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Sargeras is a cosmic being who features in Warcraft.



Sargeras was one of the Titans who was born from a world-soul within the a world in the Great Dark Beyond. Upon emerging as an entity, he joined the ranks of the Titan Pantheon where he came to become their greatest warrior. Originally, he was like the others of his kind as he was considered a just figure who was unable to conceive an act of evil. During this time, the Twisting Nether spawned chaotic evil that began to threat the great work of the Pantheon in bringing order to worlds in the Great Dark. Sargeras was sent to battle them where he managed to easily defeat the weaker demons but began to witness his foes wielding the dark energies of the Void. Around this time, he began to suspect that a more powerful malevolent race of beings existed that were influencing the physical plane from beyond the veil of the Void. This thought disturbed Sargeras but despite that he continued his work in safeguarding the work of the Titans.


Personality and attributes

According to one account, he fell into despair at the endless evils of the demonic races and came to believe that the Titan's vision of an ordered universe was an impossible and pointless endeavour. This saw him coming to believe that chaos and depravity were the only absolutes in the universe leading to his fall into darkness.

Powers and abilities

As a Titan, Sargeras was an incredibly powerful being whose physical form was the size of a planet.

In battle, he wielded a massive blade called the Sword of Sargeras that was said to be hatred made manifest and powerful enough to impale worlds.

Originally, he had been a member of the Pantheon and had served as their chief enforcer. This was until his fall to darkness where he took command of the forces of demons were he became the master of the Burning Legion.


  • Sargeras was created by Blizzard Entertainment where he featured in the setting of the Warcraft universe.


  • Warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness:
  • Warcraft 3:
  • World of Warcraft:

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