Atavus (Earth: Final Conflict)

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The Atavus leaders Howlyn and Juda.

The Atavus are a vampiric race of beings that feature in the final season of Earth: Final Conflict.




Early history

The planet Earth during the rule of the Atavus.

The history of the Atavus remains unclear though they were the precusors of the Taelon and Jaridians who developed from them after the Kimera interfered in their evolution. (Episode: The Joining) These events that were the genesis of the Taelon and Jaridian species occured around eight million years ago. At the time, there existed an Atavus known as Ramaz who was the head of an immortality cult that learnt how to manipulate as well as isolate core energy. Through this technique, he and his followers extended their lifespan by a factor of 200 whilst and became the proto-Taelon race. However, those Atavus that did not follow him suffered as their lifespan was reduced to two third at the expense of Ramaz's group. It would be these events that sparked a terrible ancient feud between the Taelons and the Jaridians. (Episode: Summit) At some unknown point, a group of Atavus travelled to the planet Earth where they left behind several technological devices such as the regeneration chambers. (Episode: The Point of No Return) This colony was led by an Atavus known as Howlyn who defied his father and left with like minded Atavus from their homeworld where they journeyed to the planet Earth. Once there, they began to adopt the practice of feeding on sentient beings such as the native primitive humans. (Episode: Bad Genes)

The female Atavus called Nahema who was considered a demon by early humans.

This colony of Atavus were the masters of Earth and had conquered it around three million years ago. (Episode: Subversion) During that time, they altered the lifeforms in the ecosystem and even introduced a few of their own such as bio-engineering mankind. They were present during the emergence of humanity in the distant past. (Episode: Unearthed) In fact, they contributed some DNA to the developing humans which allowed their biologies to recognise one another even if their minds did not. (Episode: Pariah) It was in fact a time travelling Renee Palmer along with a Crusades era priest called Father Franciscus who travelled back to the era of the Atavus domination and inspired the ruling king Howlyn to genetically engineer early humans in order to create intelligent livestock. This was partly in an attempt to ensure breeding brought about the emergence of Renee Palmer as he desired her as a mate. It was suspected that genetic material from Father Franciscus was used as a source code to bring about the development of modern day humanity. (Episode: Legacy)

However, the dominance of the Atavus came to an end when an asteroid shower engulfed the planet which forced the Atavus underground in order to preserve their race. This act also allowed humanity to develop unchallenged and they forgot about the tyrannical Atavus that once ruled the planet. (Episode: Unearthed) The Atavus entered into stasis around 3 million years ago. (Episode: Legacy) During the time of the asteroid shower, a single Atavus ship crash landed in a valley where its crew and hundreds of its guardians decided to go into stasis until the day their leader Howlyn awakened them. (Episode: The Journey) The many Atavus went about hiding underground in stasis in their hives that were scattered across the world. One such hive colony was located underneath Stone Henge and contained a data crystal that needed to be in a 90 degree angle with the star Rigel in order to display the locations of the other hives. The Stone Henge hive was occupied by Gren and his mate. They slept over the centuries until 1588 AD when a knight discovered the location and killed Gren's mate. However, the knight was ultimately killed by an angry Gren who was sealed in the chamber by the humans attendants. Gren had no choice but to return to stasis and sleep as his hive was a sinkhole that dropped the temperature of the chamber to levels that were not tolerable to the Atavus. (Episode: Entombed) Another hive was positioned beneath an abandoned future diamond mine in Hopetown, South Africa. (Episode: Boones Assassin) Though the Atavus were sleeping until the world was safe once more, one of their kind known as Nahema was lost in an ID Portal where she travelled through different timelines on Earth and became regarded as a demon within human mythology. (Episode: Legacy)

Askhenaten, an Atavus during the Egyptian era.

Nahema was not the only Atavus had had a mark on human history. Another Atavus that operated over the centuries lived in the era of Egyptian rule and was known as Askhenaton who was a high priest and grand vizier to the Pharaoh. It was said that he was a priest, a doctor, an engineer and a sorceror of great power with some scholars believing that he taught Imhotep the secrets of creating the pyramids. During his rule, he decided to enter into stasis and in order to guard his sleeping body - he annointed several humans by turning them into hybrids so that they could serve as protectors of his tomb. They were tasked with its defense until his Atavan brethren returned from the stars. Following that tasks completion, he entered stasis and placed in a tomb beneath the Giza plateau. One of the many relics that was buried with Askhenaton was his burial mask which contained two gems that revealed the locations of other Atavan stasis hives around the world. Details of the burial locations of the various Pharaohs was detailed in the Book of Buried Pearls that dated back to the 12th century. (Episode: Grave Danger) The crystals in the mask contained the record of an Atavus ship that crash landed during the asteroid shower. (Episode: The Journey)

The fate of the original Atavus homeworld is not known. Its possible that the planet was the one the Kimera visited which meant that none of its inhabitants exist since they were transformed into the proto-Taelon and proto-Jaridian races.


