Sentry (Marvel)

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The Sentry in Sentry v3 #1.

Sentry is a male comic superhero who features in Marvel Comics.





Robert Reynolds in Sentry v1 #2.

Robert Reynolds

As a freshman at school, he once got ill and spent half the year with the campus counsellor where he was given information about disabilities along with the dangers of drugs. His condition actually deteriorated but he became adept at hiding his symptoms from others with him beginning to follow voices in his mind that continued to be more erratic. (Sentry v2 #6) According to one account, he encountered a man named the Professor who was part of a compartmentalised joint research operation between the U.S. and Canadian governments. This was part of Project Sentry that was traced all the way back to 1947 that sought to recreate and improve upon the Super-Soldier Serum with the program languishing over the next 20-30 years. The Professor came to be in charge of the outsourced work but knew little of its significance when Reynolds came to know him when he was a freshman. (Sentry v2 #8) At that time, he made friends with an older graduate assistant by the name of Howard Bliss who was heavily into drugs and alcohol. One day, the assistant left a cabinet open in the research lab with Robert going in to steal the formula. He intended to use the drug in an effort to get high which he did so secretly. (Sentry v2 #6) It led to his transformation with Robert knowing that he would be a powerful figure known as the Void until the end of times. The Professor learnt of the transformation and him alongside Reynolds were taken into Project Sentry as they did not know what else to do at that point. The pair were transferred to the facility in order to continue operations with a cover story given whereby regular injections were given to the Sentry for his powers but these were ordinary saline. Due to his great power, the project decided to destroy their recreation of the formula as it could function on anyone and its power meant that they destroyed it rather than create further such beings. The fear of the Sentry's destructive power led to nine attempts to kill him by the government during the first two months of his existence. All attempts failed with continued plans being made but no one knew how to eliminate the Sentry. (Sentry v2 #8) To Robert, the serum and its power had a drug-like effect on him that fuelled his addiction with him wanting to drink more of it. (Dark Avengers v1 #13) During his superhero career, he fought numerous foes that included the General, Xeniac and the Hippy. (Sentry v2 #2) Other enemies included Danny Boy and Tommy Vermillion both of whom the Sentry imprisoned in N-Space. (Sentry v2 #3) During his early career, he was known to had encountered a Skrull ship and stopped it from crashing into New York. (Mighty Avengers v1 #14)

It was said that a million people died as a result of the Void's actions. The Fantastic Four arrived at the scene fearing the worst for the Sentry only to learn the truth that he and the Void were the same being. After much debate, it was ultimately decided that the world needed to forget about the Sentry in order for the threat of the Void to be contained. This involved wiping both Robert Reynolds life as a superhero but that of the world itself. Reynolds ultimately agreed but feared about living the life of a simple civilian with him having a long discussion with his best friend Reed Richards. Robert suggested that they also needed to publicly kill him with a funeral made in his name so that the memory of him could be buried and then removed from the people of the world otherwise they would have rejected the hypnotic suggestions. Reed did not want to do this but was later convinced to agree to this ploy with a funeral made and a fake story concocted with Richards telling the world that the Sentry was corrupt with him having taken bribes. Once done, they made the final preparations with Sentry installing a virus and loop into C.L.O.C. as part of the final measures to ensure that all memory of the Sentry were gone from the world. (Sentry: The Void v1 #1) Afterwards, the Watchtower and C.L.O.C. vanished from the world with the Sentry being forgotten by everyone. (Sentry v1 #5)

Years later, Robert's memories came to return with this bringing about the similar return of the Void who rampaged across Europe and killed members of the Super Heroes of Europe (S.H.E.). This resulted in the Sentry contacting his old colleagues but no one remembered him except for the Hulk. The Void then began to return to Manhattan where by this point the Sentry's former friends had gathered to defend the city. After recalling the dual nature of his powers, Robert along with Reed Richards came to reactivate the Watchtower thus dispelling the Void and making the world forget the Sentry again. (Sentry: The Void v1 #1)


Joining the Avengers in New Avengers v1 #9.

