Jade (Mortal Kombat)

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Revenant Jade in Mortal Kombat 11.

Jade is a female video game character that features in Mortal Kombat.




Original Timeline


Later on, Princess Kitana went renegade where she escaped from Outworld and fled into the unknown regions of Earth. This led to Shao Kahn giving Jade the task of bringing back his daughter alive.

Afterwards, she came to witness the arrival of the reborn Dragon King Onaga and rushed to Edenia to inform the Queen of the fate of Princess Kitana. However, upon returning, she found Queen Sindel had been deposed and imprisoned by Tanya. Thus, Jade worked to free the Edenian Queen and the two escaped the realm by fleeing into Outworld.

Reboot Timeline

During the Armageddon, Shao Kahn ultimately won where all of creation faced destruction but during the last moments of Raiden he managed to his past experiences back to his younger self. This created a change in the timeline as the younger Raiden was guided by the scattered visions of the future where he sought to avert this dark future leading to a different history of events. Born to Edenian nobility, her home realm came to fall to the Emperor Shan Kahn when he conquered it whereupon his family gave their daughter as tribute when she was only a child. This saw her take part in years of rigorous training in the art of kombat where she was eventually awarded the position of Bodyguard of Princess Kitana.


Personality and attributes

Imperial Bodyguard.

She was noted for being a close friend of Princess Kitana.

At some point, she was noted to had met the Osh-Tekk warrior Kotal Ketzz with the two falling in love with one another.

Ultimately, she was a long-time ally to the Edenian Crown.

Powers and abilities

It was known that she had lived for centuries without visibly aging.

For years, she took part in rigorous training in the art of kombat until she became a skilled warrior and bodyguard. In fac, as an assassin, she earned a reputation for being agile and stealthy. She came to be skilled in two fighting styles which included Fan Zi and Kuo Shou.

Jade was a skilled user in the use of the bō longstaff.

Another weapon used by her was the Triblade that had three sharp points which Jade could throw at enemies.

She was armed with a number of Razor-Rangs that she could throw at her enemies.


  • The character was created by John Tobias where she made her first introduced in Mortal Kombat II.

In other media


  • In Mortal Kombat: Defenders of the Realm, the character was slated to had appeared in the 1996 animated television series but Threshold Entertainment came to make an original character called Ruby instead.


  • In Mortal Kombat: Annihilation, Jade appeared in the 1997 live-action film where she was portrayed by actress Irina Pantaeva.

Video games



  • Mortal Kombat II:
  • Mortal Kombat: Armageddon:
  • Mortal Kombat:
  • Mortal Kombat 11:

External Links

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