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The warlord Attuma in Indestructible Hulk v1 #5.

Attuma is a male comic supervillain who features in Marvel Comics.





Atlantean barbarian in Fantastic Four v1 #33.

Attuma was a male Atlantean born as the son of Attukar who was the chief of the Chasm People. (King in Black: Namor v1 #1)

He lived in the oceans of the world where he was a member of a barbarian Skarka Tribe that had been banished from Atlantis long ago. As a young child, he was captured by a barbarian warrior by the name of Rorak with his mother being killed in the initial raid after Attuma let a clot of blood form in her heart. After seeing this, Rorak became impressed with the boy and decided to spare his life. Instead, Attuma was made into a slave where he lived in such a state for years. He later led a slave reolt and fled into the Murky Depths where alongside his Skarka brethren he raised an army that numbered in the thousands that killed many of Rorak's minions and saw Rorak himself flee for his life. (Fear Itself: The Worthy v1 #1)

During these years, he and the Chasm People attended an event at Atlantis that marked the unity between their people and the Atlanteans. During this time, he became acquainted with Prince Namor and the Lady Dorma where he also witnessed the Atlanteans champions who were the Swift Tide. (King in Black: Namor v1 #1)

After defeating some raiders, he was informed about the nature of their mission which was to find the long lost Unforgotten Stone. This mystical relic was a key to a prison containing the Great Old Ones who once long ago ruled the seas until they were defeated by the Atlanteans. Thus, the Swift Tide was tasked with ensuring the relic was not used to open the seal containing the great threat. In reality, the stone was uncovered by humans who thought it a source of great power but their experiments opened a doorway into the evil within it. This dark energy spilled into the water as the Swift Tide entered the scene where they managed to push Namor, Attuma and Dorma to safety but were themselves consumed by it. This saw them transformed into dark denizens of the Great Old Ones where they came to serve their new masters. (King in Black: Namor v1 #2)

At some point, his people came to relocate to a place known as the Murky Depths. (Fantastic Four v1 #33) Since childhood, it was prophesised that he would one day lead his people and since then he had taken up the sword. (Dark Reign: Made Men v1 #1) In time, he became a powerful warrior among his people with his ruthless nature securing his position as leader. (Fantastic Four v1 #33)

By adulthood, he had sired a number of child with his firstborn being a daughter by the name of Andromeda that he had with Lady Gelva. (Iron Man Annual v1 #10) Attuma was disappointed that he did not have a son but had the girl trained as a warrior. (Iron Man Annual v1 #10)


Attacking the surface in X-Factor Annual v1 #4.

As an adult, the barbarian warlord Attuma sought to claim his destiny and attempted to conquer Atlantis that was ruled by Prince Namor the Sub-Mariner. Determined to fulfill the ancient Atlantean prophecy, he amassed an army of thousands and stormed Atlantis. The Atlantean army successfully held the hordes off until the jealous Lady Dorma allowed Attuma to enter. The military forces battled and while Namor’s men grew weaker and ran short on supplies, Attuma’s men had a steady stream of reinforcements and supplies coming in. Realizing her mistake, Dorma rushed to the surface to get the Fantastic Four. Impressed by Namor’s commitment to his cause, Attuma ordered the Globules of Darkness to be unleashed against the Atlanteans, and the army was blinded. Namor challenged Attuma to a hand-to-hand duel, unaware that Attuma had prepared several traps to defeat Namor beforehand, but the Fantastic Four stopped them. When Namor shattered Attuma’s sword, Attuma brought forth two disintegrator rays from his helmet, but Namor turned invisible due to the Invisible Girl and stopped Attuma. Namor had Attuma and his forces thrown outside the gates thus leading to their banishment from Atlantis. (Fantastic Four v1 #33) Attuma, needing to save face with his armies after his retreat, put together a scheme to gain a small victory against the surface world, hoping to learn more about the surface dwellers as well. He positioned a base just under the ocean’s surface and prepared a generator in which to trap a surface plane. Once a plane was trapped, Attuma demanded that a particular surface female, who happened to be the Wasp, be brought to him, and the rest of the plane’s passengers were let go. While the Wasp was held in a paralysis beam, Giant-Man came to rescue her. Attuma proposed an alliance with Giant-Man, who turned him down. Giant-Man and the freed Wasp battled Attuma’s army with their size-changing powers, leading Attuma to believe that all surface men had such powers. He trapped the two heroes in a vault and tried to drown them, but was unsuccessful. Attuma left the surface with a vow to never return. (Tales to Astonish v1 #64) In an attempt to rule the surface world, Attuma had his forces scour the ocean floors for all traces of Nautilium. With a giant gun he had constructed, Attuma planned to launch the Nautilium to the surface, where it would make oxygen unbreathable for normal humans, allowing Atlanteans to rule the world. There was only enough Nautilium for one shot. Iron Man attacked and successfully fought off Attuma’s pincer tank and patrol craft. Attuma attacked Iron Man with a laser gun, but Iron Man disoriented Attuma by swimming quickly around him. By feigning retreat, Attuma trapped Iron Man in a cage, but the hero escaped. Before the Nautilium could be fired, Iron Man destroyed it with a crashing submarine. (Tales to Astonish v1 #66)