Despite losing his memories, Robert came to believe that he had killed his wife Lindy leading to the Sentry deciding to hand himself in to the authorities and his subsequent imprisonment at the Raft. (New Avengers v1 #7) Reynolds remained there until Reed Richards requested for him to get a lawyer and had Matt Murdock along with his partner Foggy Nelson attempted to represent him. During the visit to the prison, a supervillain breakout occurred leading to Carnage host Cletus Kasady being among the escapees who was attempting to massacre anyone he encountered. He nearly overwhelmed the heroes he encountered until Foggy convinced Reynolds to intervene with the Sentry breaking out of his cell and taking Carnage into orbit where he ripped the supervillain in two. (New Avengers v1 #2) Afterwards, he decided to go into hiding in an isolated cave as he believed that the use of his powers had re-awakened the Void. (New Avengers v1 #7) Captain America approached Reynolds inquiring about his past as he stated that there was no knowledge in the world about the Sentry except that he was a comic book character whose adventures were written by writer Paul Jenkins. He also revealed that Robert's wife was not dead but in fact alive with Lindy present where she was desperate for her husband to return. However, the Sentry decided to teleport away as he could sense the coming presence of the Void and sought to prevent its release. He returned to his home and civilian identity when Captain American brought a group of superheroes with him as they sought to help the Sentry who despaired as he could feel the Void awakening in him. (New Avengers v1 #8) With the Void released, the creature attacked the combined superhero community who all struggled to fight against the great power of the creature. However, they were keeping Reynolds safe whilst Emma Frost went into his mind to find the root cause for his memory losses. She determined that one of the Sentry's villains known as the crazed General along with Mastermind had wiped Reynolds memory and responsible for the world forgetting him. Thus, she restored his memory allowing him to regain mental control thus stopping the Void with him then being offered a place among the Avengers. Accompanying them to Stark Tower, the Sentry found that his headquarters the Watchtower had manifested at the New Avengers base of operations. (New Avengers v1 #10) Sentry was among the New Avengers present when Captain America talked to Spider-Woman about her being forced to work for Hydra. (New Avengers v1 #16) Afterwards, Reynolds stayed in his Watchtower as he was not having a good day due to his state of mind. The New Avengers requested his aid to battle a Code White level threat but Robert's wife Lindy informed them that he was unable to assist them. (New Avengers v1 #17) He managed to recover allowing him to enter into the fight with the Collective where he took the entity into orbit to continue their fight. Despite his power, the Collective managed to send the Sentry into space and returned to Earth to continue its path of destruction. (New Avengers v1 #18)

With the assistance of C.L.O.C., he prioritised crisis's around the world that he managed whilst he kept the Void contained in the Watchtower. Among the threats he dealt with included killing the warlord Attuma and snapping the cosmic axe of Terrax whose hands were crushed in the process but was allowed to depart the planet. (Sentry v2 #1) In an effort to find answers, he recruited the Hulk and the pair journeyed into the Negative Zone to find the General. N-Space actually weakened the Sentry which was why he asked for the Hulk's aid. Together, they found the General who commanded numerous villains against them. Before he could confront his old foe, the General was killed by the Void that suddenly manifested and killed the villains. The Void then tormented the Sentry by breaking the bones of the Hulk and attempting to reveal a dark secret. However, before the secret could be revealed, C.L.O.C. had the Conflictor bring the Sentry and Hulk back to Earth to save them. (Sentry v2 #3) Ultimately, the Void manifested again where he seemingly targeted Dr. Worth in an attempt to kill him but this was simply an act of justification for this dark persona. It was then revealed that Robert Reynolds had long ago had become the Void with his secret shame leading to him crafting the Sentry to counter that aspect of his personality. In anger, the Void and the Sentry split with one another as the two did battle. With the two separated, the Sentry became privy to the full backstory of Robert. (Sentry v2 #6) In an effort to find his past, he went to the facility that had created him but fell into an elaborate trap by the Professor who attempted to convince him that he was a mental patient called John Victor Williams but managed to free himself from the illusion. He learnt that the trap was orchestrated by Doctor Strange and members of the U.S. government that were hiding a secret which they felt would have destroyed the world. (Sentry v2 #7) The Sentry then confronted the Void at his headquarters where he was given their collective origin. Upon learning of this, the Sentry took the Void and threw him into the Sun whereupon his body was destroyed but the dark Reynolds persona vowed to return where he intended to balance events by undoing any good deed Robert had done in the time he was away. (Sentry v2 #8)

