Miss Sinister

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Miss Sinister in X-Men: Blue v1 #12.

Miss Sinister is a female comic supervillain who features in Marvel Comics.





Black Queen of the Hellfire Club in X-Men: Legacy v1 #217.

Claudine Renko

She would later become part of an experiment by Mister Sinister who had discovered a way to conquer death itself. Through his research, he had implemented various fail-safes into test subjects that would activate should he meet his demise. These fail-safes, which became more advanced over time, were coded into the very genetic makeup of individuals, imprinting them with Sinister’s own DNA. Upon Sinister’s death, they would trigger, and the victim would transform, inheriting Mr. Sinister’s memories, knowledge, and abilities and thus allow Sinister to overtake the victim's mind and live again in a new body. When Mr. Sinister Renko was one of the subjects of Mister Sinister's Cronus Machine that was a device that saved his intellect and memories with these being activated in a select number of host bodies that would morph into a new version of him in case he died. During this time, Mr. Sinister etched his very DNA into Claudine’s genes, so she could serve as a vessel for his reincarnation upon his death. And so, one day Claudine awakened to find that her body now resembled her former captor, and she had gained a limited amount of his memories and abilities. However, this would not prove to be a complete rebirth for Sinister as Claudine was still in control of her body and mind. (X-Men: Legacy v1 #214)

When Mister Sinister was killed at the hands of Mystique during the war over the mutant messiah, his perverse genetic machinations went into effect. Due to Professor Xavier's efforts, many of Sinister’s former test subjects, including Professor X himself, were ultimately saved from being forced to house Mr. Sinister’s essence. However, at least one of these fail-safes was successful. After Essex was seemingly killed, the device had activated the genetic components of his DNA within the body of Renko but without Mister Sinister's memories. She was met with by Sebastian Shaw who told her of the reason for her new powers and inducted her into the Hellfire Club to be the new Black Queen with Claudine taking the name of Miss Sinister. (X-Men: Legacy v1 #214)

She later brought him to a mansion recently purchased by Sebastian Shaw where she began to telepathically attempt to unlock his memories but found powerful blocks placed inside Daken's mind. Renko reported her findings to Shaw who tasked Claudine with keeping Daken distracted where she proceeded to try and seduce him. (X-Men: Legacy v1 #217) Unable to break the blocks, the Hellfire Club decided to trick Charles Xavier into attempting to unlock Daken's memories. When he arrived at the mansion, he battled Miss Sinister and seemingly defeated her with him proceeding to attempt to unlock Daken's memories but was rendered unconscious due to the psychic traps inside his mind. With the traps broken, Miss Sinister attempted to rewrite Daken's mind to make herself and Shaw into trusted allies of him but he saw through her deception and stabbed her with him leaving her behind. (X-Men: Legacy v1 #218)

The pair soon took an interest in Wolverine’s son, Daken. Just as dangerous and ruthless as his father, Daken would be the perfect weapon to use against Shaw’s rivals. And Daken was currently experiencing partial amnesia and was ripe for manipulation at the hands of Miss Sinister. Claudine approached him in San Francisco and after convincing him that she was an old friend, promised to restore his memories if he followed her. Claudine took Daken to Shaw’s mansion in Panama where she used her telepathy to enter his broken mind, only to encounter a 'psychic trap'. Planted there by Daken’s former master, the elusive Romulus, this trap was to prevent anyone else from taking control of his brainwashed pawn. Claudine discussed this obstacle with Shaw and the two decided to trick Professor X, whom Wolverine had recruited to find and assist his son, into springing the trap. Claudine would then enter Daken’s mind afterwards and rewrite Daken’s memories at her whim. However, Daken’s patience was running thin and in an effort to keep him appeased, Claudine seduced him. Having been deliberately clued in to Daken’s whereabouts, Professor Xavier and Wolverine arrived in Panama. While Wolverine traded blows with Shaw, Claudine entered psychic combat with Xavier. Despite her boasting, she was severely outmatched by the seasoned telepath and Xavier made his way to where Daken was being held. Just as Shaw and Claudine anticipated, Professor Xavier entered Daken’s troubled mind, triggering Romulus’ psychic trap. Xavier’s intrusion had the unexpected side effect of Daken regaining his memories. Sinister failed to realize this and as she entered his mind to plant false memories, she was brutally stabbed in the stomach by Daken. (X-Men: Original Sin v1 #1)


Claudine Renko in X-23 v3 #6.

