Night City (Cyberpunk)

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Night City is a city that features in Cyberpunk.



Coronado City

Richard Night who was a successful businessman who during the early 1990s came to be concerned by the violence and disruption of the impending Collapse. He saw himself in an unique position to deal with the forthcoming issue. Working mainly on corporate-funded projects, Richard decided to started a side company known as Night International. It began to plan an ideal new city — an environment that would be controlled and ultimately be safe from the ravages tearing the world apart with it being completely planned, self-sufficient, and capable of holding off even the most determined criminals. This city would boast planned neighborhoods dedicated to preserving the feel of different types of nationalities and cultures, as well as a super-modern corporate center that would stand as a shining beacon of enlightened capitalism. It was ambitious, far-reaching, and visionary in its approach. Eventually, Night managed to secure the unheard amount of capital needed to finance such a large-scale project. With the Collapse, many corporations had been looking to establish their own urban areas — controlled zones free of crime, poverty or debt. A place where governments would be corporate-run, allowing optimum zoning and no anti-business elements to interfere with corporate growth. Ideally, it would be a capitalist mecca of opportunity. Night's dream city was tailor-made for their purposes and so he provided the design and construction capacities while these corporations lend in their funds. By 1992, Arasaka, EBM and Petrochem had all signed on with the project, leading to the formation of the Coronado Partnership.

The Free City of Night City


In appearance, Night City was autonomous city located on the border between North and South California, on the Pacific coast of North America.

It was considered a modern multicultural metropolis of the 21st-century, overrun by corporations, corruption, organized crime and gang violence.

Locations within Night City included:

  • Night City Metropolitan Airport :
  • Arasaka Towers :

Organizations in Night City included:

  • Night City Police Department :
  • Arasaka Corporation :
  • Euro Business Machines :
  • Merrill, Asukaga, & Finch :
  • Night International/Corporation :
  • Petrochem :
  • Militech :
  • Trauma Team :

Night City was a democratic mayoralty with a corporate-controlled city council. In mayoral elections, votes are cast via a Data Term using IdentiCard registration software, and the winner of an election is determined by a simple majority of the popular vote. The Night City Council consists of 100 members, each of whom are usually backed by one of the top ten largest corporations present in Night City.


  • Richard Night :
  • Lucius Rhyne :
  • Jefferson Peralez :
  • Johnny Silverhand :
  • Alt Cunningham :
  • Morgan Blackhand :
  • Adam Smasher :
  • Trace Santiago :
  • Marika Takeshi :


  • Night City was created by Mike Pondsmith and featured in the setting of the Cyberpunk universe.

In other media


  • In Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, Night City appeared in the setting of the 2022 web anime television series.

Video games


  • Cyberpunk:

External Links

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