Following the Superhuman Registration Act, the superhero community fell into a Civil War with the Sentry unsure on what to do during this time. He departed to the Moon for time to think where the Inhumans were initially hostile to him but allowed to stay. Iron Man later came to Attilan where he convinced the Sentry to join his side in ending the Civil War with Reynolds ultimately accepting. (New Avengers v1 #24) He was then chosen to join Stark's new Mighty Avengers team that was being led by Carol Danvers. (Mighty Avengers v1 #1) They battled the Mole Man and his subjects as they attacked the surface only for the battle to be interrupted when Ultron commandeered Iron Man's Armor which was morphed into a female form. (Mighty Avengers v1 #2) The Sentry then battled Ultron but was unable to defeat his foe where the AI caused a distraction to end their fight by shutting down the Helicarrier in mid-flight forcing Reynolds to save it. Ultron then proceeded to Plan B after 'her' weather control satellites were destroyed leading to 'her' targeting Avengers Tower with the AI seemingly killing Robert's wife Lindy Lee. (Might Avengers v1 #4) In a rage, he mercilessly attacked Ultron where he was ready to destroy the villain for killing his wife even when the Avengers were attempting to bring back Tony Stark's body that Ultron had hijacked for his form. Reynolds was stopped by Ms. Marvel who knocked him out of the fight whilst the Mighty Avengers defeated Ultron and returning Stark back to normal. When Robert returned to his Watchtower he touched his wife's dead body and she was seemingly brought back to life with no memory of her death which left Sentry crying at this turn of events whilst Lindy comforted him. (Mighty Avengers v1 #6)

During the events of World War Hulk, the Sentry was contacted by Iron Man about enlisting his aid to stop the rampaging Green Scar Hulk. However, Reynolds refused to take part due to both his agoraphobia and also his fear of losing control. (World War Hulk v1 #4) However, he ultimately decided to intervene when the Green Scar had defeated all those that had opposed him with the Sentry engaging him in a one-on-one fight. Their battle devastated the city around them as the pair engaged with Bob beginning to lose control of his powers thus potentially destroying the planet. However, the two expending so much energy that the two reverted to their respective human forms with Banner landing the final punch that knocked Reynolds out of the fight. (World War Hulk v1 #5)

He alongside the Mighty Avengers were deployed to the Savage Land after a Skrull ship had landed in the area with the New Avengers present at the scene when the ship disgorged counterpart Avengers with a fight erupting with the perceived imposters. (Secret Invasion v1 #2) During the battle, the 'Vision' morphed into the Void's form where he stated that the entire event was Robert Reynold's fault. This caused Robert to have a breakdown leading to him escaping into space and his mind shutting down. At that point, the Void took over his body and decided to protect Reynold's loved ones with him arriving at his Watchtower just in time to prevent a Super-Skrull from killing his wife Lindy. The darkness embodied Sentry embraced his wife who was horrified at the figure her husband had become at this point. (Mighty Avengers v1 #14)

Dark Avenger

After the defeat of the Skrulls, Norman Osborn was hailed a hero for slaying the alien queen Veranke with him taking over from Tony Stark. S.H.I.E.L.D. was disbanded with Director Osborn heading its replacement called H.A.M.M.E.R. and he looked to create his own version of the Avengers with him recruiting various supervillains. Robert Reynolds was among those recruited into the Dark Avengers with Osborn stating that he would help him control his mental illness. The Sentry sided with Osborn alongside Ares when Ms. Marvel refused to work with Norman on his team. (Dark Avengers v1 #1) He was next deployed with his team to Latveria to battle Morgan le Fay who was attacking Doctor Doom with the Iron Patriot ordering the Sentry to eliminate the threat leading to Reynolds ripping the heat of the Arthurian era sorceress seemingly killing her though she returned as her past self returned to continue the battle where she cast a spell that seemingly killed the Sentry. (Dark Avengers v1 #2) He later returned alive above the Watchtower following the defeat of le Fay. (Dark Avengers v1 #4) The Sentry was later dispatched by Osborn to deal with an Atlantean terrorist cell that was attacking the surface where he was ordered to kill the entire group and take only one survivor back for questioning. (Dark Avengers v1 #6) He later came onto the scene where the Wrecking Crew had beaten the New Avengers with the Sentry losing his abilities due to a highly advanced Power Dampener turning him into the powerless Robert Reynolds when the Dark Avengers arrived on the scene. (New Avengers v1 #56)