A proto-Taelon.

Whilst the Taelons recognised their forefathers being the Atavus, they typically felt nothing but abject revulsion due to their savagery. (Episode: Art of War) Over the course of millions of years, it was believed that the Atavus were extinct and instead their genetic descendants the Taelons and the Jaridians prospered. Despite this being the case, the Taelons still possessed the genetic legacy of the Atavus which was present in their very DNA. (Episode: Summit) Furthermore, their inheritance from the Kimera led to the creation of the shaqarava organ which the Taelons could not control and instead they crafted the Commonality to control their violent impulses. As such, any act of severance from the Commonality led to a devolution of a Taelon into a proto-Atavus specimen. (Episode: Atavus) In contrast, the Jaridians decided to retain the use of the shaqarava as well as their emotions. (Episode: Gauntlet)

On the planet Earth, the Taelons arrived in order to find a means of escaping their genetic extinction. (Episode: Limbo) During his search to find a means to save his people, the scientist Ma'el uncovered an Atavan regeneration chamber buried deep in South Asia. Learning of this, he put into place a plan to return his race to their Atavus roots in order to allow them to survive their energy depletion. Thus, he put into motion events that would occur in the next two million years. (Episode: Point of No Return) One of their noted members of the Taelons was Da'an who was once cut off from the Commonality by accident due to the actions of Auger. This led to him turning into a violent Atavus lifeform that stole the life energy from a number of human beings. It was only the action of Liam Kincaid was Da'an restored and returned to his position within the Commonality. (Episode: Atavus) This was not humanitys only encounter with the Atavus as an opponent of Da'an known as Bel'li intended to destroy his rival. As the Commonality and Taelon law prohibited their kind from killing each other, Bel'li thus used circumstances to sever his contact with the Commonality by aid of the human resistance. This allowed him to devolve into an Atavus and thus provide not only the means but the killer instincts to kill Da'an. He was only stopped by the actions of Major Kincaid though this came at the cost of Bel'li's life. (Episode: Defector)

A Taelon and a Jaridian, descendants of the Atavus and the Kimera.

As events proceeded, extinction seemed more apparent for the Taelon race. In an effort to end his own life yet provide a means of salvation for his kind, Da'an entered into secret negotiations with a Jaridian called Balvak who was the head of a peace movement within his peoples empire. Both intended to find a means of restoring their race and Da'an looked to the past and the creation of his people by the actions of Ramaz. Da'an and Balvak believed that the salvation of their races was a joining and returning to their Atavus roots. Thus, they met in secret in order to accomplish this act or die trying. Meeting aboard the Freedom space station, they merged their energy and became an Atavus lifeform. However, the strain and an attack by Taelon shock troopers led to Balvak's disintegrating and leaving only Da'an alive. Da'an was imparted with a portion of Balvak's lifeforce as the elderly Jaridian energy was lower than Da'an's. (Episode: Summit) The experiment proved to be a failure and highlighted the fact that humanity was a missing link between the Taelon's and the Jaridians. (Episode: Abduction)

During the final days of the Taelon and Jaridian races, Liam Kincaid along with Juliet Street managed to decipher Ma'el's Relic. Once decoded, the ancient regeneration chamber in Southern Asia activated and revealed Ma'els plan for the rescue of six Taelons along with six Jaridians which would be restored as Atavus. (Episode: The Point of No Return)


