Incarnates (To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts)

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The Incarnates are a species that feature in To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts.



The Incarnates (Japanese: 神 ・聖な・る獣 (インカーネート), Hepburn: Kami Seinaru Kemono (Inkānēto)) were hybrid warriors that were created following the discovery of the divine fossils by the Northern Union of Patria. In this time, a civil war had erupted across the lands between the Northern Union and the Southern Confederation of Patria. Looking for an advantage, the Northern Union looked to weaponize the divine fossils and imbue their power within select soldiers who would gain the monsters power as an Incarnate. Elaine Bluelake was a scientist in charge of the project where she was stationed at a secret research facility at École. After perfecting the process, a selected team of soldiers were chosen to be transformed into the mythical hybrid monsters where they were assigned to the Incarnate Solider Unit. Once gathered, they were sent into the field to battle their Southern enemies and were under the command of Captain Hank Henriette.


In appearance, the Incarnates were seemingly human who actually had the power to transform into mythological monsters where they had superhuman abilities. As such, the forms of the various Incarnates varied and depended on the mythological creature they were bonded to whose form they manifested. Most developed a degree of super-strength as a result with varying powers and abilities which could range from o generate substances, flight, high defense, or imperceptibility. They were shown to hold the ability to change between their human form to their Incarnate state. All Incarnates have the ability to self-heal from normal attacks. As such, they were tough to kill and required high-caliber armor-piercing ammo and the special Godkiller bullets to destroy them.

It was said that all Incarnates were doomed to lose their humanity. One account claimed that this was because people ostracised by ordinary humans which distanced them from humanity and made them fall more easily to madness. Some could fall to their instincts leading them to savagely kill humans as a result.


  • Elaine Bluelake : a dark haired woman who was actually human and the scientist responsible for discovering the process that turned people into Incarnates.
  • Hank Henriette : known as the Beast Hunter, Captain Henriette headed the Incarnate Soldier Unit whose Incarnate form was that of a werewolf. He was betrayed by Cain Madhouse and was the only member to not defect after the end of the Civil War whereupon he was assigned with eliminating his former compatriots when they went rogue.
  • Arthur Allston :
  • Beatrice :
  • Cain Madhouse : formerly Cain Withers was the son of the President of the Northern Union of Patria where he became the Vampire Incarnate.
  • Christopher Keynes :
  • Daniel Price :
  • Elizabeth Weezer :
  • John William Bancroft :
  • Karkinos :
  • Miles Byron :
  • Robert Arbell :
  • Roy :
  • Vic :
  • Theodore Sherman :
  • Spector Twilight :
  • Hraesvelgr :
  • Abi :
  • Edgar Beckford :
  • Miglieglia :
  • Francis Wells :


  • The Incarnates were created by Maybe where they featured in the setting of To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts.

In other media


  • In To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts, the Incarnates appeared in the setting of the anime television series.


  • To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts:

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