Leslie Thompkins (DC Animated)

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Dr. Leslie Thompkins was a medical doctor who has lived in Park Row (better known as Crime Alley) all her life, and is one of the few residents who does not fear being mugged. When Thomas and Martha Wayne were murdered in Crime Alley, it was Leslie Thompkins who comforted the young, grief-stricken Bruce Wayne after the boy saw the whole thing happen in front of him.

In her advancing years, Dr. Thompkins became a close confidant of Bruce (as well as his doctor) and was one of only a very few people who knew that he was Batman. Periodically the tow would meet in Crime Alley on the anniversary of his parents' deaths to put flowers on the spot where they died.

When Roland Daggett tried to take control of Crime Alley so that he could develop it into a mini-mall, Leslie was a strong opponent of his actions and one of many Park Row residents who spoke against Daggett at the city zoning board. When Daggett turned to a less legal means of acquiring the land, namely blowing up the whole city block, it was Leslie who stumbled onto his plot when she went searching for Bruce (he was late because he had to stop and help another Crime Alley resident who was being harrassed by Daggett's henchmen).

In the process, she was abducted by Nitro and Crocker, who tied her up and left her to die in the basement of one of the buildings they'd rigged to explode. Fortunately, Batman surprised the arsonists as they were leaving and, learning where they'd left Leslie, was able to arrive in time to stop the bombs from going off. After Batman had made sure that the remaining bombs would only destroy uninhabited buildings, he and Leslie managed to make the appointment in Crime Alley and mourn his parents' long-ago deaths together.

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