Attuma developed a tidal enhancer that would slowly raise the tides and flood the surface world. He set up a base three hundred miles east of Cape Hatteras. When a surface woman was swimming above Attuma’s base, he assumed she was a spy and took her captive. Attuma did not recognize the woman, who was the Wasp. The Wasp radioed the Avengers for help, and when Captain America, Quicksilver, and the Scarlet Witch came to investigate, Attuma plucked their aircraft out of the sky with mechanical pincers. Attuma fired a sleep-gun at the Scarlet Witch and defeated Quicksilver in solo combat, Captain America was defeated by Attuma’s forces. When Attuma’s army claimed that Attuma won an unfair victory due to the surface heroes being weakened by the extremely humid air, Attuma ordered the captives be revived to fight him again, this time with oxygen helmets. He battled them until the Scarlet Witch’s hex shattered a pillar, flooding the chamber. (Avengers v1 #26) Now in his natural element, Attuma easily bested Captain America and the Scarlet Witch, though Quicksilver was more evasive. Another hex knocked Attuma to the side and sent Quicksilver rushing to the surface. After his ship was repaired, Attuma submitted to taunts by Captain America and showed the heroes his control center for the tide machine. Hawkeye and Quicksilver attacked, and commandeered a tank with the deadly Y-Ray weapon on it, causing Attuma to flee. While the four heroes headed back for the surface, Attuma attempted to destroy them by using his flood-tide machine to increase the pressure around their ship. The plan backfired, however, and Attuma’s base exploded. (Avengers v1 #27)

Attuma led his forces in another attack on Atlantis, and Attuma was forced to retreat by Namor. Attuma, vowing revenge, addressed his armies and made destroying Namor and Atlantis his sole mission. When a robot suddenly landed near Attuma’s base, he assumed it was an attack by Namor and tried to destroy it with a powerful nutro-ray. Realizing that the robot was unprogrammed, Attuma accessed its control box and sent the robot to attack Atlantis. (Tales to Astonish v1 #88) Attuma watched as Namor tried several tactics against the robot, and demanded that Namor surrender. After Namor successfully contacted the robot’s alien owners, they took the robot away, and Attuma was forced to retreat yet again. (Tales to Astonish v1 #89) Attuma formed an alliance with Warlord Krang and Byrrah. Attuma agreed that if Byrrah could replace Namor’s rule in Atlantis, that he would consider Byrrah an equal. Byrrah was successful in dethroning Namor by beating Namor in solo combat, and by using a hypnosis machine on the Atlantean people. (Tales to Astonish v1 #90) Attuma and Krang joined Byrrah in Atlantis’ throne room, agreeing to share the empire once Namor was defeated, so Byrrah sent Namor off to his death. When Lady Dorma reversed the hypnosis effect, the people turned on Byrrah, as did Attuma and Krang. Attuma turned his attentions to destroying Atlantis instead of ruling it, and powered up a gun, his ‘supreme weapon,’ that would do so. When Namor returned and destroyed the gun, both Attuma and Krang retreated. (Tales to Astonish v1 #91)

