Abel Nightroad
Abel Nightroad is a male anime and manga character who features in Trinity Blood.
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Abel Nightroad was a genetically engineered male human created in the year 2088 A.D. where he was born of the same genetic code as his twin brother Cain Nightroad. The two were created alongside two other children with these being Seth Nightroad and Lilith Sahl. They were the results of efforts made by the 2080's when Earth's massive population had caused it to consume the world's resources which brought misery, poverty, hunger and feelings of hopelessness for humanity. The United Nations decided to begin the settlement of Mars with the resultant Mars Colonization Project expected to take several years. The mission required the world to be prepared for colonisation in order to alleviate the population strain on Earth but required people hardened for this task. To accomplish this, they created 4 genetically engineered human beings to assume the role of leaders of the expedition and to represent the interests of their home nation with Abel holding this role for London, England. Thus were born the Nightroads who were to take charge of the colonisation mission where they along with 100,000 people were sent forth to Mars as they sought to bring about the salvation of the human race. In this time, Abel Nightroad came to serve as a Captain of the mission but he began to earn the hatred of the people under his command as he proved to be arrogant whilst acting like a despotic tyrant. This combined with his rude nature led to the people treating him with hostility, cruelty and seeing him as something inhuman by those around him. Despite that, Abel refused to change his ways and in time the settlers contempt for their leader led to them plotting to kill him. However, during this time, his interactions with Lilith caused him to soften as he fell in love with her and wanted a relationship with Sahl. This began to change him but it was too late as the settlers enacted their plan against him. During an acclimatization mission on the Martian soil, the colonizers abandoned Abel in the desert far from the settled regions in the hope that he would suffocate after he used up the oxygen in his suit. He was on the verge of death when he was found by Lilith where she saved him. She looked to return him to base but Lilith suffered an accident leaving the pair stranded but it was there in the Martian desert that they found by chance a spacecraft of alien origin. Entering into it, they managed to survive as it hey found oxygen within it and the two began exploring the alien ship where they found the dead bodies of preserved extraterrestrial humanoids. Hours later, their fellow kin Seth and Cain arrived after looking to rescue the pair whereupon they went through a study of the alien vessel. Lieutenant Seth Nightroad came to find advanced technology from the craft and within the bodies of the alien crewmen she found a form of nanomachines that had been incorporated into them. These provided a series of genetic improvements to the host with Seth naming the two strain of nanomachines as being Kudlak Bacillus and Krusnik Bacillus. The latter were discovered within four of the extraterrestrial corpses and required more power than the Kudlak variant.
The four were then infused with the Crusnik nanomachines. Eighty years later, the colonizers were finally able to rebuild a spaceship to travel back to Earth. Not long after however, due to the Earth's closer proximity to the sun, the colonizers started showing symptoms of vampirism. A rift started between the "returners" and the humans on Earth. The time period of this war that followed was known as "The Dark Ages". Due to the events of his creation, Abel had a great deal of hatred towards Humanity and joined the newly born Methuselah race in their war against Mankind - a conflict that led to Armageddon. During the war, Nightroad was personally responsible for the deaths of seven million Humans. As one of the Contra Mundi ("enemy of the world"), he had been called "a God of slaughter", "God of Carnage", and even a "God of Destruction", a name which Dietrich uses to provoke him. However, events changed upon the death of his fellow Crusnik Lilith during the time which led to Abel abandoning his hatred. He spent the next 900 years mourning and weepgn in Lilith's crypt in the Vatican.
One day, the crypt was disturbed by a young Caterina Sforza who was fleeing from Methuselah assassins. This act awakened Nightroad who decided that it was his duty to continue Lilith's work in defending Humanity. Thus, he saved the young Caterina and chose to live on. This chain of events led him to join the AX at the time of its foundation on May, 3055 A.D.
