Ice Warrior (Doctor Who)

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An Ice Warrior.

The Ice Warriors are a reptilian species from Doctor Who.



The Ice Warriors were the indigenous native inhabitants of the planet Mars. (Episode: Empress of Mars) Mars was noted for being the jewel of the solar system thousands of years ago. (Episode: Cold War) It was believed that the Martians had once long ago encountered the water-based viral parasite known as the Flood which they came to imprison within an underground glacier. (Episode: The Waters of Mars) In time, their world became a dying planet and it was believed that the Martians were looking for a new home. (Episode: The Seeds of Death)

Mars was later engulfed in a brutal civil war causing many of the Ice Warriors going into hibernation. (Episode: Empress of Mars) Around 5,000 years ago, the great Grand Marshal Skaldak crashed on Earth's North Pole and was frozen in the ice for thousands of years. (Episode: Cold War) By the 19th century, Mars atmosphere had evaporated to the point that it could no longer sustain Ice Warrior life. (Episode: Empress of Mars)


Grand Marshal Skaldak showing his face.

In appearance, they were a race of green skinned reptilians with red eyes. Typically, they were seen wearing large bulky suits of armour that could open for them. (Episode: Cold War) Ice Warriors were believed to hold a far greater fluid content than human beings. (Episode: The Ice Warriors) They came from a cold planet and were said to had adapted to it to the point that they could not stand heat. (Episode: The Seeds of Death) It was said that their vulnerability to extreme heat was not a biological trait but rather a flaw in their survival armour that could not cope with sudden increases in temperature that were not fixed. (Episode: Cold War) In Earth-like environments, the differences in atmosphere and gravity caused the Ice Warriors to perpetually wheeze or move slowly. (Episode: The Seeds of Death) When speaking, they were shown to do so in a drawn-out hiss. (Episode: The Ice Warriors)

A further class of Martian were the Ice Queens that were elaborate more streamlined armour. (Episode: Empress of Mars)

Ice Warriors were noted for being a savage and war-like race. (Episode: The Curse of Peladon) Yet, legends also spoke of them as a fine and noble race who had built an empire out of snow. (Episode: The Waters of Mars) They were noted for being a proud people with it being held as their duty to command. It was said that hives of their kind would do anything to defend their world. As a race, they followed the way of the warrior with them considering that death in battle being honourable. (Episode: Empress of Mars) Their people had a strong sense of personal honour with those whose life were saved by another feeling obligated to aid their rescuer. (Episode: The Curse of Peladon) It was considered incredibly dishonourable to remove their armour with this only being done so in the most extreme of circumstances. (Episode: Cold War) As a race of warriors, they were trained to kill. (Episode: The Ice Warriors) Other races were able to get the respect of the Ice Warriors with some being anointed as an Honorary Guardian of a Hive. (Doctor Who: Empress of Mars)

Ice Warriors society was divided into hives such as the Tythonian Hive. (Doctor Who: Empress of Mars) Their society was divided into a caste structure that included the Tharseesian Caste. (Episode: Cold War) Their people made use of tombs whereby sarcophagi were used to house the deceased. These solid caskets were often part of a complex hive system with the sarcophagus decorated with jewels. (Episode: Empress of Mars)

As a people, their civilization was compared to the Vikings of Earth. They were capable of great contrasts with them able to build cities beneath the sand yet stain the lands with blood yet cry at the falling of the petals from a rose. (Episode: Empress of Mars) An Ice Warrior motto was, "Attack one of us, attack all of us". (Episode: Cold War) One of their known languages was that of Ancient North Martian. (Episode: The Waters of Mars)


It was said that the indigenous Martians were superb engineers. (Episode: The Empress of Mars) Their technology was constructed from trisilicate that could only be found on the planet Mars. (Episode: The Curse of Peladon)

