Lawless League

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The Lawless League was a criminal version of the Justice League of America, created by the Earth-1 counterpart of Johnny Thunder when he took control of Earth-2's Thunderbolt. After commanding the Thunderbolt to change history so that the Justice League's members never became superheroes (turning Earth-1 into Earth-A), Thunder found himself the target of Earth-2's Justice Society of America. In response, he commanded the Thunderbolt to change history again, substituting six criminals in place of the six leaguers' origins and making them into villainous versions of the superheroes:

Johnny Thunder's Lawless League (kept under control only under threat of losing their powers) was able to give the Justice Society quite a fight, but their inexperience led to their defeat. When the Earth-1 Johnny Thunder was frightened into reversing all his wishes, the Lawless League members were restored to their normal selves.


With the elimination of any alternate Johnny Thunders, the entire incident never occurred post-Crisis. The Lawless League may exist in Hypertime, however.


It is somewhat difficult to see how Orson, Jones and Gore could have been substituted, but it appears the Thunderbolt's magic somehow managed.


  • Crisis on Multiple Earths Volume 1 (2002)
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