Brain InterActive Construct

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The Brain InterActive Construct, also known as BrainIAC, was a machine that featured in Smallville.





After Chloe Sullivan was captured by the monstrous Davis Bloome, the Kryptonian creature took her to the Fortress of Solitude which activated the Brainiac nanites within her body allowing for the artificial intelligence to be reborn again. Using Chloe as a host, Brainiac revealed to Bloome that he was a genetically engineered creature designed to bring about doomsday to the planet Earth and that he has manipulated him into falling in love with Chloe in order to use him to bring about his revival. To accelerate his plans for the planet which included draining it of all information before destroying it, he encased Bloome in a crystal chrysalis in the Fortress with the intention of evolving him to his true form. Brainiac then found Clark Kent in the Fortress who wanted to find Jor-el to find a means to save Chloe. Taunting Kal-el, Brainiac stated that he knew Clark would never hurt his host body for he cared too much for Chloe after which he attacked Clark and escaped. Going to the Daily Planet, Brainiac activated a computer program connected to all video screens around the world and began downloading information from humans one mind at a time but he was attacked by Cosmic Boy and Lightning Lad who used an EMP attack to knock Brainiac out. They were preparing to kill the Brainiac possessed Chloe in order to protect their timeline but Kal-el stopped them. Using the Legion of Superheroes help, he took Chloe's body back to Smallville to his parents barn where he asked for Saturn Girl to help connect his mind to Chloe whilst Lightning Lad kept Brainiac from coming back online and Cosmic Boy using his magnetic powers to remove the nanites in Chloe's body. They were successful and all the nanites were condensed into a black sphere which the Legion were going to take back to the future and reprogram the artificial lifeform into a more peaceful being. Saturn Girl hoped that Brainiac 5 would have a better temperment then his previous forms. (Episode: Legion)



  • The Brain InterActive Construct is essentially the Smallville equivalent of Brainiac.

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