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The Skrulls are an advanced shapeshifting extraterrestrial species that feature in Marvel Comics.



Comic Continuity

Early History

At some point in their history, the Skrull Throneworld was attacked by the planet devourer known as Galactus.

The Skrulls once were a peaceful species who journeyed to the planet Halla and encountered its two sentient races namely the Kree along with the Cotati. They took both races to the moon of the planet Earth where they tested both species to see which was worthy of being allies to the Skrulls. They tasked them with creating a great work of art on the moon with the winner earning their place as the Skrulls friends.

Secret Invasion

Silver Surfer Cartoon Continuity

Similar to their comic continuity, the Skrull Confederacy was at war with the Kree for many years with neither side gaining the advantage. It was noted that they were one of the most brutal species that inhabited the stars with them earning many enemies. A delegation was sent with a single ambassador from both sides meeting on the planet Zenn-La in order to create a lasting peace. Ironically, these ambassadors would work together to defend the planet against the threat of Galactus which resulted in their deaths and the continuation of the war between the two races.

The Skrull Hive Mother had grown increasingly angry with her subjects ver the lack of victory against the Kree species. This prompted in her near move to remove the Admiral and Prime Minister from their positions as well as destroy their nests. As such, a coup resulted with the Cabal eliminating the Hive Mother and attempting to maintain their control over the Confederation.

In order to maintain power, the Cabal maintained the illusion that the Hive Mother was still alive though this was a lie only known to a few such as the Caretaker. This was dangerous for the Skrull as it was the Hive Mother that maintained the species with no new generation of eggs being born without a replacement who was still in her egg. The Caretaker and the elders were reluctant to hatch the Royal Egg as they feared that the usurpers would either kill her, make her into their puppet or do something much worse.

With the aid of Nova and the Silver Surfer, the Caretaker was able to ensure the new Royal Egg was transported to another world where it would be safe. The Silver Surfer deposited on a planet with a caretaker to watch over it in the hopes that the new Hive Mother will grow to be respectful of life and peaceful so that she would change the nature of the Skrull Confederation when she took power.


Comic Continuity

Silver Surfer Cartoon Continuity

Skrulls appear very much like their comic counterparts appear as green skinned reptilians with three fingers and the capacity to change their shape allowing them to mimic inanimate structures like stone pillars to changing their skin to stone to becoming dragonic caterpillar creatures.

In this continuity, its revealed that only a set number of planets are suitable to handle Skrull reproduction. The young hatchlings appear as small near velociraptor style light green skinned creatures with an animalistic behavior. Its revealed that these young hatchlings are watched over by their elders known as Caretakers until they gain sentience and are capable of actual thought at which point they are taken to the Hive Mother who witnessed the hatching of the hundreds of eggs on their hive world.

The Hive Mother was vital to the Skrulls as it was she who laid the eyes for the next generation of Skrulls to be born. Without her, the Skrulls would have no future which was why there was always a Royal Egg ready to hatch in case of such a situation.

Splinter Species

Society and Culture

Comic Continuity

There are a number of different groups and sects within the Skrull race. This includes the mutant group of outcast Skrulls called Cadre K and the religious sect called the Dard'van. There was also a hostile group called the Chitauri.

Silver Surfer Cartoon Continuity

The government of the Skrulls is referred to as the Confederation which differs to their comic counterparts. One of the high ranking members of this state appear to hold the title of Prime Minister though ultimate power was in the hands of the Hive Mother who was capable of removing the Prime Minister from their post.

At one point, it was customary for the Hive Mother to witness the hatching of the young born until the Cabal took power which eliminated the Hive Mother. These Skrull dissidents were intent on keeping their power which was solidified in an Admiral and the Prime Ministers hands.

The Caretaker was charged with looking after the next generation of Skrulls and ensuring that the young reach sentience. Because of this, he was seen as a father to most of the Confederation.

Shocktroopers of the Skrull military wore white silvery suits in combat situations.


Comic Continuity

Silver Surfer Cartoon Continuity

On a primary hive world, the Skrulls were known to deploy powerful pulsar mines in order to protect the planet.

The Skrulls believed themselves to be experts at "persuasion" thanks to their ruthless nature.


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