried to save Tiger's life with a blood transfusion using human blood, but Tiger firmly refused the transfusion. Tiger told the crew that he was in truth a slave who had escaped Mary Geoise, and that he could never truly love humans due to all that happened leading to him ultimately dying from blood loss.

The death of Tiger enraged Arlong who believed that the treachery of the humans led to his captain's death. Thus, he returned to Foolshout Island in an attempt to murder all its citizens in revenge, but Vice Admiral Borsalino who defeated and captured the fishman. Arlong was then brought to G-2, where he was interrogated. Arlong lied about Fisher Tiger's death to preserve his honor whereupon he was imprisoned in Impel Down. Sometime later, Jinbe came to be recruited into the ranks of the Seven Warlords of the Sea who were powerful pirates that worked as allies to the Marines. In exchange for his appointment, Arlong came to be released from prison though he showed resentment towards Jinbe for becoming a 'government dog' and told him that he was going to go back to being captain of the Arlong Pirates. On an island, he told Jinbe that to stop Arlong then he would have to kill his fellow Sun Pirate otherwise he would do as he wished. Arlong's arrogance then led him to a fight with Jinbe which resulted in the sawtooth sharkman being being beaten to a pulp where he had to be carried off afterward. Jinbe left Arlong alone as the two went their separate ways. The Warlord Jinbe ultimately allowed the Arlong Pirates to run loose in East Blue which was something he would later come to regret. Arlong had also attempted to recruit both Hyouzou and Vander Decken IX but the first turned down Arlong for not paying enough whilst the latter refused to be the subordinate of anyone. The Arlong Pirates that included Hatchan, Chew, and Kuroobi would later set claim to the East Blue. In that time, they would make landfall at Cocoyasi Village which Arlong decided to make his base of operations and renamed as Arlong Park. Arlong proceeded to extort money out of the residents of Cocoyasi Village. Adults would have to pay 100,000 Beli and children would pay 50,000 Beli or be executed by Arlong's men. Bell-mère only had 100,000 Beli so she decided to pay for her adoptive daughters Nami and Nojiko as she sacrificed herself. Arlong shot her in front of her children as an example of disobedience. As the pirates began to leave, Arlong learned about Nami's skill in regard to creating maps. He forced Nami to become part of his crew as a mapmaker and told her that he would free her village and everyone in it, including her adoptive sister Nojiko, if she brought him 100,000,000 Beli. Arlong set up his domain on Cocoyasi Village, with a number of smaller villages in the vicinity under his control. Arlong dismantled his original galleon and used the materials to build Arlong Park, an eight-story building that served as his headquarters. From Arlong Park, Arlong hoped to conquer all of East Blue using superior underwater tactics through maps drawn by Nami that charted underwater terrain. In Arlong Park, Arlong bribed a member of the Marines known as Nezumi to turn a blind eye to his operations.

Later, Zoro was taken to Arlong Park where he was being questioned by Arlong. Zoro insulted Arlong by calling him a half-fish mutant and stated that he was looking for a girl. Arlong said that he would forgive Zoro once for the insult and said that fish-men are superior to humans. Shortly after, Nami appeared much to Zoro's surprise seeing her here with Arlong. Arlong said that she was an exception and revealed that she was the Arlong Pirates' cartographer. When Zoro questioned why Nami was with the fish-men, Arlong asked if they knew each other. Nami answered by saying that he was just another victim. Zoro asked Nami if this was her 'true self', and she answered yes and that she had been with Arlong all along. After Nami's statement, Arlong laughed and called her a "cold-blooded witch" who only wanted money, much to Nami's dislike. Zoro noticed this and jumped into the pool. Nami reacted to this by diving in and saving Zoro. Afterwards, Nami told the fish-man to lock up Zoro and she would kill him later. Shortly after, a fish-man approached Arlong, saying that a longed nose human got away. Arlong said that the human was probably in Cocoyasi Village and said that he had business to attend over there anyway. Arlong later arrived at Cocoyasi Village and began questioning Genzo on possession of weapons. Genzo answered that it was a hobby to collect weapons. Arlong said that he could not possess any weapons since all they did was bring violence. Arlong threatened Genzo by stating that he destroyed Gosa Village due to no one paying tributes. Before leaving, Arlong told the town to work hard for money since the tribute was coming up. Since possessing a weapon might be seen as a sign of rebellion against the Arlong Pirates, Arlong decided to execute Genzo to make an example of the inferiority of humans to fish-men. When Arlong was about to give Genzo the final blow, he was hit by an explosion. It was Usopp who targeted him from a roof nearby and tried to act bravely. This caused Arlong to go berserk, and in retaliation, he destroyed the house that Usopp was perched on. Afraid that their leader would destroy the entire village for which they need to receive money, the fish-men restrained him and promised to catch Usopp and drag him back to Arlong Park.

