Darth Krayt
Darth Krayt is a male comic character who features in Star Wars.
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A'Sharad Hett was a male Force-sensitive human born a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. He was born on the desert planet of Tatooine, the son of the famed ex-Jedi Knight Sharad Hett and a Tusken Raiders-raised Human woman named K'Sheek. From his earliest days A'Sharad was raised, not only in the ways of the Jedi, but also among the traditions of the nomadic Sand People of his homeworld. He once undertook the ritual of slaying a krayt dragon. While he had grown up informally learning the ways of the Force and lightsaber construction from his father, A'Sharad's formal Jedi training did not begin until shortly after a Hutt-provoked Tusken war designed to increase demand for old weapons, in which the bounty hunter Aurra Sing murdered his father. At this time A'Sharad was fifteen years old, and upon his father's death he gained possession of his father's lightsaber, which A'Sharad continued to use even after constructing his own. He would eventually become a skilled Jar'Kai user. Following his father's death, he was initially taken as the Padawan of Ki-Adi-Mundi, and under the Cerean Jedi Master's watchful eye he partook in a mission to the planet of Malastare. On this mission he worked alongside various members of the Jedi Council, which included Adi Gallia, his own master, Yaddle, Mace Windu, and Even Piell. The mission itself was launched in response to the insurgents of the planet Lannik who declared that they were finally willing to begin peace talks to end the civil war on their planet—the location for the peace meeting was none other than Malastare. After arriving on Coruscant, the teenage Hett learned that Tusken and Human DNA were not biologically compatible and so concluded that his mother was human.
Two years after the Invasion of Naboo, his father's killer, Aurra Sing, resurfaced and A'Sharad accompanied Ki-Adi Mundi and Adi Gallia to track down the Jedi killer to end the threat. They tracked Sing to an uncharted world which had been claimed by Senator Tikkes and his Quarren underlings. Once there, they met up with the Dark Woman, Aurra Sing's former master, who had taken it upon herself to end the threat that her former Padawan presented. With Ki-Adi, Gallia, and the Dark Woman hunting Aurra Sing, A'Sharad was ordered to watch over Senator Tikkes, who was Sing's most recent target. Sing, though, was able to sneak aboard the Senator's vessel. A'Sharad found himself engaged in a deadly duel with his father's killer. Jedi and darksider strove back and forth, slamming each other around, crimson blades clashing. For a little while, it appeared that Sing would slay the young Jedi. However, during the fight, A'Sharad used his anger to overcome Sing, and was able to knock her unconscious. He was, though, able to regain control over his anger and willed himself not to kill the felled bounty hunter. Instead, he turned his prisoner over to Ki-Adi Mundi and the other Jedi Masters.
In the Unknown Regions, Hett encountered a Yuuzhan Vong advance scout ship. Unable to sense his enemies in the Force and unfamiler with their weapons, he was unable to defend himself, so was captured by the Yuuzhan Vong. Imprisoned in the Embrace of Pain, Hett was met by Vergere. He was tortured endlessly by the Embrace and was subjected to the experiments of the Shapers; his cybernetic arm was replaced by an organic one and his left eye was replaced by the eye of a Yuuzhan Vong creature. During his imprisonment, Vergere taught him how to use his agony to open himself to the dark side, and that was when Hett received his vision of his new Sith Order. He had conversations with Vergere and he came to believe that the galaxy was fractured and weak, and that a single will was needed to make it whole and strong again. Shortly after Vergere left him to join with the main invasion force, Hett escaped and destroyed the scout ship, and returned to Korriban. He would later note he could have warned the New Republic of the invasion but refused to, not wanting to expose himself. On Korriban, Hett took the name Darth Krayt, after the fearsome krayt dragon of his homeworld, and reestablished the cult under his leadership, pledging to reunify the galaxy according to the will of the Sith. Unlike the previous incarnation, however, Krayt abolished the Rule of Two, Darth Bane's ancient diktat commanding that there could be only two Sith at any one time—a Master and an apprentice. Instead, there would be the Rule of One—that one being the Sith Order itself, under which there would be many minions. After the Yuuzhan Vong War, Krayt sought to recruit Lumiya to his Order, but she instead chose to side with Vergere and her "creation", Darth Caedus. Although several of his followers resented Caedus and did not consider him a true Sith, Krayt tolerated him as a lightning rod to deflect attention from him. When Caedus went about with the Second Galactic Civil War, the Jedi were distracted away from Krayt's order, which grew in strength, hidden under Korriban's miasma of dark side energy. Darth Krayt tried to undermine the Jedi with a clone of Jaden Korr. During this time of hiding, Darth Krayt was able to keep his operations, and grand displays of the Force, hidden from the Jedi and other Sith, even to the point that Luke Skywalker, Ben Skywalker, and Vestara Kahi could not find the One Sith. He also inserted spies into the New Jedi Order. For more than a hundred years, Krayt grew and strengthened, along with his Sith, on Korriban, surreptitiously planning to bring its vision of peace and order to the galaxy. Krayt's body could not have survived the Yuuzhan Vong implants naturally, but he endured by placing himself in extensive periods of stasis, his mind only open to his closest disciples like the first Darth Wyyrlok. Krayt was living well beyond his standard lifespan and his body began to fail him, his condition kept at bay by healing trances. The Yuuzhan Vong implants caused an exoskeleton of bony outgrowths to surround his body as armor. In 130 ABY, he estimated that they would consume him within a decade or two, and his later interest in Cade Skywalker, motivated by a sense that the young Jedi apprentice in exile had once used the Force to revive his Master from the edge of death, was tied into this fact.