He responded with Osborn's Avengers to an incident at Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. where the Absorbing Man had escaped and absorbed the fragments of the Cosmic Cube. The Sentry was sent to stop him but Creel used his reality control abilities to split Reynolds between his heroic Sentry self and his villainous Void self. The two halves of Robert were then battling one another thus effectively removing them from the battle. (Mighty Avengers v1 #33)

One day, he returned to the Watchtower where he was confronted by Lindy carrying one of Noh-Varr's guns. The Sentry attempted to calm her down when she said that Bob had gone insane and shot him in the face seemingly leaving his dead body on the ground. (Dark Avengers v1 #9)

Osborn later further secured the Sentry's loyalty by offering him a recreated version of the serum that empowered him which he consumed. (Dark Avengers v1 #13) Afterwards, Osborn sent him to investigate the town of Dinosaur, Colorado that suffered a string of disappearances with the Sentry upon arrival simply disintegrating by an unknown force. (Dark Avengers v1 #10) It was revealed that this force was actually the Molecule Man who seemingly killed the Sentry. (Dark Avengers v1 #11) However, Reynolds reconstituted his body and battled the Molecule Man who he overpowered whereupon he forced Owen Reese to return everything he had changed back to normal after which he killed the villain thus gaining further insight into his own abilities. (Dark Avengers v1 #12) Upon his return to the Watchtower, he was seemingly killed by his wife Lindy Lee who used Noh-Varr's blaster and shot him in the face. However, the Void simply restored his body where it attempted to kill Lindy though Robert fought to protect her. By this point, the Void had slowly began to take over the Sentry's mind. (Dark Avengers v1 #13) Going into the sky, he began to unleash his power causing widespread destruction until he was confronted by Norman Osborn who attempted to reason with the Sentry. The Void in dominance in his mind intended to hurt everyone to spite both Reynolds and his wife Lindy but Norman managed to convince him to stop. (Dark Avengers v1 #14) The Void was then unleashed Doctor Doom during a meeting of the Cabal when the Latverian ruler made a threat against Osborn. The sheer power of the Void heavily damaged Avengers Tower with Norman having the Sentry return to his guise as Robert Reynolds to hide his true nature. Around this time, an evacuation was called of the Tower until the crisis was resolved when Doctor Doom retreated back to his territory. At that point, a helicopter came back when Hawkeye revealed that Lindy Lee was dead and that she had committed suicide. Initially, the Sentry was furious but then departed to check the site of her death as he fell into despair at the death of his wife. (Dark Avengers v1 #15)

Director Osborn then launched an attack against Asgard under false intelligence of the kingdom now residing in Broxton, Oklahoma being under the control of Loki. The Sentry was dispatched to help demolish the Asgardians lines of defence and was sent to stop Ares after the war god turned against the Iron Patriot upon him finding the truth about this conflict. Despite the Olympian's strength, he was unable to combat the Sentry who brutally ripped him in half thus shocking everyone present at the scene. (Siege v1 #2) It was then that Thor Odinson entered into the battle to defeat the mad Sentry where their battle devastated Asgard in Broxton. By this point, Reynold's had lost control and succumbed to the dark destructive power of the Void. (Siege v1 #3) Going on a rampage, the heroes fought against the Void with Loki even lending an aid where he attempted to use the power of the Norn Stones against the creature. Despite that aid, he was ultimately killed by the Void with Thor Odinson looking to avenge his adoptive brother and Tony Stark dropping the Helicarrier onto the villain. The power of the attack turned the Void back into Robert Reynolds who begged Thor to kill him but the Asgardian refused at first. This moment allowed the Void to retake control of Reynolds body and forced Thor's hand where he ended up killing the Sentry as a result. The dead body of the Sentry was then dropped into the heart of the star by Thor in an effort to end the threat of the Void once and for all. (Siege v1 #4)


