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Martok is a male extraterrestrial television character that features in Star Trek.



Martok was a male Klingon who was the son of Urthog.

Maintaining its Martok disguise, the Changeling led the newly completed Klingon flagship the Negh'var along with a cloaked fleet to Deep Space 9 on 49011.4. (DS9: The Way of the Warrior)

Later that year, Martok was given command of the Bird-of-Prey IKS Rotarran with orders to locate the missing cruiser IKS B'Moth, however, having been confined for over a year, he was hesitant about his command ability. With the Rotarran's crew already low on morale due to a string of defeats against the Dominion, Martok requested Worf join him as his first officer. During the mission, Martok was extremely cautious in his command of the ship, deliberately avoiding opportunities to engage the Jem'Hadar in battle. The situation came to a head when the crew of the Rotarran nearly mutinied, but due to Worf's challenge of Martok's leadership, this was averted. The ensuing fight was very much one-sided in Worf's favor; at one point, the bridge crew began chanting Worf's name, expecting him to be victorious. Worf pinned Martok against a console and pointed his d'k tahg centimeters from Martok's chest. At that moment, the two men exchanged glances, and Worf sensed that the warrior spirit within his commanding officer was returning. Seeing this, Worf subtly let his guard down, allowing Martok to defeat his first officer with a stab to the abdomen. The general immediately gained the crew's loyalty, and he remembered his duty as a soldier of the Empire. (DS9: Soldiers of the Empire)

Near the onset of the Dominion War, Martok patrolled the Cardassian border to watch for the Dominion invasion fleet. During the ensuing battle at Deep Space 9, the Rotarran played a critical role in defending the USS Defiant long enough for a minefield of self-replicating mines to be deployed. (DS9: Call to Arms)

As the war continued, Martok saw fit to remain with the Rotarran, making it his flagship. In mid-2374, he was appointed Supreme Commander of a combined Starfleet and Klingon Ninth Fleet, a position Martok resented due to the amount of paperwork and bureaucracy involved as well as his "elderly assistant", Darok. (DS9: You Are Cordially Invited) A few days after Operation Return, Martok sent several scout ships to the Cardassian border to check for signs of Dominion activity. (DS9: Resurrection) Later that year, Martok dispatched three squadrons of Klingon attack cruisers to bolster the Dorala system's defense perimeter. Colonel Kira Nerys was confident that Martok would ensure the Klingons held the line until Starfleet reinforcements arrived. (DS9: The Reckoning) In 2375, Martok temporarily commanded the IKS Ch'Tang during his raid on Trelka V. (DS9: Once More Unto the Breach) In mid-2375, a Changeling named Laas was discovered and brought aboard Deep Space 9. During his time on the station, Laas killed one of the Klingon soldiers, resulting in a furious reaction from Martok, who asked for him to be detained while a magistrate determined whose jurisdiction the situation fell under. (DS9: Chimera)


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities

It was said that the history of the Hosue of Martok was an honourable one and held a proud tradition. (DS9: The Way of the Warrior) He was married to Sirella who became the mistress of the House of Martok and in charge of its dealings. (DS9: You Are Cordially Invited) It was known that General Martok had a son by the name of Drex. (DS9: The Way of the Warrior)


  • Martok was portrayed by actor J. G. Hertzler where he featured in the setting of Star Trek: Deep Space 9.

In other media

Video games

  • In Star Trek: Armada, Martok appeared in the setting of real-time strategy-based 2008 video game where he was voiced by actor John Garman Hertzler Jr.



  • Star Trek: Deep Space 9:

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