Krayt harnessed that hatred to sabotage a Jedi project that was established for entirely altruistic reasons. The original intent of the Ossus Project was to use Yuuzhan Vong terraforming techniques to restore a barren section of the once-devastated Jedi fortress world of Ossus. When the test proved successful, the response was tremendous. Out of a host of applicants, one hundred worlds were selected for the Yuuzhan Vong terraforming process. Yuuzhan Vong Shapers, overseen by Jedi escorts, produced incredible results. But the Sith tainted the process. Krayt's apprentice Darth Maladi was an expert in Yuuzhan Vong bio-forms and had recruited Zenoc Quah, a rogue Yuuzhan Vong Shaper. Together, they sabotaged the Ossus Project with a Vongspawn virus. On every world on which the Yuuzhan Vong had carried out their work, the vegetation withered, and bony growths—like those once seen on those the Yuuzhan Vong had taken as slaves during their invasion—began forming on the skin of the inhabitants. The Jedi immediately suspected sabotage, but could never prove it. It did not matter; the lingering resentment the galaxy felt towards the Yuuzhan Vong, even decades after their defeat and exile, did Krayt's work for him, and soon the Yuuzhan Vong were accused of trying to restart their genocidal crusade against the galaxy by other means. The results were everything he could have hoped for. The Jedi, devoted to the truth above all, defended the Yuuzhan Vong and encouraged the Galactic Alliance to support them. The Empire reacted accordingly; members of the Council of Moffs demanded retribution (quite possibly instructed to do so by Krayt himself) and, invoking the Treaty of Anaxes, declared war on the Alliance. Emperor Roan Fel went along, albeit reluctantly, feeling it was the best course for the Empire in a dangerous galaxy, but never entirely supported it, even keeping his Imperial Knights out of the fighting. In addition to war with the Empire, the Alliance found itself facing dissension from within its own ranks. Worlds that had suffered the most under the Yuuzhan Vong now aimed their resentment at the Alliance; many of them refused to support the Alliance and actively sided with the Empire, while others just stood by and watched under the banner of neutrality. So divided, the Alliance was easy to conquer. In three years, the Galactic Alliance was forced into surrender and the Empire absorbed all its former holdings, even reclaiming Coruscant as the Imperial throneworld. It was a reversal of the galactic order that no one could have foreseen, or believed was possible. But despite the grandeur of this victory, it was but a stepping stone for Krayt. Quite possibly he felt that it would be easier to establish his definition of order over the galaxy under an Empire than under a democratic government, even if that Empire was no longer the absolute tyranny his predecessor Darth Sidious had originally intended.
Personality and attributes
In appearance, A'Shara Hett was a male human who came to be adopted by members of a Tusken Raider tribe. This saw him adopt the garments that were commonly worn by the Sand People. Upon becoming a Sith, he came to take the name of Darth Krayt for himself. In that role, he came to be known as the Dragon of the Sith and was referred to as the Dark Man.
It was shown that he was not above having his subordinates kill their fellow Sith in order to prove their loyalty to him.
Powers and abilities
A'Sharad Hett was a Force-sensitive human who was able to tap into the collective energy field known as the Force. With this, he was able to achieve a number of feats ranging from enhanced physical abilities, telepathy and telekinesis.
After falling to the Dark Side, he came to train in the ways of the Dark Side of the Force and became a Sith. In that time, he came under the tutelage of the Dark Jedi XoXaan who became one of the first Lords of the Sith. He was able to use Force lightning that was a noted power of the Dark Side.
Originally, A'Sharad Hett was an adoptive member of a Tusken Raider tribe that lived on the planet Tatooine. He would later be taken into the ranks of the Jedi Order where he trained as a Jedi Knight. This was until the Jedi Order's destruction in the Dark Times where he was one of the few surviving Jedi. By this point, he came to fall to the teachings of the Dark Side whereupon he came to align to the Sith. Serving him were the One Sith that was a reformed Sith order that followed the principles dictated by him.
- A'Sharad Hett was created by Timothy Truman, Tom Raney and Rod Pereira where he made his first appearance in Star Wars: Republic v1 #7 (June, 1999).
- The character was later revealed to be Darth Krayt in Star Wars: Legacy v1 (August, 2007) by John Ostrander and Jan Duursema.
- Star Wars: Republic v1: (1999)
- Star Wars: Legacy v1: (2007)
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