Skinless Man

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The Skinless Man in Uncanny X-Force v1 #27.

The Skinless Man is a male comic supervillain who features in Marvel Comics.



Harry Pizer was a male human Mutant who used to be a barrister during the Cold War. He was very successful at his job thanks to his mutant power where his elastic and multi-sensory skin enabled him to excel at espionage. He would use his talents to give himself an unfair advantage by reading or taking important papers that he needed to win his cases. His actions eventually drew the suspicion of a man he only knew as Father who offered the barrister a place in a weapon development program called Weapon Plus. He was informed that not only would he be helping his country during the Cold War but that this would buy Father's silence about his illegal activities. (Uncanny X-Force v1 #22)

The Weapon Plus program augmented his strength, and increased his skin's durability and elasticity. Designated as Weapon III, Father had sent him to gather intelligence on the Soviets where Pizer claimed to had sentenced thousands of death as he proved to be an effective operative. It was noted that he came to meet a fellow Weapon Plus agent called Fantomex where they had worked on several jobs together. Later on, Pizer was sent on a mission to recover a relic called the Orb of Necromancy that had the power to give life to the inanimate. Sent into Otherworld, Harry was deployed on his assignment which proved to be a bloody affair but Pizer managed to eventually succeed in his task. However, just as he got the Orb, he was confronted by Fantomex who had been dispatched by someone else in Weapon Plus to stop Father from succeeding in his goal. Despite being a fellow agent, Pizer was shot by Fantomex and left for dead. Eventually. he was found by the Captain Britain Corps and brought before Sir James Braddock, Sr. who proceeded in judgement over Pizer. He ordered the man's skin be removed from his body yet still remain alive to witness it with this being seen as punishment for all the men he killed in order to acquire the Orb. Trapped within the jigsaw jails of the citadel, Pizer came to learn that Fantomex had later stolen Harry's skin and used it to create sentient bullets that can never miss. (Uncanny X-Force v1 #22)

When Fantomex was brought in front of the Britain Corps to face his crimes. Weapon III', a.k.a the Skinless Man, later learned that Fantomex had returned to Otherworld and stole his special skin. Looking for revenge, he taught his muscle to do what his skin used to do. Psylocke helped Fantomex escape his sentence, but before they could escape, the Skinless Man ambushed them. He cut the skin off of Fantomex's face as revenge for losing his skin. Betsy then used Krokwell's poison to get rid of the Skinless Man, freeing Fantomex. The Skinless Man fleed, whilst Betsy learnt the rest of X-Force were in danger in Otherworld. (Uncanny X-Force v1 #23)


Personality and attributes

As a Weapon Plus operative, he was given the code name of Weapon III. Due to his abilities though, he also came to be referred to as the Skinless Man. (Uncanny X-Force v1 #22)

He considered Fantomex a 'brother' on account for both of them being agents of Weapon Plus. (Uncanny X-Force v1 #22)

Powers and abilities

The Skinless Man was a Mutant who had an elastic and multi-sensory skin that he could manipulate at will. His skin was was sensitive enough that he could read printed text by feeling faint dents on a page. He could stretch it to at least several meters from his body. Originally, he used these talents to aid him in his work life as a barrister where he used his stretchable skin to give him an unfair advantage over others. The Weapon Plus program greatly enhanced the durability and expansion of his skin that allowed him to use it as weapon. He could stretch it into tendrils strong enough to strangle multiple victims at once. (Uncanny X-Force v1 #22)

Brought before the Captain Britain Corps, they came to strip him of his skin in a way that kept Pizer alive as punishment for his actions. After his skin was removed, he taught his muscles to expand and contract on a molecular level. It was shown that he could turn the muscles on his arms into tendrils and use them to whip distant targets with them to knock a person unconscious. He could also use them to wrap around a person to apprehend them and even crush them. The Skinless Man had said that his muscles responded to his mental thoughts quickly and that he could command them faster than a telepath could control his mind. (Uncanny X-Force v1 #22)

Originally, Pizer served as a barrister until he was recruited into the Weapon Plus program. He came to be enhanced to serve as a supersoldier operative where he worked under the figure known as Father. (Uncanny X-Force v1 #22)


  • The Skinless Man was created by Rick Remender and Greg Tocchini where he made his first appearance in Uncanny X-Force v1 #21 (February, 2012).

Alternate Versions


  • Uncanny X-Force v1: (2012)

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