Reynolds body was later recovered by agents of the Apocalypse Twins who had it brought alongside three other corpses. Each were implanted with a Celestial Death Seed that transformed them into the four Horsemen of Death. (Uncanny Avengers v1 #9) He was said to had been regrown from an atom with the Void being sent to the light place in the side lands of the White Hot Room. (Uncanny Avengers v1 #11) With his revival, he was dispatched to battle the Unity Division when the were investigating the Clan Akkaba sites to stop the Apocalypse Twins. The Death-empowered Sentry then attacked Thor and took the Odinson elsewhere in an effort to defeat him with his enhanced powers. (Uncanny Avengers v1 #10) Despite Thor's power, he came to be defeated by the Sentry who claimed to hold a new purpose in protecting the weak from cosmic manipulators as he departed the scene. (Uncanny Avengers v1 #11)

With Exitar slain, the Sentry told the Wasp that the Celestial's energies would reconstitute in the White Hot Room. He then told Janet that he enjoyed being an Avenger for that moment and intended to take the Executioner's dead body far from Earth. Before departing the planet, he warned that the wrath of the Celestials was going to be mighty over the death of one of their own. (Uncanny Avengers v1 #22)

In space, the Sentry wandered across worlds where he said that he wanted to die which was when he was found by Doctor Strange who took Reynolds with him to aid him. During this time, he also found and captured the Void which he kept trapped in a special room at the Sanctum Sanctorum. (Doctor Strange v1 #385) Stephen claimed to had cured Reynolds of the Void though Robert doubted the truth of this statement. Strange then came to the Sentry to request his aid in stopping Loki who was now Sorcerer Supreme of Earth. To accomplish that, he required to gain magic as he the planet had lost much of its supply during the attack from the Empirikul. Thus, he decided to journey to Asgard and take from the World Tree Yggdrasil with him requiring Sentry's help to fight the Asgardians in case he could not convince them to aid him. Sentry arrived at Asgard and did battle with King-Regent Cul Borson and his Thunder Guard who had attempted to execute Strange. (Doctor Strange v1 #383) Reynolds was then asked by Strange to serve as the vessel through which the magical price was to be enacted whilst he battled Loki in order to claim back the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme. The Sentry said that he did not mind and would not feel the mystically created price on his person with him instead taking a nap during the moment with Wong tending to him in the ritual. (Doctor Strange v1 #384) The Void was freed from his prison and possessed Strange with the entity attacking Loki who used a spell to restore magic to the world. He helped free Strange where together they battled the Void just as the Sentry entered into the fight. Strange was then able to chain the Void back into the room at the Sanctum Sanctorum but the Sentry was enraged at Stephen for freeing the dark side of him. He felt betrayed and departed where he told Stephen never to contact him again. (Doctor Strange v1 #385)

To better contain the Void, Doctor Strange helped fashion a pocket dimension that resided within Robert Reynolds mind with this being known as Sentry World where he had to become the Sentry once every 24 hours so that his dark counterpart was kept contained in that dimension. (Sentry v3 #1) The Confluctor that took him to that pocket dimension was later stolen with Bob desperately trying to find it but he was arrested. In desperation, he called on the Sentry's power and transformed but his essence as Robert Reynolds was transported into Sentry World that was under attack from Cranio. (Sentry v3 #2) In the mean time, the Sentry himself was in the real world where Tony Stark attempted to arrest him but the super-powered alter-ego of Reynolds wanted his freedom. Within Sentry World, Bob attempted to survive Cranio's assault and sought out the Void in that world where he decided to surrender to his dark persona thus creating a merger between Reynolds, Sentry and the Void. (Sentry v3 #4) This new entity was none of the other personalities and claimed that this was the true state for the Sentry where he killed his former sidekick Scout after which he battled the Avengers who could not contain him. He then seemingly killed Cranio before departing Earth with the world waiting to see what he would do next. (Sentry v3 #5) Despite merging with the Void, the Sentry still struggled with his dark nature and came to an isolated town in North America where he attempted to meditate. However, his mind was unstable and cause monsters born from his psyche to emerge within the town that became isolated from the rest of the country. Black Panther T'Challa and his Agents of Wakanda deployed to the scene where they were beset by these dark thoughts that took the form of their worst fears. This was until they managed to fight past them and came to discover the Sentry himself. The Agents of Wakanda then battled him with them calling the assistance of Thor where during this time Fat Cobra used a Chi attack to dislodge the instability from Sentry's mind whereupon he consumed it. Freed from the instability for now, the Sentry then decided he needed to be elsewhere in a place where he could not harm others and departed Earth. (Black Panther and the Agents of Wakanda v1 #2)