Attuma came to observe as the Atlantean people exiled Namor, and abandoned their city to live elsewhere. When Attuma learned the whereabouts of the Atlantean people from his scouts, he prepared for battle, determined to either enslave or exterminate the Atlanteans. As he addressed his troops, one of them, Gorgul, challenged Attuma’s rule and wanted to combat him, but Attuma quickly quieted Gorgul with a blow. The vast army attacked the Atlanteans in great force and the Atlanteans were quickly overwhelmed. Attuma took Seth, Dorma, and Vashti captive and enslaved the Atlantean people. He bantered with his court fool, Saru-San, who continually questioned Attuma’s prowess. When Kor-Konn, one of Attuma’s soldiers, brought a chained Namor before Attuma, Attuma was furious that Namor hadn’t been slain. Namor quickly freed himself and was shocked when he saw the enslaved Atlanteans. Attuma lied to Namor, saying Namor’s closest friends had been killed. Namor challenged Attuma to solo combat, and Attuma had no choice since his army had heard the challenge. Attuma put on his powered armor and began beating Namor in combat. When Gorgul betrayed Attuma and freed Dorma from her captivity, he paid with his life, but not before he showed her how to deactivate the machine that powered Attuma’s armor. As Attuma prepared to deliver the killing blow, he lost his power and Namor quickly defeated him. The Atlanteans were all set free, and Attuma was imprisoned. (Sub-Mariner v1 #4)

Attuma obtained the loyalties of the Atlantean scientist Ikthon and put together a plan to pretend to kidnap Ikthon. (Sub-Mariner v1 #37) Attuma abducted Ikthon from the Hall of Science, and kidnapped a boatful of surface humans, including Diane Arliss. In a carefully laid trap, he also captured Namor, Stingray, and Triton. Saru-San implored Attuma to kill the three captives, but Attuma refused. He planned to use an earth-borer that Ikthon was developing to start a war with the surface world, and then to frame Namor for the war. Attuma planned to control the world after the surface-men and Atlanteans had defeated each other. Attuma pitted Namor, Stingray, and Triton against each other in an arena, the winner of them being allowed to live, but the three heroes were able to escape and effectively defeat Attuma's forces. Attuma set off the earth-borer, but it exploded. (Sub-Mariner v1 #31) Attuma led an attack on Atlantis on the same day as Namor’s wedding to Lady Dorma. With his army, including Wurta and new Octo-Meks, Attuma battled the Atlanteans, the Lemurians, and Karthon the king of the Lemurians. Attuma’s forces briefly retreated while Attuma utilized his new weapon, a tank that destroyed all the oxygen in the water. Though weakened, the Atlanteans still drove Attuma’s forces off, Attuma having faced Namor in solo combat and failing. (Sub-Mariner v1 #36) Namor discovered Ikthon speaking to Attuma via a viewscreen and was infuriated. Attuma launched another earth-borer, but Namor was able to stop it successfully by throwing it down a pit after Attuma. The borer exploded, burying Attuma in rubble that seemingly killed the villain. Attuma’s battle with Namor delayed Namor long enough to prevent the death of Lady Dorma. (Sub-Mariner v1 #37) Attuma’s forces attacked Atlantis again, but were successfully repelled. (Sub-Mariner v1 #56)