Arlong returned to Arlong Park and found that Zoro had struck down all of his men. His mood quickly shifted when his men announced that Usopp had been captured. In order to regain the trust of the pirates who started to think that she let the swordsman escape, Nami started to fight with Usopp. She even stabbed him and plunged him into the sea. Satisfied by this behavior worth of a true Arlong Pirate, the fish-men congratulated her. However, she told Arlong that she only did that so that she could buy her village back. Meanwhile, a Marine ship led by Commodore Pudding Pudding arrived to try to liberate the inhabitants of the island. The ship fired a cannon ball against the Arlong Park. Arlong easily broke it with his teeth. The pirates got rid of them easily with only three of Arlong's officers. With the strength of the fish-men and Nami's skill with maps, they believed they would conquer the East Blue. Later, Arlong had some Marines led by a Nezumi take away all the money Nami collected over the years. After her money was taken away, Nami ran back to Arlong and accused him of sending the Marines to look for her money. However, Arlong denied it, claiming that he never broke their deal and told her that if she wanted her village back, she would just need to start again from scratch. Nami ran off both in fury and anguish as he laughed. Yosaku and Johnny then attempted to fight the Arlong Pirates but were easily defeated. Just when the villagers were about to start a rebellion, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and Usopp marched into Arlong Park and challenged the Arlong Pirates. After Luffy's explosive entrance, he threw a huge punch into Arlong's face. After this declaration of war, the fish-men started attacking Luffy, but they were easily knocked out by Sanji. Hatchan then summoned Momoo to deal with Luffy and his comrades. However, when the giant sea cow appeared, he expressed fear after his previous encounter with Sanji and Luffy. Arlong then blackmailed Momoo, prompting him to attack the Straw Hats. Luffy, thanks to a new attack, used Momoo to blow Arlong's grunts away. The officers of the Arlong Pirates did not seem to be worried at all. Chew requested Arlong to calm down and they would fight the Straw Hats.

Hatchan attacked the Straw Hats with his Jet Ink. However, all of the Straw Hats were able to dodge the attack, leaving Luffy doused from head to toe with ink. Arlong took advantage of Luffy's weakness of the sea and uprooted a portion of the concrete surrounding Luffy's implanted feet and tossed him into the nearby pool. Arlong watched as Hatchan fought Zoro and was aggravated when the human swordsman won. Arlong mocked Sanji for jumping into the water to rescue Luffy since fish-men are dominant underwater. However, Arlong was shocked to see Sanji surface and then defeat Kuroobi. With his officers defeated, Arlong fought Zoro and Sanji himself and easily defeated them. Nami arrived and she bravely told Arlong that she would kill him. This made Arlong laugh as he even tried to make a deal with her. He gave her a choice: to be his eternal navigator and spare the villagers, but have Sanji and Zoro die for causing too much trouble, or have all the villagers killed. While Zoro kept Arlong distracted, and with minor interference from Hatchan, Sanji dove back into the water and freed Luffy's body. Back on land, Arlong ripped off the bandages on Zoro's chest, injuring him even more and shocking everybody. Before he could kill the swordsman, he realized that Zoro's wounds were not ordinary ones, due to the wound being able to kill a normal human. After Luffy got out of the water, he saved Zoro by switching places with him and started a few attacks on Arlong. They were ineffective against Arlong, but Luffy stated that it was just the warm-up. Arlong told Luffy about the innate superiority of fish-men to the humans, and provided a direct demonstration. Luffy was only barely able to avoid the fatal attacks of the shark. When Luffy showed him that he had a different type of strength, Arlong mocked him since Luffy was unable to get out of the water without help. Luffy then told him that needing help is not a sign of weakness, and without his friends, he would be helpless, but he would be the one who could defeat Arlong. Arlong attempted to bite off Luffy's head, but he took out a chunk of the pillar behind him. Luffy continued to mock him, and he took up two swords to fight with, but Arlong effortlessly took them away. Annoyed with his antics, Arlong was caught off guard when Luffy delivered a powerful blow which shattered his teeth.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Arlong was a large, muscular, light blue saw-shark fish-man whose most distinctive trait is his saw-shaped nose. He had long, black hair reaching down to his shoulders and with a widow's peak. On his head, he tended to wear a brown ushanka. He had a fin on his nape, surrounded by his hair, and his gills were located on both the sides of his neck.