Afterwards, the Sentry approached Mister Fantastic about finding a means of separating the Void from himself. Reed Richards determined that this was impossible to the science of their dimension. However, he suggested that the Negative Zone with its different physics could be a possible option. The Sentry then departed for that dimension by himself and promised to inform Richards about his progress. (Annihilation - Scourge: Fantastic Four v1 #1) Whilst there, he succeeded in his goal but it meant that the good portion of him remained as a powerless Robert Reynolds whilst the Void manifested as the Sentry. It departed where it was drawn into the Cancerverse and found kinship with the Many-Angled Ones and served as their herald in invading the Negative Zone. Thus, the Sentry seemingly led the invasion of that dimension with his demonic masters looking to spread into the positive-matter universe of Earth-616. (Annihilation - Scourge: Silver Surfer v1 #1) Annihilus managed to escape into the positive matter universe to seek allies with the Void in pursuit where he opened a tear into the universe as he sought his quarry. However, instead, he was confronted by Beta Ray Bill with the two clashing and the Sentry nearly defeating the Korbinite. In desperation, Bill used his hammer to open a portal back into the Negative Zone and had Stormbreaker push the Sentry through the tear and sealing it though this came at the cost of the Korbinite's weapon. (Annihilation - Scourge: Beta Ray Bill v1 #1) Afterwards, the Avengers called for his aid in defending the planet that was facing a cosmic threat from Knull and the army of Symbiotes under his command. The Sentry was deployed as a secret weapon when the entity had arrived on Earth where Reynolds managed to lift him into high orbit after seemingly containing the threat. However, Knull overpowered the Sentry and ripped him his half thus releasing the Void which he absorbed into his own being and added its power to his own. (King in Black v1 #1) The soul of the dead Robert Reynolds was then found by Jane Foster of the Valkyrior who as part of her duty as Valkyrie to lead the deceased to the afterlife. He joined her as they made their way through the realms where they came upon a dead Celestial's body that was being ravaged by corrupted souls. As part of her duty, Valkyrie battled the souls with the Sentry looking to help her but he became ensnared by the corrupt souls with Jane Foster looking to free him from them. (King in Black: Return of the Valkyries v1 #1) Brunhilde, Ivanir and Danielle Moonstar managed to performed a ritual that severed the headless celestial's connection to Knull's All-Black, and Jane convinced the Celestial to release the souls it had imprisoned by setting them free. This allowed the Sentry to be finally feeling complete was and ready to move on to the afterlife. (King in Black: Return of the Valkyries v1 #4)


Personality and attributes

Struggling against the Void in Sentry v3 #1.

It was his appearance that led to him also being referred to as Golden Boy. (Sentry v1 #5)

He was noted to suffer from mental illness that threatened to spiral him into depression with Reynolds suffering from schizophrenia and agoraphobia. (Sentry v2 #1) Reynolds was called a paranoid schizophrenic that suggested a premorbid schizotypal personality disorder alongside the agoraphobia and generalised anxiety disorder. (Sentry v2 #5) Robert Reynolds was not considered an angry man but rather one who was actually insane. (Sentry v2 #6)

It was said that his psyche consisted of three aspects namely Robert Reynolds, the Sentry and the Void. (Sentry v2 #1) The Void was considered a schizophrenic personality that he despised that he created with Robert crafting the Sentry as another persona to balance it. As such, the Sentry was considered an aspect of the mind of Reynolds. The Sentry represented the idealised version of Robert Reynolds memories which was why they took the form of comic book images in his mind. Thus, unlike other people, imaginary creatures in Robert Reynolds mind took on physical forms with anything good or bad split among the two camps. (Sentry v2 #6) It was said that Bob was addicted to the power of the Sentry which was fuelled by his time as a drug addict. (Dark Avengers v1 #13)

