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Guymelefs were a series of Mecha that featured in the anime Escaflowne.


Guymelefs were Humanoid 8-meter tall armoured mecha produced by the Human nations of the mystical world of Gaea. They served as armored support for infantry and were piloted by elite soldiers that acted as a form of knights. They made use of melee weaponry in the form of large spears, swords and even bows.

There are a number of different models of Guymelefs which are produced by the various nations on Gaea.


The Arseides are the production model of Guymelefs used by the Zaibach Empire and are perhaps one of the more advanced units produced among the Human nations. They are typially blue in color though Dilando's model was a distinctive red and possess a Stealth Mantle allowing them to cloak themselves to make them invisible to their enemies allowing them to strike when an advantage appeared. Another feature unique to the Arseides model is that its one of the only type of Guymelefs that is capable of flight allowing them to quickly deploy or escape the battlefield. Once in flight mode, the arms close into the body along with the legs and the cloaking mechanism is disabled while flying.

The weapon system of the Arseides is also quite unique and depends on a flexible metallic liquid that exists in the body. This liquid metal can be manipulated by the pilot to become a sword, a shield or shoot out of the five chambered arm sockets into spiked tentacles that can gut an enemy Guymelef. Another noted feature was the capacity of controlling the liquid metal to the point where it can engulf a person and drown them in the substance. This appears to rely on pressure based systems within the mecha and should that drop to low quantities then it results in decreased usage of the liquid metal. In addition to this, the Arseides can shoot out bursts of flame from the arm sockets allowing them to torch entire settlements if necessary.

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