The Minbari are a species that feature in Babylon 5.
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The Minbari were native to the planet Minbar was the seventh planet from their sun with almost one quarter was covered by the north polar ice cap but was rich with crystalline deposits with many of their cities cut directly from crystal formations. (Episode: And Now for a Word)
Following the death of Shai Alyt Bramner, the Star Rider clan decided to take a pilgrimage with his body that was headed back to Minbar. His death was considered a great sorrow to the warrior caste. Among their stops was the space station Babylon 5 where his body was kept under guard. However, the body was stolen leading to a diplomatic incident where Neroon of the warrior caste threatened war. It was discovered that in reality the body was taken by Delenn as she believed that Bramner did not desire such a funeral for himself and intended to fulfill his requests. (Episode: Legacies)
Members of the Third Fane of Chudomo were noted to had resented the appointment of Sheridan Starkiller as commander of Babylon 5. The leaders of the Chudomo clan thus operated in secret independently of the Minbari Federation to create a conspiracy designed to disgrace Earth Captain John Sheridan as an act of retribution for his role in destroying the Blackstar. After the discovery of the conspiracy, the nature of it was kept a secret in exchange for the truth of the framed murder of a Minbari warrior being revealed. (Episode: There All the Honor Lies)
It was reported to the Grey Council that many in the League of Non-Aligned Worlds had began targeting one another but the Grey Council stated that the affairs of other species did not concern them. This saw Delenn forcibly going before the Council in order to rally them against the Shadows but she was refused to take part. In response, Delenn broke the Grey Council and called upon those that would follow her to end their people's isolation in order to combat the Shadows. She would take several war cruisers to help in the defense of Babylon 5 when loyalist forces following President Clarke attempted to take control of the station during the declaration of martial law. (Episode: Severed Dreams)
Their species had an intense reaction to alcohol with even a small amount inducing psychotic impulses and feeling of violent as well as homicidal rage. (Episode: The Quality of Mercy)
Meals with honored guests took two days to complete as there were rituals and traditions that needed to be performed. The food needed to be sanctified during each of the fifteen stages of cook. Spices needed to be blessed and a specific prayer must be made when used with each spice being only used once with them being done in the correct order. Any error made during the preparation process meant that the effort had to be abandoned and had to start again from the beginning. Sleep was not made during the cooking period as it was believed it would lead to error but instead had to remain awake over the set time frame. In order to remain pure, the cook only took water and bread until the completion of their task. Once the food was prepared, other rituals needed to be performed in order to eat meals of such nature. To begin, the parties eating exchanged bowls as a gesture of welcoming whereupon a portion of the meal was set aside to the one who prepared it as a sign of thankfulness. It was traditional for the guest to set aside one piece of green food known as flarn in the memory of Valen in the seat set aside for his return. Whilst eating, food was consumed with the right hand and after each portion was eaten time was taken out to meditate before it could be ate again. Failure in observing the manner in eating the prepared meal means that the food had to be abandoned as it was no longer sanctified and the cook needed to prepare it all over again. (Episode: Confessions and Lamentations)
In Minbari society, it was believed that a sentient being when they were awake only showed the face that they wanted the world and others to see. As such, females that were involved in a romantic relationship with a male often spent a vigil where they watched over the male across a period of three nights. During this time together, the male slept whilst the female watched him in an attempt at seeing his true face. If she approved of what she observed, their relationship proceeded further. However, if she did not like what she saw - she was entitled to end the relationship after the first night with both parties going down different paths. The male was capable of requesting that the female stay a second night but she was able to leave his chambers whilst he slept. (Episode: Shadow Dancing)
Their people held the view that there was no greater honor than to serve with generations working to create a legacy and tradition. In the service to their clan, an individual was ready to sacrifice everything including their individuality, honor, blood and life. (Episode: There All the Honor Lies) Among their teachings was the third principle of sentient life which they held to be the capacity for self-sacrifice. This was considered to be the conscious ability to override evolution and self-preservation for a friend or a loved one. (Episode: A Voice in the Wilderness, Part 1) Minbari culture taught their kind that it was an honor to save the reputation of others. (Episode: The Quality of Mercy) Their society taught them never to lie as to do so would bring a stain to their honor and soul. Any accusation of lying would lead to an immediate and fatal response from the accused. (Episode: There All the Honor Lies)
Sleep horizontally was seen as tempting death which was why Minbari slept in a vertical position with sleep properly accomplished with meditation. (Episode: Messages from Earth) Warriors were heedless of their own lives in battle but the body was expected to be treated with extreme reverence. The body of an esteemed and revered war leader were often covered with a burial robe. (Episode: Legacies) Each clan had ceremonies and rituals needed for the preparation of the body of the dead. (Episode: There All the Honor Lies) Minbari were taught that in times of pain and death that the afflicted should be ministered as well as comforted. They thought that they needed to comfort those that were in fear and do what they could for them at such moments. All life was considered transitory and was a dream with those that died meeting in another place where no shadows fell. (Episode: Confessions and Lamentations)