Whilst seen as an attempt at saving both races, the plan ultimately failed and instead brought about the complete resurrection of the original vampiric Atavus race. Led by Howlyn, these Atavus sought to reconquer the planet Earth once more. (Episode: Unearthed) The Atavan regeneration chambers were saved from isolation and possibly destruction when Ronald Sandoval used the Taelon Mothership to transport tractor the structure into the vessel. There, he formed an alliance with Howlyn and the Atavus in order for the parastic species to use the 5.5 billion human inhabitants as a food source. (Episode: Pariah) As they were few in number, it was Sandoval who suggested the use of the joining process to create a race of Atavan-Human hybrids that would serve as infiltrators and subvert human governments in order to keep their presence hidden from the world. This action saw several high ranking individuals ranging from the FBI to other governments being converted into hybrids without anyone knowing of the existence of the Atavus. (Episode: The Seduction) This included the media which meant that no organized force was formed to combat the Atavan threat except for Renee Palmer. (Episode: Subterra) She was successful in waging a covert war against the Atavus and even managed to destroy several of their hybrid chambers in the process thus impeding their plans. (Episode: Boones Awakening) Due to the limited number of hybrid chambers, the Atavus desired to mass produce this technology and thus used the financial resources of Ronald Sandoval to buy the Human company Tenzer Dynamics. They intended to use its head Dr. Charles Tenzer to replicate the chambers and a rising bio-engineer called Zachary Winslow to create a formula that would allow the transfer of genetic material in such technology in a secret project called Domino. The attempt was to create a hybrid chamber factory by human technology. (Episode: Guilty Conscience)

Shortly afterwards, Renee Palmer discovered a crystal in an Atavus hive beneath Stone Henge that revealed the locations of other locations around the world after securing it from the Atavus known as Gren who served as the mapping crystals guardian. (Episode: Entombed) With this information, she began to strike at the sleeping Atavus and managed to destroy one such hive with four individuals within their chambers. In order to combat that, Sandoval convinced Howlyn to resurrect the Taelon Zo'or as an Atavus and use her to kill William Boone. However, the plan failed and Zo'or was seemingly terminated as she was considered too unreliable. (Episode: Boones Assassin) Despite the failure of this attempt, the Atavus continued their covert operation of subversion of the human race starting with converting humans into hybrids at The Hidden Gate Spa. (Episode: Death Suite) Projections by Sandoval held that with current conversion rate, the hybrid population was expected to reach 1 million in a six months time frame whereupon it would multiply exponentially after that. After sometime, those hybrids would in turn mature into full blown Atavus. As such, attempts were made at providing a steady food source of humans which led to an infiltration and subversion of the United Hospital where patients were put into a coma-like state and hidden in a storage facility where they would be fed upon by the Atavus. This plan was later discovered by Renee Palmer and the Atavus plans suffered a setback when comatose Director of the FBI Hubble Urick regained consciousness. After awakening, he arrested Acting Director Ryan Patrichio who was working with Sandoval and the Atavus. Furthermore, he declared it openly that there was an alien attempt at subverting their way of life and he made it his intent at defeating these new alien foes. (Episode: Deep Sleep)

The first true defeat against the Atavus was when Howlyn's mate Juda was seriously wounded in a battle and she was unable to regenerate which ultimately brought about her death. After capturing her corpse, Renee Palmer and her allies uncovered that millions of years of evolution had meant that humanity had become incompatible as a food source to the Atavus. It was speculated that this may be due to environmental changes such as pollutants that developed in the body. As such, everytime an Atavus fed, they actually weakened themselves as those toxins spread into the Atavan biology and diminished their abilities such as healing. (Episode: Art of War) The agencies and governments of the world created detainment camps for Atavus hybrids in order to starve them as well as force them to fight one another. This was a secret operation designed to eliminate the threats of the Atavus with the development of DNA scanners being made to profile these hybrids. Special army assaults units were created for this role to fight the alien force. (Episode: Deportation) The Earth governments were also involved in developing a cure for creating hybrids though they faced opposition from a vigilante group called the Preservationists that sought to put such individuals on trial and execute them. (Episode: Subversion) Howlyn's attempts at global control were further impeded when Human scientists developed a cure for hybrids allowing them to be transformed back to their original state by reversing the changes to their DNA. (Episode: Street Wise) Later, the ancient Atavan starship that brought Howlyn's tribe to Earth was discovered by Renee Palmer and her allies. Tracking it down, Howlyn managed to awaken the guardian crew led by Jayliss before Palmer could kill them. Despite the objection of Jayliss, Howlyn insisted the ship be brought online so its weapons could be used to exterminate humanity, however, this act critically damaged the ship. Jayliss as a result was greatly angered at what he believed was Howlyn's incompetance which brought about a power struggle between the two. Ultimately, Howlyn was brutally killed by Jayliss who used his energy cleaves to gut the Atavan leader and leave his dead body on the floor. Before Jayliss could kill Howlyn's son Yulyn, Renee Palmer arrived and saved the Atavus child but not before the guardian had initiated the self destruct sequence. At Yulyn's urging, Renee contacted Ra'jel who transported the sleeping Atavus in stasis to the Taelon Mothership so that they would be awakened and follow Yulyn back to their own homeworld. Furthermore, the Atavus ship's ID drive was removed before it was destroyed and later installed in the Taelon mothership thus providing it with full power. The Atavus under the leadership of Yulyn then departed Earth along with Ra'jel, Liam Kincaid and Renee Palmer to begin an exploration of the stars. (Episode: Final Conflict)