Arlong considered humans to be inferior beings and is very cruel to them. He thinks nothing of killing a town full of humans, although he seems to prefer controlling people with money and deals.

He gets angry rather easily, as he nearly went on a rampage after being attacked by Usopp and had to be dragged back to his base by his crew to prevent him from destroying Cocoyasi Village. During his fight with Luffy, the boy's constant fighting back made Arlong deeply angry. Arlong had expected Luffy to die quickly, but his anger made him reckless and destructive, causing him to seriously damage his own headquarters and map collection while attacking Luffy.

He came to have a sister named Shyarly (シャーリー) and though they shared a father the siblings had different mother. Madam Shyarly was Arlong's young half-sister who was a shortfin mako shark mermaid where by adulthood she became a fortune teller as well as the proprietor of the Mermaid Cafe.

Powers and abilities

As a fish-man, he was physically ten times stronger than a common human, and even more so underwater. However, he seemed to possess amazing physical strength even for fish-man standards. He was shown to be capable of lifting a house with his bare hands and his powerful shark-like jaws are capable of shattering metal, crushing stone, and ripping through flesh alike. He was incredibly resilient, which allowed him to withstand most attacks. He also has an incredible resistance to pain he ripped off many sets of his rapidly re-growing teeth, and he rearranged his broken nose without a grimace. Arlong is also capable of entering a kind of berserk mode upon being angered. When this happens, his eyes take on an appearance similar to those of Sea Kings. While in this state, both his strength and his speed grow exponentially, making him far more dangerous than previously stated.

Among the techniques known to him included:

  • Shoryo no Mizu (少量の水, Shōryō no Mizu?, literally meaning "A little water") :
  • Shark on Darts (鮫シャーク・ONオン・DARTSダーツ, Shāku On Dātsu?) :
  • Tooth Gum (歯トゥースガム, Tūsu Gamu?) :
  • Same no Ha (サメの歯, Same no Ha?, literally meaning "Shark Teeth") :
  • Shark on Tooth (鮫シャーク・ONオン・歯車トゥース, Shāku On Tūsu?) :

Arlong was noted to wield a giant sword called Kiribachi (キリバチ) giant black pole with six shark tooth-shaped black blades on one side, resembling half of a sawshark's snout with it having a handle but no guard.

At first, he came to join Fisher Tiger's crew that became known as the Sun Pirates (タイヨウの海賊団, Taiyō no Kaizokudan). This was until Tiger's death whereupon Arlong left their ranks to found his own pirate crew. He came to be the head of a crew of Fish-Men pirates that were known as the Arlong Pirates (アーロン一味, Āron Ichimi). As the captain of the Arlong Pirates, Arlong had full authority over his crew. His power was remarked to be greater than Don Krieg, the strongest military force in the East Blue, with only Krieg's military might and massive armada forcing the Marines to deem him the bigger threat.


  • Arlong was created by Eiichiro Oda where he featured as an antagonist in the setting of the One Piece universe.

In other media



Video games


  • One Piece:

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