Pocket Universe aliens (Andromeda)

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The Interdimensional aliens were an unknown species that featured in Andromeda.


Little is known about this race except that they created a dimensional tunnel that originated from another universe with the express purpose of invading the mainstream one. An assassin from this race was deployed onto the Andromeda Ascendant with the intention of sabotaging the creation of a new Systems Commonwealth. Several of the delegates were killed before the assassin was found and killed. However, the aliens simply used their phasing battleships to begin the invasion which threatened to destroy the races that assembled at the delegation. The aliens would have succeeded in overwhelming the galaxy had not the Eureka Maru deployed a powerful bomb which destroyed the tunnel thus severing the aliens attempts at coming into the universe.

Despite this, the aliens made use of their advanced technology to remotely control the two survivors of the Eureka Maru; Beka Valentine and Tyr Anasazi with the intention of securing a power base for them. But the intervention of Dylan Hunt and his crew prevented this from occuring.

After two failed attempts, the aliens managed to once again threaten the universe by establishing a temporary power supply that allowed them to enter the galaxy. But the energy source was insufficient for their needs. This time they fought against Dylan Hunt again and were defeated. Accepting their loss, the aliens presented Dylan Hunt with a sword signalling that he was to face a much greater threat in the coming future.


The aliens were humanoid in shape with a smooth reptilian scaly skin. They had helmets that seemed to merge into their bodies. Their arms had the capacity of unsheating blades which they used to kill their enemies. In addition to this, the aliens were extremely mobile and had the capacity to walk on walls and other surfaces with ease. Furthermore, they had a level of martial skill that allowed them to challenge even androids.

They possessed Tessaract technology allowing individual soldiers to phase through walls and attack suddenly which catches their enemies offguard. These devices were also used on their starships allowing them to phase into normal space and then disappear once again. This gave them the capacity to attack and retreat in order to escape any retailitory fire.

The aliens had the capacity to open dimensional tunnels that allowed them to create gateways to other universes which they used to invade these new realms. The power generation capacity for such a portal was incredibly high which meant that it's destruction would prevent the aliens from forming a new one.

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