The fate of the remaining hybrids on Earth is unknown though presumably the cure was developed by the Human governments. However, the additional stasis hives located around the world were never opened and their fate remains likewise unknown.



The vision senses of an Atavus.

The Atavus were a humanoid race with a similar skeletal structure that were noted for being carbon based whlst possessing an abnormal levels of quantum energy. (Episode: The Seduction) Their biology meant that they were closely linked to those species descended from them such as the Taelons. (Episode: Boones Assassin) They seemingly had the capacity to climb over the surface of walls without having to worry about falling. This allowed them to move about sideways as well as to drop from ceilings and better ambush prey. Atavus proved to be highly resilient against damage as they were able to survive numerous gunshots and still continue fighting without any degradation in their activities. This was attributed to their enhanced regenerative abilities allowing them to heal their wounds in a matter of moments. (Episode: Unearthed) These traits even allowed severed limbs to still be alive but with limited functionality. (Episode: The Seduction) They also proved to be significantly stronger compared to humans and were able to overpower them. Unlike the Taelons and more similar to the Jaridians, the Atavus were divided into males and females. The visual perceptions of an Atavus were very vivid and their senses were highly sharp. (Episode: Unearthed) It was stated that an Atavus was many times more sensitive compared to humans in the realm of senses. This easily allowed them to determine the emotional state of others such as humans and were able to capable of uncovering feelings such as arousal. (Episode: Pariah) Such an ability easily allowed them to tell when a person felt feelings of fear and learn if their opponent was decieving them. (Episode: Art of War) They possessed several unique organs when compared to the anatomy of humans. The Atavan nervous system was twice as conductive compared to mankind. (Episode: Termination) Whilst they remarkable healing abilities, intense cold proved to be one weakness of the Atavus. (Episode: Entombed)

The species were described as a scourge; being sentient parasites that fed on the lifeforce of living intelligent beings. They did this through a unique aspect of their biology where they retracted energy claws from their fingers though not the thumb. These extended claws were capable of piercing the skin of a living being and absorbing their lifeforce in the process. This left the prey dead and their energy used as nourishment for the Atavus. The practice was requirement as it sustained their longevity with humans proving to be a rare delicacy to the Atavus. When feeding, Atavus seemingly felt feelings of pleasure and ectasy in the process which they deeply enjoyed. (Episode: Unearthed) A unique aspect of this feeding ability meant that the Atavus were equally capable of sharing their stored energy which had the capacity of healing grievous injuries to a human being. (Episode: Pariah) A further ability of the Atavus was the power to probe the minds of others of their kinds or even hybrids of information. This was accomplished by use of their energy cleave claws. Extending one of the claws and drilling it through the temples of the a hybrid, an Atavus was able to probe the subjects mind of information even if they were recently killed. (Episode: Guilty Conscience) Atavus were able to feed on one another as well as other species. (Episode: Deportation) This desire to feed and sate their hunger was only prevalent on the Atavus of Earth as they did not require to feed on their original homeworld. (Episode:)

Atavus had fine control over their energy cleaves allowing them to give a fatal wound with the striking of a single such claw to the heart. (Episode: The Seduction) In addition, they equally had such fine control to the point that when extended, they could use the cleave to remove screws from walls. (Episode: Entombed) When used more brutally, the claws were able to leave vicious scars in the body with a simple strike or plunge through the chest region in order to reach the heart itself. (Episode: Unearthed) Furthermore, they were able to pierce energy shields in order to create an opening through which an Atavus was capable of escaping confinement. (Episode: Bad Genes) The heart of an Atavus served as its energy centre and any attempt at reversing the flow or suck out the energy was believed to harm them. (Episode: Legacy) Atavan blood was capable of being used to create unique anti-bodies that combated the effects of blood gas that induced coma in humans. (Episode: Deep Sleep)

