Mojo (Marvel)

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Mojo in X-Men: Blue v1 #15.

Mojo is a male comic supervillain who features in Marvel Comics.






No longer supported by spines, the race believed that they were free to devote themselves to mental pursuits. They came to demand a race of slaves to do all the tasks they could not or would not do themselves. Thus, they turned to the scientist Arize who created humanoid slaves through genetic engineering and based their appearance on the 'demons' of the Spineless Ones' nightmares. Unknown to the Spineless Ones, Arize secretly planted the seeds in their genetic make-up to eventually turn on their masters and rule Mojoworld justly. Arize was then banished by the Spineless Ones when he refused to build weapons for them. (Longshot v1 #3)



Following M-Day, Beast came to seek out the expertise of scientifically minded supervillains where he would offer his knowledge for their aid in undoing the effects of the Decimation over Mutantkind. Mojo was shown to be among the people that were consulted by Hank McCoy. (X-Men v2 #200) Spyral was also contacted where she showed no interest in saving the species but rather to experiment with them in her Body Shop. (X-Factor v3 #21)

He would next abduct the Avengers Unity Division from the Avengers Mansion and abducted several mystical heroes to make the Avengers of the Supernatural. Once in Mojoworld, both teams were made to take part in a reality show called Martian Transylvania Super Hero Mutant Monster Hunter High School in which the Mutants of the Unity Division were goth outcasts, the rest were football stars and cheerleaders, and the Avengers of the Supernatural were the geeks of the High School. As part of the show, the Scarlet Witch was made to tell Johnny Blaze that she was pregnant but the Spirit of Vengeance was not under the influence of Mojo and really came to believe that it would have an offspring. The Ghost Rider spirit would then possess Blaze was possessed by the spirit and went on a rampage in Mojoworld in order to look for the souls of sinners to punish. At first, the Avengers were not planning to stop the rampaging Ghost Rider but Mojo convinced them to save Mojoworld as there were numerous innocent lives. From a skyscraper, the Ghost Rider was in the process of subjecting the inhabitants of Mojoworld to his Penance Stare but was stopped by the heroes. Thus, Mojoworld was saved with the Avengers of the Supernatural and the Unity Division returning to their universe where they quickly started a pool party. (Uncanny Avengers Annual v1 #1)

After his ratings fell, Mojo's producers came to move him to 'educational broadcasting' forcing him to flee incognito. He then embarked on a new venture where he used the invasive surveillance technology of Mojoworld to spy on people's lives on Earth. Mojo also came to use the anti-Mutant rhetoric that was at an all-time high in order to generate content for his viewers. He then began to recruit a number of assets to aid him in his new voyeuristic endeavour. (X-Force v4 #12) It was then that he established an agency called the Yellow Eye that was being paid great deals of money by every sovereign state to spy on Mutants. (X-Force v4 #9)

Mojo Worldwide

After losing many viewers, Mojo made a desperate gamble to increase his ratings by involving the X-Men where he targeted numerous Mutants on Earth where he placed them in scenarios from their past. (X-Men: Blue v1 #13) To stop him, Magneto and Polaris used their powers to generate a powerful EMP that shut down the Mojoverse technology causing Mojo to lose his connection to the physical plane. He and his followers were discovered to had been trapped on Earth with no ability to return to their home dimension. However, Majordomo reported that their secondary efforts were a success leading to the Mojo News Network being operational on Earth. (X-Men: Blue v1 #15)


Personality and attributes

Ruler of the Mojoverse in Uncanny X-Men v1 #461.
Mojo in X-Men: Gold v2 #7.

