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The Asgardians are a race of gods that features in Marvel Comics.




Among the earliest conflicts fought by the Asgardians was the Aesir/Vanir War with the former being the victors. After that long war, a peace was made whereby King Bor's son, Odin of the Aesir would marry Freyja of the Vanir. The marriage was supposed to culminate in a child of both people that symbolized the unity of the two Asgardian races with this being a daughter who would become Angela with the newborn child being stolen by the Angels of Heven. (Angela: Asgard's Assassin v1 #2)


After the Ragnarok Cycle, the only survivor of their people was Thor Odinson who lamented the loss of his kind. However, he would learn that his fellow gods were not all dead but had been reborn in the form of humans. Thus, after bringing the City of Asgard to Earth, he decided to embark on a quest to find his comrades around the world. (Thor v3 #2)


Through the Allspeak, they were able to speak every language and be understood by every species. (Thor v1 #617)

For healing, they made use of the Elixirs of Renewal that were enchanted potions which would heal the injuries of an Asgardian in a day or two. Only those deserving where healed in this manner as it requires a measure of the Odinforce to empower the potions. (Thor v2 #39)


  • Bor :
  • Odin :
  • Cul :
  • Thor Odinson :
  • Loki :
  • Angela :
  • Vidar Odinson : the son of Odin and the giantess Grid, the large Vidar was banished from Asgard where he lived in the mountains and wedded to the giantess Solveig until she was killed by a trio of storm giants. He returned to Asgard and gained the assistance of Thor to avenge his wife. Vidar was armed with a sword and an enchanted staff with his large frame allowing him to be a match for twenty Asgardians. (Thor Annual v1 #12)
  • Heimdall :
  • Kelda : (Thor v3 #6)
  • Hoder : a white haired elderly blind male who had the ability to see visions of the future and sent with Thor to aid Vidar Odinson who sought vengeance against the storm giants that murdered his wife. (Thor Annual v1 #12)
  • Cyra : a female Asgardian healer. (Thor v2 #39)


  • Asgardians were created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby where they made their first appearance in Journey into Mystery v1 #85 (October 1962).

In other media


  • In Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends, Asgardians were shown in the episode "The Vengeance of Loki". Thor and Loki were both shown as members of this race that populated the realm-eternal of Asgard.
  • In Avengers Assemble, the Asgardians made a number of appearances throughout the cartoon series with Thor being chief among them who sat on the Avengers. In "Avengers Last Stand", Thor told the Squadron Supreme that the Asgardians did not make wishes but rather made war.
  • In Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H., the Asgardians and their homeland appeared in the episode "For Asgard" when Thor invites the Hulk with his allies to that realm. They were noted for being suspicious of outsiders who rarely allowed others to Asgard and even more rarely allowed them to stay permanently. Asgardians followed the strict law of Allfather Odin with one of his rules being that no one was allowed to pull the Odinsword from its resting place. Any breach of that law led to the criminal being imprisoned for thousands of years.


  • In Thor: Tales of Asgard, they were the inhabitants of Asgard that were led by Allfather Odin who was the father of young princes Thor and Loki. Groups within their society included the elite warriors of the Einherjar consisting of the best among the Asgardians and an all female sisterhood namely the Valkyries that lived in their own settlement of Kona Lifandi. The Asgardians had an delicate peace with the Frost Giants of Jotunheim.
  • In Thor, the Asgardians were introduced into the Marvel Cinematic Universe where they were an advanced otherdimensional alien civilization that were seen as god-like beings from Norse mythology.

Video games


  • Journey into Mystery:
  • Avengers:
  • Thor:
  • Loki:
  • Angela: Asgard's Assassin:

External Link

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