Attuma later joined forces with the Red Ghost, who, with scientist Dr. Jennings, exposed several sea creatures to cosmic rays so that the creatures could be controlled. They planned on massing a large army of sea creatures to destroy Atlantis. Attuma built a new citadel beneath the sea. He and Red Ghost planned an attack on Atlantic City, New Jersey. Warned by an Atlantean spy in Attuma’s army, Namor, Hawkeye, Hulk, and Valkyrie were there to oppose Attuma’s attack. They disabled several of Attuma’s pincer tanks, and Namor defeated a giant octopus before Namor was defeated by an attack by controlled porpoises. Attuma got Hawkeye and Valkyrie to surrender when Namor’s life was threatened, but the Hulk leapt away. The captive heroes were brought back to the citadel, where Attuma bragged of his new plans before Namor. Namor was then put under Attuma and the Red Ghost’s control after being exposed to cosmic rays. Valkyrie and Hawkeye escaped due to the foolishness of one of Attuma’s guards, Big Grokko, and Namor was pitted against them. (Defenders v1 #7) Hawkeye and Valkyrie were both defeated and subjected to the cosmic rays, a process that took two weeks to complete. Growing impatient, Attuma was pleased to learn that the sea army was now sufficient to launch an attack on Atlantis. They launched an attack of whales, porpoises, squids, and superheroes against Atlantis. When the cosmic ray treatment wore off, Namor, Hawkeye, and Valkyrie, with newly arrived allies Doctor Strange and the Silver Surfer, turned the tables on Attuma and the Red Ghost. (Defenders v1 #8)

Attuma rescued Dr. Dorcas and Tiger Shark after they were defeated in battle with Namor. The three of them aligned and attacked Hydrobase with a barrage of ionic rays that knocked all but Dr. Jennings unconscious. Attuma duplicated a process that allowed him to breathe oxygen. Jennings contacted Namor, who repelled an attack by Attuma’s hordes, including Saru-San and Kor-Konn. When Attuma, Tiger Shark, and Dorcas attacked, Namor savagely battled them. Attuma and Tiger Shark clumsily sparred with Namor until Dorcas vanquished the hero with an electric burst from a gun of Attuma’s. (Super-Villain Team-Up v1 #1) Saru-San reported to Attuma that Jennings had escaped as the villain trio took Namor captive. Attuma kept the inhabitants of Hydrobase in check by threatening the lives of their children. Doctor Doom stormed the island to rescue Namor, and the three villains briefly considered inviting him to join their alliance. When Betty Dean Prentiss of the Hydro-Men led Doom to Namor’s cell, the three villains were there to oppose them. During a brief skirmish, Namor got free and Dorcas murdered Prentiss. (Super-Villain Team-Up v1 #2) An enraged Namor briefly battled Attuma and Tiger Shark before Doom ended their battle with a stun-shock. Doom then spirited Namor away before they could renew their attack. Attuma sent his Octo-Meks out to recapture Jennings, then spent his time torturing Namor’s ally Tamara Rahn for information. When Doom later attacked, he destroyed all the Octo-Meks on the island, and Attuma rushed to marshal his forces for battle. Attuma, Tiger Shark, and Dorcas had almost defeated Doom when Namor attacked again. Namor beat Attuma and Dorcas was seemingly slain by a falling machine. Attuma, his army defeated, was given to the custody of the Hydro-Men, who agreed to jail him. Doom later murdered Saru-San. (Super-Villain Team-Up v1 #3)