They wore complex bio-mechanical armour for protection with the creature inside being at one with it. (Episode: Empress of Mars) It was said that their armour and helmet was reminiscent of Earths Vikibgs. (Episode: The Ice Warriors) The fingers on the armour where able to extrude long cables that could connect to machinery allowing the Ice Warrior to take over equipment and technology for their purposes. (Episode: Cold War) Their armours headpieces were noted for being sophisticated space helmets. (Episode: The Ice Warriors)

Hibernation systems that could sustain entire hives of Ice Warriors. (Episode: Empress of Mars)

Their vessels were armed with weapons that included artillery cannons. (Episode: The Empress of Mars)


  • Skaldak : a male Grand Marshal who was the greatest hero the proud Martian race had produced with him being the sovereign of the Tharseesian caste and the vanquisher of the Phobos Heresy. Thousands of years ago, he commanded the Nix-Thassis fleet with his daughter and was so respected by his foes that they carved his name on their flesh before they died. Around 3,000 BC, he crash landed on Earth's North Pole where he was frozen in the ice until awoken in 1983. (Episode: Cold War)
  • Iraxxa : a female Ice Queen who ruled a hive on Mars but was forced to enter into hibernation for five thousand years until the 19th century. (Episode: Empress of Mars)
  • Friday : a male Ice Warrior who served as a sentinel to Ice Queen Iraxxa who was in hibernation though he crashed on Earth during the 19th century where he convinced a band of British Victorian era soldiers to go to Mars to help find more of his kind. The name was not his real name but one given by the British soldiers with it being a reference to Robinson Crusoe. (Episode: Empress of Mars)
  • Varga :
  • Izlyr :


  • The Ice Warriors were originally created by Brian Hayles where they made their first appearance in the 1967 serial episode The Ice Warriors.

In other media


  • In Doctor Who: GodEngine, the Ice Warriors appeared in the setting of the Virgin New Adventures novel written by Craig Hinton and published by Virgin Books. The Ice Warriors were once visited by the godlike Osirans, who cruelly and callously used them as little more than labourers on their construction projects. Millions of years BC, the Martians were a migratory species. They evolved to the point that all their waste products were recycled. Circa 5000 BC, the Ice Warriors realised that complete devotion to the concepts of war would destroy their species in the same manner as the Osirans. Using their legends and race memories, they created a peaceful religion that taught pacifism and compassion. This became the doctrine of the Order of Oras.


  • In Doctor Who: Lords of the Red Planet, Ice Warriors appeared in The Lost Stories produced by Big Finish Productions. The original Saurian Evolutionaries, later known as Ice Warriors, were created by the Gandorans as a slave warrior race via forced evolution of the non-sentient, turtle-like Saurians. While the original batch of Ice Warriors, used by Gandoran dictator Zaadur to slaughter her own people, was killed, the Doctor, knowing that they would once rule the planet, speculated that Quendril either had more of them created at a later point, or that they evolved naturally from the Saurians.
  • In Doctor Who: Frozen Time, Ice Warriors appeared in the setting of the story published by Big Finish Productions. At some point, a group of Ice Warriors led by Lord Arakssor were convicted for warmongering. Their sentence was to life imprisonment in a prison in Antarctica. An Ice Warrior attacked the prison in an attempt to escape. However, this flooded the prison, trapping everyone beneath the ice in suspended animation. Looking at the body of the Seventh Doctor, who was also trapped beneath the ice, Genevieve Marceau estimated this time as millions of years before 2012.
  • In Doctor Who: The Judgement of Isskar, the Ice Warriors appeared in the setting of the story published by Big Finish Productions. At some point, the Martian civilisation was made of peaceful people who were not warriors but artisans who hunted for food and never experienced war. In this era, their world was a thriving planet with the native sentient species thriving for twelve thousand years. Though they preferred the cold, one settlement was built in the equator but the construction of its shelled shaped buildings allowed for a cooler environment and waterways kept the populace fulfilled. Their sense of honour stretched back from this time as their civilisation was based on a gift economy in which things were given freely and receivers gave something back in return. It was a world of craftsmen, builders and farmers which built wondrous pyramids on their home planet.


  • Doctor Who:

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