One ceremony was the Nafak'cha that was ritual that involved a personal rebirth in order to heal from spiritual wounds. This consisted of meditations, reflection and thoughts of the future as birth of the rebirth ceremony that lasted all day in order to close past pain. It involved telling another a secret that had never been told before and giving away something of great value. (Episode: Ceremonies of Light and Dark)
The Minbari warrior caste consisted of numerous clans which include:
- Star Riders : a notable warrior clan. (Episode: Legacies)
- Windswords :
It was not Minbari way for a single clan to dictate the policy of their government. (Episode: Legacies) No member of the warrior caste would make use of an Earth made PPG as it was seen as an affront to their warrior pride. (Episode: There All the Honor Lies) It was claimed that the warriors loved to fight and hated to lose. A custom of this caste was leaving their starships gun ports open to the other side. This was considered a gesture of friendship and trust as it showed that they were open handed that displayed their respect as well as strength. (Movie: In the Beginning) Members of the warrior caste seemingly did not like foreigners on their homeworld in comparison to the other two castes who were much friendlier to aliens. (Episode: Dust to Dust)
In terms of study, their kind were noted to study mathematics with probability being one such specialized area with skilled Minbari capable of attaining the rank of master adept. (Episode: The Quality of Mercy) Members of the religious caste were trained in martial arts that allowed them to render a person unconscious with a single strike to the back of the head with both hands. (Episode: There All the Honor Lies) They did not believe in any deities but rather that the soul was a non-localized phenomena namely that it's source was not in the body but rather it manifested from the universe itself. As such, they saw the universe itself being conscious in a way that mortals could not truly understand and that it was engaged in a search for meaning. Thus, it broke itself apart and invested its own conscious into every form of life which meant that such life was a part of the universe that was attempting to understand itself. Beyond this belief, they held also a deep respect and reverence to Valen who was considered the greatest of their kind. His acts led to the forming of the Grey Council and bringing peace to the Minbari even though he himself was said to not have been born of Minbar. (Episode: Passing through Gethsemane)
Their telepaths did not act out of monetary gain but did so because it was their calling. Such individuals were greatly respected in Minbari culture who were encouraged and aided in achieving their goals. (Episode: Legacies) In fact, it was considered an honor to aid any true seeker in their quest. (Episode: Passing through Gethsemane) One teaching of the Minbari was, "claim victory in your heart and the universe will follow." (Episode: Voices of Authority)
There were three basic languages with these being Lenn'a, Feek and Adronato with the last being the tongue of the religious caste. (Episode: And Now for a Word) Minbari language had 97 dialects and a number of sub-tongues on their homeworld. (Episode: The Quality of Mercy) In their language, the words "Deh Fers 't" which roughly translated as "I yield to your authority." (Episode: There All the Honor Lies) It was considered inappropriate for members of the religious caste to be taught the more 'colorful' aspects of the English language leading to certain gaps in their vocabulary. (Episode: Divided Loyalties)
Minbari ceremonial coats of welcoming were sometimes provided to outsiders. (Episode: Dust to Dust)
- Bramner : a male member of the religious caste who served in the warrior caste and rose to the post of Shai Alyt in the Earth-Minbari War who eventually died leading to a warrior funeral until Delenn stole the body to comply with his burial requests. (Episode: Legacies)
- Delenn :
- Draal : a male member of the religious caste who was a mentor to Delenn and later bonded with the Great Machine at Epsilon III after taking over the device from Varn. (Episode: A Voice in the Wilderness, Part 1)
- Dukhat : former male ruler of the Minbari whose death led to the Earth-Minbari War. (Movie: In the Beginning)
- Lennier :
- Neroon : a male Alyt warrior from the Star Rider clan who served as the executive aide and assistant to Shai Alyt Bramner. (Episode: Legacies)
- Sinaval : a male warrior who fought in the Earth-Minbari War who committed suicide rather than comply with the surrender made by the religious caste. (Episode: Legacies)
- Lavell : a male warrior who was part of a conspiracy made by the Chudomo family that sought to discredit John Sheridan for his actions in the destruction of the Blackstar. He was killed during a fight with Captain Sheridan that was designed to put him up for charge of murder of a Minbari. (Episode: There All the Honor Lies)
- Ashan : a male of the Third Fane of Chudomo who was involved in the conspiracy with Lavell to discredit Captain Sheridan. (Episode: There All the Honor Lies)
- Lennan : a male member of the Religious Caste who was a fleet captain that participated in the defense of Babylon 5 from Clarke loyal forces and was taken hostage by the Nightwatch in their attempt at removing the Minbari presence at the station. (Episode: Ceremonies of Light and Dark)
- Mongoose Publishing as part of their RPG line for Babylon 5 created a Minbari Federation sourcebook for players.
- Babylon 5: "Legacies"
- Babylon 5: "And Now for a Word"
- Babylon 5: "Confessions and Lamentations"
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