The injuries she sustained were not life threatening but had been the first severe injury in her transformed body. Receiving it awakened some instinct within Claudine which she followed to one of Sinister's secret labs. Within it, she found children kept alive in stasis and decided to awaken them. Renko did not know the reason for these experiments but seemingly became a mother figure to these children. Around this time, she was said to had been approached by Director Malcolm Colcord who was looking to revive the Weapon X program. Colcord contacted Claudine thinking he could contract her services and her technical knowledge. Unknown to him, Miss Sinister did not inherit all of Essex's knowledge but did have his journals. This was used as a means of leveraging her position to others and being seen as a valuable resource to them. (X-23 v3 #5) However after many failures, Claudine took matters into her own hands and using a clone named Alice, lured X-23 to Sinister’s Arizona base. Claudine told the young X-Man that she was protecting the children from Concord and although X-23 did not believe her, she came to fall into the villains trap. Strapping X-23 to the device, Claudine attempted to transmit her mind into X-23’s body but unexpectedly, Mr. Sinister entered X-23’s mind instead. X-23 was powerful enough to force Mr. Sinister out of her, destroying the device in the process. Both ladies were freed from being hosts of Nathaniel Essex but Claudine was still angry about her plans being ruined. She attacked Alice for trying to help X-23 escape and was left behind as the lab self-destructed. She was saved by one of the other Alice clones who came to manifest a diamond on her head as she became the newest host of Essex. (X-23 v3 #6)


Through Jimmy Hudson, she managed to acquire the Mothervine and used it in her experiments that resulted in the rise of Secondary Mutations in existing Mutant subjects. (X-Men: Blue v1 #12) During her research into genetic anomalies, Miss Sinister discovered the existence of alternate reality Mutants that had fallen onto her Earth. She collected a number of them and studied these Mutants where not all survived her experiments as she turned them into weapons. Among her subjects were the New Marauders and Jimmy Hudson who went rogue and escaped with him missing his memories. Miss Sinister dispatched the Marauders with getting him back leading to a confrontation with the young time-displaced original X-Men. During the fight, the time displaced Jean Grey probed the mind of Mach-5 and discovered that the Marauders were being manipulated by Miss Sinister. Ultimately, Miss Sinister decided to abandon the attempt to reacquire Jimmy as she deemed his natural resistance to telepathy a burden but she became interested in the young Jean Grey where she promised they would meet again. (X-Men: Blue v1 #5) After careful study and manipulation of the gene-tampering, Miss Sinister found that Mothervine could also affect natural mutants instead of just unborn fetuses like it was originally intended. Through further experimentation it could also trigger Secondary Mutations and Tertiary Mutations within other mutants, greatly amplifying their original power set. (X-Men: Blue v1 #7) In some cases, however, the subjects did not take well to the therapeutic enhancement, and the effects ending up killing or degenerating their host. (X-Men: Blue v1 #12) Having managed to work out all of its defects, she along with Bastion began priming its use on a global scale under the direction of Havok and Emma Frost. (X-Men: Blue v1 #9) The Mothervine plan was put into effect, and bombs containing the catalyst were launched into a dozen major American cities resulting in the emergence of primary mutations in people that didn't possess the X-Gene, as well as the appearance of secondary and tertiary enhancements in mutants. (X-Men: Blue v1 #26) By the time the release of Mothervine reached global levels, Emma Frost learned that all mutants created by Mothervine could be subjugated. The young X-Men launched a frontal assault on the masterminds' base, but were captured. (X-Men: Blue v1 #27) Emma Frost eventually turned against Miss Sinister, and took psychic control of the New Marauders to fight Miss Sinister. However, she activated a kill-switch she had implanted in their genetic code, killing all three instantly. The New Marauder's sacrifice was not in vain, as Emma Frost used Mach-II's magnetic powers to free Jimmy Hudson from his metal restraints, and he seemingly slew her. In the meantime, the effects of Mothervine had been contained and reversed by Magneto and Elixir. (X-Men: Blue v1 #28)