Earlier proto-Atavus seemingly possessed the shaqarava organ which they were capable of using to drain the life energy from living beings at a distance. (Episode: Atavus) Furthermore, they could redirect this energy into powerful blasts that had the potential of disintegrating enemies. (Episode: Summit)

Core energy proved to be a repellant effect to the Atavus; either for feeding or for joining. (Episode: The Seduction) In fact, the substance was toxic to them and transfer of it into an Atavus body ultimately killed the Atavus in the process. (Episode: Art of War) Whilst this was the case when they were alive, alien energy such as those possessed by a Taelon had the capacity to resurrect a dead Atavus. Though this was the case, the resurrected Atavus possessed the soul of a Taelon. (Episode: Boones Assassin) Attacks that decapitated an Atavus were known to kill them with primitive weapons such as swords accomplishing such a feat. (Episode: Entombed) So long as an Atavus was not past the threshold of death, it was possible to revive them. (Episode: Legacy) It was ultimately discovered that 21st century humanity had suffered from a great deal of contaminents and pollutants as well as other such factors within their biology which made them incompatible as a food source to the Atavus. As such, the more the Atavus fed, the more toxins and weakening of their own biology occured which diminished their capacity to heal their wounds. (Episode: Art of War)

Two hybrid Atavus.

Similar to both the Taelons and the Jaridians, the Atavus possessed the means to bring about a joining. This was partly a technological process as it made use of the regeneration sarcophagus devices. Inside these chambers, both an Atavus and a Human entered whereupon the device sealed together. This led to a process where Atavan genetic material was transferred into the Human by way of a fusion process. When complete, the Human was transformed into a hybrid who was completely dedicated to the Atavus goal. Unlike true born Atavus, the hybrids appeared Human though they retained the use of the energy cleave claws, enhanced healing and their eyes glowed when they intended to reveal their true nature. (Episode: The Seduction) Its been stated that whilst initially the hybrids were half human and half Atavus, the dominant Atavan DNA eventually transformed a hybrid into a full breed Atavus. (Episode: Termination) It was not possible to resurrect a deceased Atavus by joining it with a human. However, it was possible to do so with a species more closely linked to the Atavus such as the Taelons. This was only accomplished through the use of a dead Taelon as their core energy had a negative effect on Atavan biology. Through such a means, a Atavus was capable of being resurrected but it would possess the soul, memories and personality of the Taelon that was used. (Episode: Boones Assassin)


The species was noted for both its feral and aggressive nature. This meant that they regularly made screeches, hisses and animal-style screams in order to intimidate both their foes and prey. (Episode: Unearthed) Female Atavus proved to be highly alluring and seductive in their actions. Both to their own kind and to humanity even which meant that they were capable of attraction and even sexual interaction with them. (Episode: Pariah) This was equally the case with males to females with them being able to seduce female humans. (Episode: Entombed) A number of Atavus highly believed in the concept of only the strong surviving. (Episode: Pariah) It was said in one case that the Atavus had violent mating rituals. (Episode: The Seduction) Their dwellings were typically referred to as an Atavus hive. The death of a female Atavus was considered a devastating blow to their kind. (Episode: Boones Assassin) The leadership group of the Atavus was often referred to as the Royals. (Episode: Entombed) Atavus were divided into a number of different tribes with the subordinates of one never defying the rule of their leaders. The mating practices of the Atavus meant that when two females fought over a male; the pair had to fight to the death with the victor gaining mating rights over the defeated females mate. Simple combat was enough to arouse a mate. (Episode: Legacy)

Certain Atavus believed in the concept of survival of the fittest and thus felt that they were a superior race compared to others. (Episode: Atavus) As such, they often felt other species were little more then vermin which were only fit to be fed upon. (Episode: The Seduction) In fact, they believed themselves to be vastly superior to humans. (Episode: Entombed) Following their awakening into the 21st century, the Atavus felt that mankind's alchemists had created many wonders yet still they had remained so unevolved. (Episode: Legacy) Whilst they were cruel and brutal, they respected those that showed the heart of a warrior and felt that such traits were almost non-existent in humanity. (Episode: Guilty Conscience) When outnumbered and facing danger, they often made use of traits such as deception and manipulation in order to gain an advantage. Pretending to be innocent and stating that they did not feed on sentient life in order to envoke sympathy in their opponents. (Episode: Entombed) These type of Atavus did not understand the concept of remorse over the death of sentient life. (Episode: Death Suite) They also had nothing but disdain for other races which they referred to as "lesser species". (Episode: Art of War)

It should be noted that the season 5 Atavus differ greatly from those seen in the previous seasons. Out of Universe, this was because of the need to reduce costs for special effects but in-universe its possible that previously seen Atavus did not possess all the components that made up of the season 5 versions namely a fusion of both Taelon and Jaridians mixed with Atavan lifeforce.


