Heretic (DC)

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The Heretic is a male comic supervillain that features in DC Comics.




The Heretic was an adult male clone of Damian Wayne who was the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul. Damian was born in secret when the bear slept together with Talia hoping that bearing the Batman's child would unite them as a family to rule the world. However, Batman refused her plans with Talia instead grooming her child to usurp the name Batman but this also failed when Damian sided with his father. As a result, she turned to a new plan namely to make a new heir for herself that was a genetically engineered clone of her own son Damian Wayne that was forcibly grown to adulthood. The Heretic was one of many attempts at cloning Damian with these being done in secret until one was a success.


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities


  • The Heretic was created by Grant Morrison and David Finch where he made his first appearance in Batman and Robin v1 #12 (July, 2010).

Alternate Versions

In other media



  • Batman:

External Links

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