Primus (Pirates of Dark Water)

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Primus was the king of Octopon, who was greatly respected and loved by almost all the people on Mer, except for Bloth. Soon after his first son Ren was born, the Year of the Black Tide began and he took on the responsibility of retrieving the Thirteen Treasures of Rule to stop the Dark Water, entrusting Ren to the care of a very wise lighthouse keeper named [Jenna] and making a promise to return to Octopon and to his son, "completing the circle," before his death. He and his crew of close friends, as well as his spiritual attendant, set off on their dangerous quest. They were able to retrieve the first seven Treasures of Rule, and even succeeded in defeating the monstrous Kiroptus, but upon entering the unexplored Sea Fields of Aymara, they were ambushed by Bloth.

Primus quickly sent his seven captains away with the treasures, giving the compass to his spiritual attendant, but he and Avagon fought and were captured and held prisoner for seventeen years aboard Bloth's ship, the Maelstrom. During this time, Bloth also completely ravaged and plundered Octopon. It was in his seventeenth year of captivity that Primus, now an old man, saw an opportunity to escape in the slightly lax guard of the brigmaster, and managed to get off the Maelstrom on a makeshift raft in the middle of a terrible storm.

He made for the nearest shore, and that shore, completely by chance, happened to be Octopon. Ren, having grown up as an unassuming lighthouse keeper and not knowing anything about his father's identity or past, was keeping watch in the lighthouse and had caught sight of the raft, and when it crashed against the rocks on the shore he rescued the old man and pulled him ashore. Primus recognized his rescuer as his grown son after learning that he had indeed made it back to Octopon and completed the circle. He told Ren as much as he could, pulling on some magical means (or just a very strong and spiritual bond with his son) to make Ren actually see Octopon restored, and to impress on him that that was his goal, before death finally took him.

Video Game

Although Kiroptus appears in the SNES game by Sun Soft, Primus is only mentioned so it is unknown if he fought Kiroptus in that universe.


Note that Primus' confrontation with Kiroptus was only mentioned/shown in the TV series.

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