Omni Mind and Community

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The Omni Mind and Community are cyborgs that feature in DC Comics.



The OMAC Project

The Omni Mind and Community (O.M.A.C.) were cyborgs under the control of Brother Eye that were created through the use of virus that was derived from B-13 derived nanotechnology system taken from the United States Department of Defense and Lexcorp. (The OMAC Project v1 #6)

It was suspected that the O.M.A.C. strain was spread by covert means through standard vaccination vectors. (The OMAC Project v1 #6)

During the final battle with Brother Eye, there were an estimated one point three million OMAC units that were deployed around the world to eliminate the Metahuman Threat as dictated by the deceased Black King of Checkmate. (The OMAC Project v1 #6)

Generation Lost

A group of O.M.A.C.s were dispatched by the resurrected Maxwell Lord where they attacked the new Blue Beetle Jamie Reyes. This attracted the attention of Captain Atom, Booster Gold, Ice and Fire who sought to defeat him. (Justice League: Generation Lost v1 #2) Further O.M.A.C.s were teleported to the site to serve as reinforcements which threatened to overwhelm the heroes until Blue Beetle used magnetism to stop them. The group of superheroes intended to use them as evidence of the existence of Maxwell Lord who had erased his existence from the world except for select individuals. However, a teleportation beam activated that removed the O.M.A.C.s from the scene with Booster Gold ordering his team mates to follow. Despite going through the beam, they had lost the O.M.A.C.s and were instead transported to Russia where they faced the Rocket Red Brigade. (Justice League: Generation Lost v1 #3)


An Observational Metahuman Activity Construct was a cybernetic being that were created through nanobyte technology. (Justice League: Generation Lost v1 #3) The primary method of infection was through the OMAC virus. (The OMAC Project v1 #3) This was achieved through a controlled vector exposure by a virus that took the form of nanobots. Their blue skin was actually an external dermal casing that was composed of composite polymer/ceramite/metallic mixture. (The OMAC Project v1 #6) Its metallic composition meant that it was vulnerable to specific forms of magnetism. (Justice League: Generation Lost v1 #3)

One weakness to these cyborgs was the fact that they were vulnerable to electromagnetic pulses but one of the problems was getting past their shielding. It was believed that only the equivalent of fifty megaton nuclear blasts were able to achieve this feat but such an explosion would not only kill the OMAC host but everyone around them within the blast radius. (The OMAC Project v1 #6)

Once incorporated into an organic host, they became part of the machine and if thee host died then the O.M.A.C. unit was terminated as well. (The OMAC Project v1 #6) This allowed for innocent beings to transformed into such cyborgs where they remained as humans until they were activated and transformed into their O.M.A.C. forms. (Justice League: Generation Lost v1 #3)


  • Sasha Bordeaux : created through the use of the technology but was not actually an O.M.A.C. but classed instead as a 3rd generation nanobyte derived prototype designed as Black Knight 1. (The OMAC Project v1 #5)
  • OMAC 6349 : male sleeper agent present in a Moscow stripclub where his visual feed was send to Maxwell Lord who activated the OMAC to eliminate Overthrow. (The OMAC Project v1 #2)
  • OMAC 10277 : female Checkmate agent who was activated when Brother Eye went rogue. (The OMAC Project v1 #4)
  • OMAC 300315 : unknown unit partnered with 300316 in targeting the Supermen of America. (The OMAC Project v1 #6)
  • OMAC 300316 : unknown unit partnered with 300315 in targeting the Supermen of America. (The OMAC Project v1 #6)
  • OMAC 549692 : unknown unit that eliminated Garfield Lyons, also known as Firefly. (The OMAC Project v1 #6)
  • OMAC 972676 : unknown unit that terminated Fastball. (The OMAC Project v1 #6)
  • OMAC 1200448 : unknown unit activated that targeted the Demolition Team who were seemingly eliminated. (The OMAC Project v1 #6)


  • This incarnation of OMAC were referred to as the One-Man Army Corps, Omni Mind and Community and as the Observational Metahuman Activity Construct.


  • The OMAC Project v1 #1-6 (June 2005)
  • Justice League: Generation Lost v1 #2-3

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