Redjac was a malevolent energy-based lifeform that fed on the emotion of fear, which inhabited the bodies of living beings and used them to commit acts of violence and murder. Redjac was believed to be responsible for London's Jack the Ripper, Deneb II's Kesla, Rigel IV's Beratis, and a number of similar murder sprees in Shanghai in 1932, Kiev in 1974, the Martian Colonies in 2105, and Alpha Eridani II in 2156.
In 2267, Commander Montgomery Scott, chief engineer of the U.S.S. Enterprise, U.S.S., was accused of three murders on the planet Argelius II during shore leave. He was nearly convicted by the local authorities, until it was discovered city administrator Hengist had committed the crimes under Redjac's influence. Once its existence was discovered, Dr. McCoy sedated the crew to deprive Redjac of its "food," so it entered the Enterprise's computers. It was only banished when Spock had the computer attempt to calculate pi to the last decimal place (a nearly impossible task). Redjac was isolated and dispersed (using the transporter) by the Enterprise crew, raging the entire while.
First DC Comic
Redjac returned and possessed U.S.S. Excelsior, U.S.S. crewmember Nancy Bryce, using her to commit murders on the starship and seek vengeance on Admiral James T. Kirk and company. It came close to victory, bringing them to the planet Enoch IV and using the fear the planet's inhabitants had for it to create a powerful manifestation of itself- but was again defeated and banished, trapped within a spatial warp.
Wildstorm Comic
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