Super Saiyan 2

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Super Saiyan 2 Goku.

Super Saiyan 2 is a more powerful form of the Super Saiyan, described by Goku as "beyond the Super Saiyan." It can be entered when a Saiyan has maximized the power of the Super Saiyan form, and experiences a moment of true rage.

The Super Saiyan 2 form is like the "normal" Super Saiyan, but for a few differences. Their power increases greatly; their muscles will grow (but not to huge size); their hair remains blonde, stands up straighter and breaks into smaller spikes; their pupils become smaller, giving them a more savage look; and they are surrounded by a crackling, gold-hued aura of energy.

Gohan was the first to achieve the Super Saiyan 2 stage, and was followed by Goku, and Vegeta (as Majin Vegeta).

See also

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