Medusa (Marvel)

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Medusa in IvX v1 #5.

Medusa is a female comic superhero who features in Marvel Comics.




Medusalith Amaquelin was a red-haired female Inhuman who was the daughter of Ambur. (IVX v1 #1) Her father was Quelin and she had a younger sister name Crystalia Amaquelin where they were members of the Royal Family of Attilan. (Women of Marvel v1 #1)

Many years ago, the young Medusa was attending a lesson by Doctor Nial who bade her along with her sister and cousins to learn the history of Attilan. Maximus grew bored and made a challenge that the four of them in the class should make a race to see who would sit on the throne. Working by herself, she came to get caught by her parents where she told them about the game they were playing. This saw her father and mother in the throne room to confront Maximus, Karnak and Crystal that had just arrived at the scene. Whilst being scolded, Medusa decided to sit on the throne thus managing to win the race. (Women of Marvel v1 #1)

At the time of her Terrigenesis, Medusa came to attend the ceremony but was scared as she did not want to undergo the transformation as she did not want to change. However, her mother Queen Ambur managed to conform her and convinced the young Medusa to experience the Terrigen Mists allowing her to gain the ability to control her hair. (IVX v1 #1)



In the aftermath, she came to reside at Avengers Tower where she looked for information about her missing husband and son. It was then that the Queen of the Inhumans was informed that Eldrac the Door had been recovered by S.H.I.E.L.D. where she used him to pass through a portal. Medusa was transported to Des Plaines in Illinois where she found a newly awakened Inhuman being attacked by Lash who had been looking to recover strong Inhumans that were transformed by he Terrigen Cloud. Fighting off Lash, she came to save the young Dante Peruz and smothered the flames he was producing where she offered her aid along with the fact that as an Inhuman he needed to pick a side. (Inhuman v1 #1) Peruz and his family were brought to New Attilan that was situated in the Hudson River where Chief Medical Regent Vinatos was tending to them. The doctor intended to dissect the remains of Peruz's mother who died during her metamorphosis in order to learn more about the contents of the Terrigen Cloud. However, Dante and his sister did not want their mother's remains being desecrated with a fight only being averted by Medusa intervening where she banned any autopsy. She was then informed that she had a meeting with Captain America where she declared that she had set up New Attilan from the remains of their old city where it was sovereign territory ruled by her. In addition, she intended to gather the newly awakened Nuhumans who she placed under her protection as there was general concern that these individuals would be exploited by others. She was then informed that a piece of Attilan was found with A.I.M. looking to steal it but Medusa and Captain America fought them off. Medusa then revealed that it was a damaged air-exchange unit and that she would not part with any piece of her destroyed home. She then made a holographic message to the world about the formation of New Attilan and inviting all Inhumans to come to it as it was their new home. It was then that she had a request for an audience by a Nuhuman by the name of Lineage. (Inhuman v1 #2)


Personality and attributes

Medusalith Amaquelin in A-Force v1 #1.

She was also known by the title of Madame Medusa. (X-Men First Class v2 #15)

She was terrified of undergoing Terrigenesis as she did not want to change at the time but her mother helped comfort her so that she could undergo the transformation. (IVX v1 #1)

Medusa's mother was Queen Ambur who was one of the royals of Attilan. (IVX v1 #1) Her father was an Inhuman of the Royal Family whose name was Quelin. (Women of Marvel v1 #1)

Powers and abilities

Physical blows from her were able to injure even superpowered opponents. (Inhuman v1 #10)

It was shown that she was able to move her hair at incredible speeds and before some of her foes could react. (Fantastic Four v1 #94) She was able to quickly hurl it at a target with whiplash forces. (Fantastic Four v1 #43) In one case, she was able sent a portion of her hair at speeds matching Mach 2 where they delivered a sonic boom at her target. (Beyond! v1 #2) Her reactions were fast enough to respond to a surprise sniper attack whereby she used her hair to block the shots. (Inhuman v1 #4) The irresistible power of her hair could duplicate the contortions of a person's body and seize them in an iron grip allowing her to restrain a person. (Fantastic Four v1 #38) With this, she could capture a person but could equally restrain a group of people. (Fantastic Four v1 #44)

Fighting Medusa was said to be akin to fighting someone with a thousand arms as she was able to shape her hair into various objects for her use including as a whip. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #62) She could wrap her hair around a person's throat in order to strangle them. (Fantastic Four v1 #136)

The strength of her hair was strong enough to lift boulders and crush them in the air. (Beyond! v1 #3)

Medusa could wrap a person capable of producing flames from their body and smothering the fire without suffocating the user. ​(Inhuman v1 #1)


  • Medusa was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby where she made her first appearance in Fantastic Four v1 #36 (March, 1965).

Alternate Versions

In other media


  • In Fantastic Four, Medusa appeared in the animated television series where she was voiced by actress Iona Morris.
  • In Inhumans, Medusa appeared in the live-action television series set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe where she was portrayed by Serinda Swan.
  • In Marvel Future Avengers, Medusa appeared in the setting of the anime series where he was voiced by Japanese actress Hiroko Ushida and by English actress Erica Lindbeck in the dub.

Video games

  • In Marvel: Contest of Champions, Medusa appeared as a playable character in the mobile video game.
  • In Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order, Medusa appeared as a non-playable character in the setting of the video game where she was voiced again by actress Mary Faber.


  • Fantastic Four v1: (1965)
  • Inhumans v1:
  • Fantastic Four:
  • FF v1:
  • FF v2:
  • Uncanny Inhumans v1:
  • IVX v1:
  • Royals v1:
  • Death of the Inhumans v1:

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