Though the Void was noted his greatest enemy, in reality the Sentry and the Void were the same being. He was initially unaware of this but came to suspect the truth. (Sentry: The Void v1 #1) At one point, he came to consider the Void as being a rogue aspect of his own personality that was representative of his dark conscience. (Sentry v2 #1) The Void stated that he hated everything that the Sentry loved. (Sentry v2 #3) Robert stated that the Void liked to keep him on his toes. (Sentry v2 #5) As an aspect of Reynolds, the Void held on to half of Robert's memories with the other half being with the Sentry persona. It was said that Robert had long ago become the Void and despised himself for his actions which was why he crafted the Sentry in an effort to hide his actions. (Sentry v2 #6) Ultimately, the Void claimed that he was an essential part of the Sentry to balance them and in fact loved the Golden Gladiator of Good. Furthermore, as an essential component, even if destroyed he claimed that he would return and that he would balance out any good made by the Sentry. The Void possessed his own headquarters known as the Hidey-Hole located in an isolated part of the world and underground. It was managed by C.O.L.C. which stood for the Computer to Obliterate Life Completely that was the antithesis of C.L.O.C. (Sentry v2 #8) When working with the Dark Avengers, Norman Osborn convinced the Sentry to believe that the Void was simply himself and that by rejecting it he could be free from the entity. (Dark Avengers v1 #3) This began to change when Osborn decided to rely more on the destructive power of the Sentry and started claiming that the Void was the Hand of God. (Dark Avengers v1 #6) Lindy Lee came to believe that the Void's power was drawn from some unknown force connected to the Biblical God and able to achieve untold levels of destruction. (Dark Avengers v1 #13)

Upon his return, he sought to resume his duties as being a superhero but struggled in determining which threats and dangers to respond to around the world. Thus, he created a prioritising algorithm that was managed by C.L.O.C. (Sentry v2 #1)

The biggest love of his life was his high school crush who was Linda Lee with Reynolds stating that the pair loved on another. (Sentry v2 #2) During his time as a Dark Avenger, he kept her locked up in the Watchtower and Lindy came to believe that Bob had gone insane leading to her attempting to kill him. (Dark Avengers v1 #9)

It was said that his greatest weakness was his mind with many people being able to influence it. (Sentry v2 #2)

Upon taking the Project Sentry serum, it was said that initially became addicted to the power given to him. (Sentry v2 #8) After gaining a Death Seed, he came to consider himself a future heir to the role of Apocalypse and a caretaker of humanity. (Uncanny Avengers v1 #9)

After being possessed by a Death Seed, he came to see himself as the future heir of Apocalypse and the caretaker of humanity. He intended to allow the Mutant rapture to occur so that he could engage in his own plans for mankind. (Uncanny Avengers v1 #10) In this state, he claimed that he had been given a new purpose which was to protect the weak from cosmic manipulators. (Uncanny Avengers v1 #11)

Powers and abilities

The source of his powers was traced to the experiments of Project Sentry that sought to recreate and amplify the lost Super-Soldier Serum. The intention was to create a version of the serum that was one hundred thousand times the strength of the original. (Sentry v2 #8) Replication of the golden Sentry serum was said to be impossible without the original notes of its creator. (Sentry v3 #2) It was believed that the Sentry had control over the molecules of his own world allowing him to achieve his various feats though he was unaware of this talent initially. (Dark Avengers v1 #12) It was said that the serum created a phase-shifting effect in the molecules of his body causing each atom to step ahead an instant ahead of the current timeline. The serum also induced a photosynthetic reaction creating a hyperstate of consciousness with it being said to derive from the sun. According to the professor, the Sentry's powers were limitless with him being omnipotent and immortal. (Sentry v1 #1) There was said to be a strong psychic component to his power set that held his physical powers together though he had not trained his mind for mental attacks. (New Avengers v1 #10) He claimed that he had never shown the full extent of his powers. (Sentry v2 #2) According to the Void, in the first year as the Sentry he had the power to obliterate the entire planet a hundred times over. (Sentry v2 #8) It was for this reason that he was classed as an Omega Level Threat. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #692)

An effect on his body was him possessing a super-brain when he was the Sentry allowing him to achieve such feats as creating the Sentrymobile or C.L.O.C. (Sentry v3 #2) He noted that his hearing was so fine that it could hear a butterfly sneeze in Central Africa whilst he was in Manhattan. (Sentry v2 #2) The Sentry was capable of sensing a person's 'aura' and was able to use it to track them. (Dark Avengers Annual v1 #1)

It was shown that he had the power of altering objects such as changing his clothes into those of the Sentry or create orbs of energy. (Sentry v1 #3) He could manifests a measure of his golden essence as a golden orb of energy that he could use to protect others from threats such as the Void. (Sentry: The Void v1 #1)