Atavan materials were seemingly constructed from a ceramic with magnetic properties that did not exist with the human periodic table. (Episode: Unearthed) These chambers were made of unusual metals in the construction process that were made of a revolutionary alloy that was dubbed by Charles Tenzer as Balivium. This compound had the unique ability to transfer genetic material such as DNA. It worked through a conductivity process in conjunction with the generation of an ambient temperature that powered the chambers. Incorrect use of power generation could result in the occupant being roasted inside the chamber. (Episode: Guilty Conscience) Furthermore, they had designed their technology to thrive in heat and intense cold was harmful both to the Atavus and the functioning of their equipment such as the regeneration chambers. (Episode: Entombed) Starships were also constructed of a sturdy that was able to resist energy waves such as fusion excavators. Furthermore, they were designed to respond to Atavan signatures and doorways seemingly melted open when an Atavus placed their hands by the controls to the doorways. (Episode: Final Conflict)

They furthermore possessed techniques capable of bio-engineering other races as they had introduced some of their own on the planet Earth's ecosystem as well as altered elements of it. This even allowed them to transform Neantherthal into modern humanity. (Episode: Unearthed) Atavus made use of a bio-replicable material similar to the one used by Taelon technology which meant that they had the means of controlling such bio-technology. (Episode: Pariah) Their knowledge of genetics in conjunction with the joining process was one of the means through which they created hybrids. (Episode: The Seduction) They had the means of creating a strange form of gas that when mixed with oxygen as well as their own blood which induced paralysis in humans. (Episode: Deep Sleep)

Their was noted similarity between the modules of an Atavus regeneration chamber to that of stasis technology employed by the Taelons. (Episode: The Point of No Return) They resembled large sarcophagus-like bio-stasis pods that were able to keep their occupants alive indefinately. (Episode: Unearthed) This use of stasis chambers allowed them to hold sleeping population around the world. Furthermore, they were capable of producing joining chambers where an Atavus and a Human entered two coffin shaped devices where genetic material of the Atavus is filtered into the Human thus creating an Atavan-Human hybrid. (Episode: Seduction) These hybrid chambers were noted for being indespensible to the Atavus. (Episode: Subterra) The awakening of any Atavus hive created a beam of light that served as a beacon to others in order to attract their attention. (Episode: Entombed)

Atavus made use of crystals as a data storage tool in order to contain information was that holographically projected and worked by proper positioning with the stars. (Episode: Boones Assassin) These mapping crystals were important devices that were used to locate the positions of other hidden Atavan hives. (Episode: Entombed) Such crystals were quite able to contain digital records of past events. (Episode: The Journey) They also produced staff weapons capable of firing powerful energy blasts that sent opponents flying backwards and killing them in the process. These weapons were described as being unlike any other energy weapon used by the 21st century. (Episode: Grave Danger) The Atavus had the means to create interstellar starships which possessed weaposn that had the potential to decimate planets from orbit. Their ID drives were achieved through the use of a particle fusion centre. (Episode: Final Conflict)

Interestingly, the Atavus possessed the technology for Portals since the time of their original rule on the Earth. (Episode: Legacy) The Portals onboard their vessels had limited capacity which were not suitable for troop transport. (Episode: Final Conflict)

If the original Atavus possessed Portal technology then its possible that the Taelons inherited the devices from their ancestral race. However, this does not explain why the Jaridians did not possess the technology unless it was strictly denied to them.


  • Howlyn : king of the Atavus
  • Juda : Howlyn's mate
  • Nahema : Prospective mate to Howlyn
  • Ramaz : Head of an Immortality Cult
  • Gren : Caretaker of the Mapping Crystal
  • Askhenatan : Grand Vizier and High Priest to the Egyptian Pharaohs.
  • Jayliss : Guardian warrior to Howlyn's starship


  • The Atavus were mentioned earlier in the television show but became antagonists in the final season of Earth: Final Conflict.


  • Earth: Final Conflict:

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