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The Jaridians were an alien species from the TV show Earth: Final Conflict.



Millions of years ago, the Jaridian and Taelon race were one species which were split apart by the integration of the Kimera. After this, a deciding factor in the split was over the shakarava organ within their palms. The Taelon's were noted by the Jaridians as being afraid of it and were unable to control their dark power. Which was why they began a quest for spiritual perfection evolving on a separate line while the Jaridians were afraid of the concept of the Commonality as they wanted to remain individuals with the capacity to feel love, reproduce and have passions.

In time, the two splinter races began to become hostile to one another with the Jaridians stating the Taelons were responsible for trying to annihilate them. This was the reason why the Jaridian Imperium began a long search to hunt down and destroy the Taelon's before they were destroyed by them. This was because the Taelon's had become aware that their line of evolution would lead to extinction and had to sought to regain what was lost through the Jaridians as the expense of their cousins. (Episode: Gauntlet)


The Jaridians are genetic brethren of the Taelon race and as such share the organ known as the shakarava that resides in their palm. They were able to use this organ to discharge energy which was able to revive a person. Physically, they appear as large muscular grayskinned reptilian's which were a corporeal based lifeform unlike their energy based Taelon cousins. They are also able to enhance their vision allowing them to see threats in the dark. This is visibly seen by a change in their eyes and retina allwing them to note traps and obstacles in their path. (Episode: Gauntlet)

While they may be an alien species, the Jaridians were capable of interbreeding with Humans and produce half-Jaridian half-Human offspring. It was hoped that these children would survive the energy depletion issue the Jaridians were facing which was killing so many of their young. The only case where this was noted was with a Human mother who began to develop Jaridian characterisics such as scales as part of the birthing process. (Episode: Arrival)

All Jaridians are soldiers and warriors though they feel that this was because the Taelon's forced this upon them. They have never fought against their own kind and find the concept of a species killing it's own in battle as something disgusting which is seen when a Jaridian finds out that Human's have fought their own kind in numerous wars. There is no distinction between the male and female genders; both are equals and fight side by side. Their ruthless warrior nature is highlighted when Jaridians believe that failure deserves death and that they shun attempts people aiding them when wounded suggesting that they do not like to be percieved as being weak. (Episode: Gauntlet)

This species are noted for their ability to feel love, have passion and reproduce naturally through the two genders. (Episode: Gauntlet)


The Jaridians were a highly advanced alien species with technology that was a near equal to the Taelon's though was based on crystalline technology rather then an organic base. Despite this, the Imperium never developed interdimensional based technology which restricted their movements around the galaxies. (Episode: Gauntlet)

One noted development of the Jaridians were Replicant technology. These were deployed as probes which reshaped their form into a combat model. Their large bulky green crystalline forms were capable of taking a great deal of damage and able to survive most energy strikes. They were programmed with simple directives which they followed single mindedly such as exterminating Taelon's on a planet. They were equipped with a disguise capable of masking their appearance as part of the any species allowing them to blend into their environment. They were also equipped with an energy blaster on their arms which was capable of killing Human's and Taelon's. (Episode: First Of Its Kind)

Another form of probe can be deployed sent through space where it land's on planet's suspected of harbouring a Taelon presence. Once crashing to the surface, the crystalline probe restructures its form into that of a larger transciever which is capable of disrupting the telepathic link of the Taelon's known as the Commonality. (Episode: Sleepers)

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