In a flash of golden light, he could teleport away and transport himself to distant locations. (New Avengers v1 #8) From a blast that disintegrated his face did the Sentry restore himself whilst under the influence of the Void and when he attempted to kill himself the dark entity in his mind simply restored an damage to his form. (Dark Avengers v1 #13)

Sentry was assisted by his machine construct that was the Centrally Located Organic Computer (C.L.O.C.) that was programmed to calculate probabilities and weigh the importance of different emergencies that were filtered to his master. The machine was an exotic computer program designed to review world events and prioritise the Sentry's responses to them with Robert keeping in constant contact with it. (Sentry v2 #1) In this way, he calculated probabilities of risk to the population of the planet and reported those parameters to the Sentry. (Sentry v2 #4) He was programmed to fully comply with the orders of the Sentry without question. A further primary objective was the preservation of human life. At times, these objectives could clash with one another with C.L.O.C. looking to achieve one despite the conflict with his programming. (Sentry v2 #4) The machine was able to deploy various tools such as weapons against targets in order to complete its mission. (Sentry v2 #5) Reynolds stated that C.L.O.C. was a good servant and a true friend to him. (Sentry: The Void v1 #1)

He operated his own headquarters that was a structure known as the Watchtower. (Sentry v1 #4) It was said to had been built by the Sentry with the assistance of Reed Richards. (Sentry v1 #5) It possessed Helioscopes that was used to detect threats around the planet. (Sentry v2 #2)

According to Reynolds, every time he used his powers he unleashed a blackness of the Void that sought to counter his actions. (New Avengers v1 #7)

Within the Negative Zone, the Sentry was noted for being weak as the very space made him lose much of his powers. In contras, the Void actually grew stronger by being in N-Space. (Sentry v2 #3)

At one time, he was empowered by the energies of a Celestial Death Seed. (Uncanny Avengers v1 #9)

To better contain the Void, Doctor Strange crafted a pocket dimension that existed within Robert Reynold's mind with this being known as Sentry World. This was an idealised version of the world that could be accessed by Robert through the Confluctor. Once used, he was transported into that world and could be the Sentry with the Void manifesting in that dimension. Anything that was destroyed was restored by the end of the day and by staying in Sentry World once every 24 hours he was able to prevent the Void from manifesting in the real world. (Sentry v3 #1)


  • The Sentry was created by Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee where he made his first appearance in Sentry v1 #1 (September, 2000).
  • Rick Veitch noted on his website about the characters creation where he said, "Paul saw the character as a guardian type, with a watchtower. We tossed around possible names and initially hit on THE CENTURION which seemed a bit clunky. It was Paul who boiled CENTURION down to SENTRY which sounded so good we couldn’t believe it wasn’t already taken."

Alternate Versions

  • In Contest of Champions v1 (2015), a version of the Sentry was abducted from the Multiverse to join contestants in the Battlerealm.

In other media

Video games

  • In Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2, the Sentry appeared as a playable character in the setting of the Nintendo DS version of the video game where he was voiced by actor Nolan North.
  • In Marvel: War of Heroes, the Sentry appeared as multiple playable cards in the setting of the video game.
  • In Marvel: Contest of Champions, the Sentry as well as his Void incarnation both appeared as playable characters in the setting of the mobile video game.
  • In Marvel: Future Fight, the Sentry appeared as a playable character in the setting of the mobile video game.


  • Sentry v1: (2000)
  • Sentry: The Void v1:
  • New Avengers:
  • Sentry v2:
  • Mighty Avengers v1:
  • Secret Invasion v1:
  • Dark Avengers v1:
  • New Avengers v1:
  • World War Hulk v1:
  • Savage She-Hulk v2:
  • Siege v1:
  • Uncanny Avengers v1:
  • Contest of Champions v1:
  • Doctor Strange:
  • Sentry v3:
  • Black Panther and the Agents of Wakanda v1:
  • Annihilation - Scourge: Fantastic Four v1:
  • Annihilation - Scourge: Silver Surfer v1:
  • Annihilation - Scourge: Beta Ray Bill v1:
  • King in Black v1: (2020)
  • King in Black: Return of the Valkyries v1: (2021)

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