Attuma easily escaped from the Hydro-Men, and was reunited with his army. He put together an elaborate plan to get revenge on Namor, destroy Hydrobase, and take over the surface world. He planned to capture and control the Avengers and use them in a battle against Namor. He observed the Avengers for days before acting. Attuma sent Tyrak to infiltrate the Avengers disguised as Triton. (Avengers v1 #154) Attuma planned to steal a chloro-beam gun in order to increase Tyrak’s powers immeasurably, giving him a pawn through which to rule the world. (Avengers v1 #156) Acting on Attuma’s orders, two of his soldiers, Mako and Gort, captured the Vision using sonic waves. Lord Arno brought the Vision, whose powers were held in check with an Atomo-collar. Tyrak, meanwhile, captured Captain America, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Wasp, and Yellowjacket. (Avengers v1 #154) While the captive Avengers attacked Hydro-Base and were defeated by Dr. Doom, Attuma took a ship to Maryland to steal the weapon. (Super-Villain Team-Up v1 #9) Attuma attacked an underwater Maryland base to steal the chloro-beam gun. Attuma ordered Lord Arno to kill the human divers, and was furious when the divers escaped. Attuma’s hordes pursued them to the surface, where Beast, Whizzer, and Wonder Man were waiting. Attuma was trading blows with the heroes when Sub-Mariner arrived, and Attuma made it look as if the heroes were his allies so Namor would battle them, giving Attuma a chance to escape. He was unaware that Beast stowed away on his ship. He turned to his base in the North Atlantic where Tyrak was waiting. (Avengers v1 #155) Beast was able to radio for help, and the now-freed Avengers with Dr. Doom moved in on Attuma’s base at the same time. Beast was captured and Tyrak knocked out Namor. Doom and the Avengers made it past Attuma’s defenses and battled his army until Tyrak attacked them, though the Avengers used teamwork to quickly defeat him. Meanwhile, Doom blinded Tyrak and stole the chloro-beam device. Namor stopped Attuma from destroying the Avengers, and the Avengers stopped Doom. (Avengers v1 #156) Captain America recounted the Avengers’ battle with Doom, Tyrak, and Attuma. (Super-Villain Team-Up v1 #10) Attuma put together a plot to kidnap surface female mutants, change them into water breathers, and then to use them as breeding stock eventually creating super-powered heirs to carry on his conquering. He prepared psychic dampers for the mutant Marvel Girl, then kidnapped both her and her sister, Sara Grey. Sara and Jean were both turned into water breathers which was when Attuma introduced himself to them. However, Attuma was not prepared for Jean’s new powers as the Phoenix where she was able to cure both herself and Sara after which they escaped. (Bizarre Adventures v1 #27)

After Namor was asked to abdicate the throne of Atlantis, a ruling council was appointed of Lord Dara, High Priest Shakkoth, Warlord Thakos, and Lord Vashti. Shakkoth started an Atlantean civil war so that he could obtain the throne, so the other three formed an alliance with Attuma and his barbarian hordes in order to survive the civil war. Attuma, seeing this as an opportunity to rule Atlantis, consented. Once the civil war was crushed, the Atlantean military was greatly weakened, and Attuma easily assumed rule of the city. When certain citizens began longing for Namor’s return, Attuma put together a plot that would cause the Atlantean citizens to lose faith in Namor. (Alpha Flight v1 #36) Seeking to set a trap for Namor, Attuma sought to capture his beloved Marrina, and pursued her through the ocean. (Alpha Flight v1 #33) After a lengthy pursuit, Attuma’s craft finally netted Marrina. (Alpha Flight v1 #34) Attuma subjected Marrina to different torturous water conditions in order to get her to speak, not knowing that she was incapable of speech at the time. He verbally sparred with Vashti, Dara, and Thakos. (Alpha Flight v1 #35) Summoned by Byrrah, Namor made his way to Atlantis to confront Attuma. (Alpha Flight v1 #36) Growing impatient that Namor had not attempted to rescue Marrina yet, Attuma chided her. When the news came that Namor was approaching, Attuma was pleased. (Alpha Flight v1 #37) When Namor entreated his former subjects to aid him against Attuma, they refused, preferring Attuma’s more orderly style of leadership and rejecting Namor’s relationship with the alien Marrina. When Namor and Byrrah retreated, Attuma gloated that the Atlantean people were his now. Namor rushed to get the Avengers to help while Byrrah went to get Alpha Flight. (Alpha Flight v1 #38) Attuma promised Marrina that he would see both her and Namor dead. He received word that Namor was attacking again, and ordered his armies to attack. As Attuma continued taunting Marrina, Burka brought word that Namor had defeated the armies and that many surface heroes were with Namor. (Avengers v1 #272) Namor, Byrrah, Alpha Flight, and the Avengers successfully fought their way into Atlantis, determined to save Marrina and leave the throne to Attuma. Namor and Attuma battled for a time, verbally sparring, while Northstar freed Marrina. Soon, the heroes found themselves surrounded and Attuma gave the orders to kill them. (Alpha Flight v1 #39) The heroes continued battling Attuma’s legions, and Attuma and Namor traded blows again. Attuma realized that Namor did not want his throne back, and was willing to put an end to the battles. The heroes left for the surface, but not before Marrina was shot by one of Attuma’s men. Captain Marvel left Attuma with threats, and Attuma vowed revenge on the heroes eventually. (Avengers v1 #272) As part of a short-lived Lethal Legion team, Attuma joined forces with several super-villains in opposing several super-heroes. (Marvel Age Annual v1 #1)

