Henry Hayes (Marvel)

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Henry Hayes in Deathlok v5 #1.

Henry Hayes is a male comic superhero who features in Marvel Comics.




Henry Hayes

Henry Hayes worked at Doctors Without Borders where during his duty he came to lose a leg in a suicide bomber attack in Kandahar. Hayes was taken care of by the company Biotek, who provided him with a composite fiber prosthesis. Upon being placed under mind-control, Henry Hayes became Deathlok, where he was used as an assassin, a soldier, a killer, a fighter, and an operative. He had participated in at least one armed conflict alongside organized troops, and assassinated countless people even in populated areas. He was even once close to being captured by S.H.I.E.L.D. when a mission went bad in Russia. Henry Hayes was often memory-wiped and did not remember his assignments. While at MTA Metro-North station, he tried to engage discussion with another leg amputee and advised him to contact Biotek, as his own prosthesis were plastic ones as it was the only kind his pension afforded him thus forcing the man to use crutches. This man left seemingly displeased with the discussion. Immediately afterward, he met Seth Horne, an off-duty S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who was present when the eye of the Watcher Uatu exploded, releasing a blast of energy which revealed deep secrets to anyone in its radius. To Horne, it revealed Hayes' true story whereupon the level 4 agent wanted to congratulate him, stating that S.H.I.E.L.D. would wish to have him in their ranks. As Henry Hayes really did not know what Horne was talking about, he threatened to call the authorities, forcing the agent to leave after a last congratulations. Immediately, Henry Hayes was ordered to kill him as the announcement board of the station indicated the words "Whiskey David", triggering Henry Hayes' Deathlok persona. After following Seth Horne into the restroom, Deathlok quickly executed him, left, took some medications, and returned to his civilian life heading to the train to join his daughter Aria. (Original Sins v1 #1)

Biotek later had one of their employees meet with Hayes at his home in New Jersey seemingly to tend to his prosthetic leg. This was simply a cover for his eventual deployment on a covert assignment in Switzerland a week later. Control had him intercept a moving train to obtain a package being held by a Mr. Hauser who was an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. on assignment. Breaking into a carriage, Hayes massacred all opposition and killed his target where he successfully acquired his objective. Cover-up measures were then employed where all recording equipment from passengers were destroyed whilst the lead car was separated from the train. This caused it to crash thus killing everyone on-board ensuring no evidence of his deployment. The Deathlok was then exfiltrated by a Biotek helicopter and a mind wipe initiated to make Hayes forget the events of his mission. Afterwards, he went on a Doctors Without Borders mission to Venezuela seemingly to help those during the recent protests, Upon arriving at the airport, the Deathlok programming activated with Hayes contacting Control with Biotek having shipped out his equipment to him. They had sent him on this mission as a favour to the government who wanted the elimination of the rebel faction among the protestors. Ambushing the rebels, he came to find that they had hired the Black Tarantula to aid them. However, they were all taken by surprise and the Black Tarantula was seemingly killed by a sniper bullet to the head. With all enemies dead, Deathlok was ready for exfiltration with Control ready to reprogram him once he had returned back to base. (Deathlok v5 #1)


Personality and attributes

At Biotek, Control came to refer to himself as Mustang during his deployment as a Deathlok. (Deathlok v5 #1)

As Deathlok, he served as a soldier, operative, fighter and an assassin. (Original Sins v1 #1)

He had a teenage dark haired daughter named Aria Hayes. His daughter had not been into dolls for quite some time but despite that Henry kept one of them on his shelf as a reminder of when she was little. (Deathlok v5 #1)

Powers and abilities

Originally, Henry Hayes was born an ordinary human being who by adulthood was trained as a doctor and a soldier. During his service, he came to lose a leg where he was offered a cybernetic prosthetics by Biotek. Unknown to him, the company actually used Hayes as subject of their experiments in creating a cyborg soldier using mind control to hide the nature of his missions from him. Hayes was a cyborg killer whose body was infused with the most high-tech and sophisticated weaponry in the world. (Original Sins v1 #1)

Biotek maintained control over Hayes through the use of mind control. They always tended to wipe his memories following a mission. From the company's headquarters, they could remotely trigger his programming forcing Hayes to adopt his Deathlok programming to perform a mission such as assassination. Once the mission was complete, he returned back to his normal persona with no knowledge of his prior actions. (Original Sins v1 #1)

Initially, Hayes had been in the U.S. Armed Forces until he was injured during duty. Afterwards, he became a medic where he worked for Doctors Without Borders where he helped treat the injured and wounded around the world on battlefields. (Original Sins v1 #1)


  • The Henry Hayes Deathlok was created by Nathan Edmondson and Mike Perkins where he featured in Original Sins v1 #1 (August, 2014)
  • In a post on Tumblr, Tom Brevoort commented that the characters introduction was a planned in reaction to Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. planning to implant their own version of Deathlok with the editor intending to use this opportunity to bring back Michael Collins, but the concept changed leading to the creation of Henry Hayes.


  • Original Sins v1: (2014)
  • Deathlok v5:
  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. v1:
  • Absolute Carnage: Lethal Protectors v1: (2019)

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