Afterwards, she went to the Bar With No Name to meet with fellow supervillains when she witnessed its patrons being beaten up by Old Man Logan who was looking for Quentin Beck. During this time, she used her telepathy to look into his mind briefly where she saw his own native reality that became the Wastelands where most of the worlds superheroes had been killed allowing for supervillains to rule Earth. She killed the beaten up Devil-Spider and departed in order to make this potential future a reality and search for Mysterio. She found Quentin Beck residing at the Bedford Hills Psychiatric Hospital having decided to abandon the life of a supervillain after being defeated numerous times. Miss Sinister revealed that Old Man Logan was coming to the hospital to kill him to prevent his future from ever coming to pass and Beck reluctantly decided to join Renko as they departed the hospital. She took Mysterio to meet with elements of Neo-Hydra led by Sin who wanted to make a world where her fathers vision had succeeded with the two discussing how to make this a reality. (Dead Man Logan v1 #1)

Sin was more than eager to get involved but argued with Miss Sinister over the best course of action. While Claudine wanted to recruit more villains and come up with a strategic plan, Sin had no patience and used Mysterio to initiate a fight between Logan and the Avengers in Times Square. Miss Sinister wasn’t the only one frustrated and Mysterio, realizing he was no more than a pawn, betrayed the group by leading Logan and the X-Men to their Neo-Hydra base. In the ensuing battle, Mysterio ultimately escaped but Miss Sinister wasn’t so lucky and was placed in Avengers custody. (Dead Man Logan v1 #5)


Personality and attributes

After gaining her powers, she decided to take the name of Miss Sinister for herself. (X-Men: Legacy v1 #214)

Claudine once had a life of her own until she inherited Mister Sinister's thoughts that resided in her mind. (X-23 v3 #5)

Renko was known to use her shapeshifting to disguise herself as a person's allies in order to manipulate them. (X-23 v3 #5)

Due to inheriting Mister Sinister's memories, she could recall all the people he knew in his life. Claudine though found it to be an odd feeling knowing people that she had not met. She was also aware of some of Essex's hidden laboratories though did not know all the purpose of some of these installations. (X-23 v3 #5)

She said that she found the reason why Mister Sinister had a particular fondness for Gambit who was considered Essex's special pet. Claudine claimed that she could see the attraction and that Gambit had 'good genes'. She was shown flirting with him and offering her bed to Remy. Gambit in turn said that Miss Sinister frightened him as he could see that she had the same look in her eyes as Mister Sinister. He claimed that something evil had resided within Claudine. (X-23 v3 #5)

Powers and abilities

She claimed that she had no choice on what she became as she had been programmed against her will by Mister Sinister. (X-23 v3 #5)

Miss Sinister was able to rapidly regenerate damaged or destroyed tissue with much greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. She can fully heal from injuries that result in massive tissue damage or loss such as multiple gunshot wounds, slashes, puncture wounds, broken bones, and severe burns within a matter of moments.

Her telepathic powers allowed her to shutdown the abilities of another person. (X-23 v3 #5)

Through her mind control and money, she was able to place herself under the control of entire towns to the point of owning the police. She found it that with money, she did not need to make use of mind control as much with this tactic allowing her to conserve her resources. (X-23 v3 #5)

While Essex was inhabiting Claudine's mind, his consciousness was slowly overwriting her own, and would eventually have done so permanently. The process was accelerated by wounds she received during her encounter with Daken, and Essex was briefly able to manifest himself entirely when she was attacked by Laura. (X-23 v3 #6)

Though she lacked even half of Essex's technical knowledge, Claudine had in her possession some of the journals of Mister Sinister. (X-23 v3 #5)


  • Miss Sinister was created by Mike Carey and Scot Eaton where she made her first appearance in X-Men: Legacy v1 #214 (September, 2008).


  • X-Men: Legacy v1: (2008)
  • X-Men: Original Sin v1:
  • X-23 v3:
  • X-Men: Blue v1:
  • Dead Man Logan v1:

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