When a Leviathan attacked Atlantis, devastation was wrought across the city. (Avengers v1 #293) The High Evolutionary later framed the Deviant Lemurians for Leviathan's attack. Enraged by this, Attuma led his Atlantean forces into a war with the Lemurians, the first ever between the two races. When a contingent of Avengers including Beast, the Captain, Falcon, Hercules, Hulk, Jocasta, Yellowjacket came to Lemuria in pursuit of the High Evolutionary, they came across the Atlanteans' battle with the Lemurians, and Attuma ordered their ship fired upon. When Hulk and Hercules boarded Attuma's ship, Attuma had them attacked unsuccessfully. Within moments, one of the High Evolutionary's ships arrived and exploded a genetic bomb that spread through the waters. When Attuma and Warlord Kro leader of the Deviants discovered that the bomb was intended to render both of their races sterile, they were furious. They agreed to join forces and ally with the Avengers in defeating the High Evolutionary. The Atlantean and Lemurian armies attacked the villain's large base as a diversionary tactic while the Avengers rendered the larger bomb useless. It is to be assumed that the effects of the initial sterility bomb were reversed. (Avengers Annual v1 #17)

Dark Reign

He later made a new bid for the surface by staging an invasion of New York City with an army of octo-meks where he was opposed by the New Avengers. During the battle, the Sentry emerged to join the superhero team where he moved onto the battlefield and decapitated Attuma thus ending the invasion. (Sentry v2 #1)

Attuma's body was later recovered by Doctor Doom who used his knowledge to resurrect the Atlantean barbarian. In exchange for servitude, Doom had offered Attuma the chance at revenge against Namor with the barbarian warlord contemplating the offer. (Dark Reign: Made Men v1 #1)

Fear Itself

When Sin freed the Asgardian known as the Serpent, this event saw the deity attempt to spread fear around the world. To achieve this, he summoned the mystical hammers of his warriors known as the Worthy with one ending in the ocean. Attuma discovered the Hammer of Nerkkod where he was granted its power. With his power, he began attacking oil line on the Pacific Ocean.

He gathered to him his generals namely Tyrak, Tiger Shark and Aradnea in order to conquer New Atlantis. Single handedly, Nerkkod had defeated Namor and destroyed the city with the Atlanteans falling under his rule.

Warlord of Lemuria

Afterwards, he sought further power in conquering Atlantis and came upon an opportunity when the inhabitants of Lemuria made Attuma their leader. Despite this, he showed nothing but scorn for the city as he instead sought its knowledge of mystical beasts and magical weapons. Among these was ancient quantum alchemy in the form of Alkahest which was a universal solvent able to burn anything. Through the efforts of Rasa, Attuma intended to use this as a means of killing off the surface world and thus become ruler of the world by conducting a genocide of air breathers. During this time, he unleashed the warbeasts of Lemuria against the surface and had to contend from rebel Lemurians who opposed Attuma turning their home into a fortress. S.H.I.E.L.D. came to deploy the Hulk against Attuma who summoned his Kophinbeast to devour the Jade Giant but the hero managed to escape where he knocked the Atlantean warlord into the creature that fled into the depths. (Indestructible Hulk v1 #5)


Personality and attributes

As Nerkkod, Breaker of Oceans in Fear Itself: The Deep v1 #4.