He referred to himself by the name of Mojo the Lifebringer. (Longshot v1 #6)

He considered himself to be an artiste with cost being no object in making his dreams a reality. (X-Men Annual v1 #10)

Mojo believed he would bring fertility to the lands that fell under his eye and he intended for its inhabitants to worship him. (Longshot v1 #6)

As a result of his psychosis, he did not like people knowing his secrets. (Longshot v1 #6)

Powers and abilities

Mojo was noted for being one of the extradimensional Spineless Ones. He himself was noted to be an entity and force of anti-nature where his mere presence warped or destroyed the world around him. On Earth, this manifested as red rains, black lightning and negative ion winds. As a creature of anti-life force he was capable of turning nature inside-out. If he remained on a world like Earth for too long then he was able to cause the entire planet to die. (Longshot v1 #6)

He claimed that people worshipping him was responsible for empowering him. (Longshot v1 #6) His life force was so great that it was said to go on endlessly where even the likes of Rogue were unable to take from him. (X-Men Annual v1 #10)

Mojo was capable of absorbing life from living beings that died in his presence. Plant life withered away and animals died in a matter of moments through contact with him. (Longshot v1 #6)

He was able to alter the minds of others making them do what he commanded of them. Through his manipulations, he was capable of leaving a person suffering from severe psychic and physical shock leaving them paralysed as a result. (Longshot v1 #6)

The chair was said to be constructed from bio-technological mechasystems. (X-Men Annual v1 #10)

It was shown that he was capable of wielding magical energy. (X-Men Annual v1 #10)

On Earth, he was secretly in charge of the Yellow Eye that was an agency which was secretly spying on Mutants. It made use of flying insects that had a single eye on them. (X-Force v4 #9)

He was said to rule his home dimension where millions fell under his command. (Longshot v1 #6)

Mojo could concentrate his energy in a citadel that was a metaphysical structure dedicated to him. Within it, he was powerful but he was weaker when he was outside its confines. (Longshot v1 #6)


  • Mojo was created by Ann Nocenti and Arthur Adams where he made his first appearances in Longshot v1 #3 (November, 1985).
  • On Comic Book Resources, it was revealed that originally Nocenti had planned for the character to be a Doctor Strange villain after their introduction in Longshot but after writing New Mutants she decided to make him an X-Men villain.

Alternate Versions

  • In Ultimate v1 X-Men #54 (2005), an alternate version of the character was shown to reside in the Ultimate Marvel universe designated as Earth-1616 with this one being known as Mojo Adams.

In other media


  • In X-Men, Mojo appeared as an antagonist in multiple episodes of the 1990s animated television series where he was voiced by actor Peter Wildman. He first appeared in "Mojovision" where he resembled his comic incarnation that could shoot energy blasts from the tip of his mechanical tail. Mojo's previous star was Longshot but he came to be dissatisfied with his performance and desired something new to thrill his audience. Through Major Domo, he learnt of the X-Men and abducted them through television sets at a shopping mall. Once captured, he made them go through various scenarios for his television shows that he intended to generate large viewing numbers from people watching. However, Longshot sabotaged his efforts and helped to free the X-Men where he had Spiral send them back to Earth rather than face their wrath. In "Longshot", he sent numerous enforcers to pursue Longshot who had lost his memories and sought aid from the X-Men. Mojo personally travelled to the Xavier Mansion and enclosed the area where he had the inhabitants forced to go through a gladiatorial game to generate high viewing numbers but was defeated again.
  • In Wolverine and the X-Men, Mojo appeared as an antagonist in the animated television series episode "X-Calibre" where he was voiced by actor Charlie Adler. He had sent Spiral and the Reavers on a ship to intercept vessels carrying Mutants to Genosha in order to abduct them for his television programs. When Spiral was defeated by Nightcrawler, Mojo saw the X-Men and planned to abduct them in the future for his program. In "Hunting Grounds", he had Nightcrawler and Scarlet Witch abducted where they were forced to fight against a mind-controlled Wolverine. Ultimately, the three X-Men managed to escape and attack Mojo himself but he along with Spiral managed to teleport away safely. Mojo had also declared that the events demanded a sequel which indicated that he was not done with the X-Men.
  • In Avengers Assemble, Mojo appeared as an antagonist in the animated television series episode "Mojo World" where he was voiced by actor Ralph Garman. He operated as the host of gladiatorial matches on board a starship with various extraterrestrial beings viewing the fights. Mojo operated through a humanoid guise that resembled the Mojo Adams incarnation whilst his true form was hidden at his control room.

Video games


  • Longshot v1: #3 (November, 1985)
  • Uncanny X-Men:
  • X-Men v2:
  • Uncanny Avengers Annual v1:
  • X-Force v4:
  • X-Men: Gold:
  • X-Men: Blue:

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