He was once possessed by one of the Serpent's hammers where he came to be known as Nerkkod the Breaker of Oceans. (Fear Itself v1 #2)

It was said that he possessed a savagery and barbarism that far exceeded the likes of Namor. (Fantastic Four v1 #33) In terms of savagery, it was said that Attuma had no peers who considered mercy being something used by fools and cowards. (Fear Itself: The Worthy v1 #1)

Since childhood, he came to be told of a prophecy that he would one day lead his people. It was for this reason that he often picked up the sword and fought as the lure of this time drew on him. (Dark Reign: Made Men v1 #1) This led to him to believe that control over Atlantis was part of his destiny. In fact, for centuries the legends of Atlantis spoke of the coming of a conqueror with Attuma believing this to be himself. (Fantastic Four v1 #33)

His father was Attukar who was the chief of the Chasm People. (King in Black: Namor v1 #1) He once mated with an Atlantean Lady Gelva who gave him a daughter named Andromeda. (Iron Man Annual v1 #10)

Powers and abilities

It was said that his strength and power could only be rivalled by Prince Namor. (Fear Itself: The Worthy v1 #1)

After his resurrection by Doctor Doom, Attuma was surgically enhanced giving him the strength equal to Namor along with the power of flight and ability to breath on land. (Dark Reign: Made Men v1 #1)

Hidden in his head piece were a pair of twin disintegrator rays that he could unveil as part of a surprise attack against an enemy. (Fantastic Four v1 #33)

He once made use of a set of metallic armour that was electrified to the touch and increased his strength as well as endurance with power being remotely transferred to it. However, if the master controls were destroyed then the armor could be easily destroyed by a person with superhuman strength. (Sub-Mariner v1 #4)

Through Lemurian quantum alchemy, he had his scientists create a universal solvent that he named Attuma's Gift with the liquid capable of eating anything.(Indestructible Hulk v1 #5)

For a time, Attuma was possessed by the Hammer of Nerkkod of the Worthy who served the Asgardian called the Serpent. After encountering it, the Atlantean barbarian was transformed into the Breaker of Oceans that made him extremely powerful after being augmented with Asgardian magic by becoming Nerkkod's host body. (Fear Itself v1 #2)

He enlisted an army of thousands that served as part of his horde. (Fantastic Four v1 #33) One of his minions was Saru-San who served as court jester. (Sub-Mariner v1 #4)

Attuma possessed a massive metallic fortress that served as his headquarters with this sub-sea stronghold located on the ocean floor in the Atlantic. (Sub-Mariner v1 #4)


  • Attuma was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby where it made its first appearance in Fantastic Four v1 #33 (December, 1964).

Alternate Versions

In other media


  • In Fantastic Four, Attuma appeared as a villain in the 1967 animated television series in the episode "Danger in the Depths" where he was voiced by actor Henry Corden.
  • In The Avengers: United They Stand, Attuma appeared in the setting of the animated television series in the episode "To Rule Atlantis" where he was voiced by actor Philip Akin.
  • In Avengers Assemble, Attuma appeared as an antagonist where he was voiced by actor Dwight Schultz.
  • In Ultimate Spider-Man, Attuma appeared as an antagonist where he was voiced by actor Dwight Schultz.


  • In Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, Attuma appeared in the setting of the live-action film where he was portrayed by actor Alex Livinalli.

Video games

  • In Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, Attuma appeared as an antagonist where he was voiced by actor Gregg Berger.


  • Fantastic Four v1: (1964)
  • Avengers v1:
  • Dark Reign: Made Men v1:
  • Fear Itself: The Worthy:
  • Indestructible Hulk v1:
  • Squadron Supreme:
  • King in Black: Namor v1: (2020)

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