Abel was first noticed by Esther Blanchett when she heard the sorrowful sound of wings. Abel crashes into as he was actually attacked by crows, destroying Esther's home-made bomb. Abel asks "the boy" is fine, when his head starts to bleed from the impact with the ground. Dietrich von Lohengrin lifts Abel up by his ponytail and threatens the man, that no one hits on Esther, until he realizes Abel is a priest. Abel greets Bishop Laura Vitez when Esther is also called in. Where Abel comments that he'd mistaken Esther for a boy at first, but is quickly interrupted by a punch from Esther before he could finish. Later when Esther shows Abel to his run-down room, she asks Abel not to tell to Bishop Vitez about their earlier encounter. Abel changes subject, and then doubles over from pain. Esther starts to worried about him, but Abel just says that his stomach is growling, so Esther leaves to find him some food. In the kitchen of the church Esther makes some sandwiches for Abel; when Dietrich shows up after cleaning the cathedral. Dietrich mentions that Abel is like the normal priests, and then informs Esther that his informants have notified him that Gyula Kádár is in town again, and that the rebellion forces ready were to fight against the vampire. The two suddenly hear something from the hall, and they rush to find a vampire, along with the people he had killed. The vampire proclaims he is seeking information about the new priest, and is interrupted as Dietrich shoots him with silver bullets. The vampire steals Dietrich's gun, before the two could even notice. The vampire knocks out Dietrich, with the intention of capturing the two to present to Gyula. Esther stands her ground and calls him a monster, infuriating him. The vampire grabs Esther by her throat and suffocates her, but at that moment, Abel suddenly falls through the ceiling, landing behind the vampire whereupon Esther then passed out. Abel easily overpowers the vampire and drained him of his blood.
Afterwards, Esther wakes up on a bed with Dietrich sitting next to her, crying and apologizing, but happy that she survived. Esther says it is fine, but then she remembers the vampire and Abel. Dietrich takes her to the kitchen, where Abel is eating. The priest informs her that the vampire fled when he tried to shoot him. Esther appears to be shocked. Esther is next shown praying with Bishop Vitez at the funerals for the latest victims of a vampire attack while Dietrich and Abel watch. After she is done, Esther tells Abel and Dietrich that they are now heading to Gyula's mansion to finish this fight. Bishop Vitez hugs Esther, informing her that she had always known what Esther has been doing. She admits that although she doesn't want to let Esther go, since it was her mission, she encourages Esther to do her best. Bishop Vitez makes Esther promise to return home safely and entrusts Dietrich and Abel to look after her. As the trio head towards the mansion, the church with Bishop Vitez inside is set ablaze by the Star of Sorrow. Abel jumps in front of Esther, shielding her from the shards of glass, before handing her to Dietrich He tells the two to go to somewhere safe while he stays behind to take down the enemy forces. Esther is next seen alone, mourning for the loss of Bishop Vitez in the middle of the forest. Abel finds her, relieved that she is safe. Esther tells to Abel that Dietrich is has left her to put out the fire on the church. Esther continues to mourn, unable to comprehend why the Bishop had to die. She ponders upon her own insignificance as a single person as the Bishop's last words remind her of her mission. Abel puts her on the head, informs Esther that he will stand by her side, and apologizes for not being able to say anything more in this. Esther starts to cry, promising to Abel that she will not cry anymore. The two are in front of Gyula's mansion, when a huge beam of light comes down from the sky and destroys the mountains near the town. The two barge into the mansion, where Gyula is already waiting for the two. Esther interrogates Gyula about the light beam, while Abel asks if Gyula has already started the Star of Sorrow. The satellite on the sky was made by Gyula's late wife Maria, with her intention of it originally being the 'Star of Hope'. Esther shoots Gyua with her bow gun but the vampire easily catches the arrow. Looking down upon Esther, Gyula retorts whether such a violent race as terrains would get to heaven, before he throws the arrow back at her with blinding speed. Fortunately, Abel is able to catch it in time. Gyula recognizes Abel as one of the AX Agents. Abel pleads Gyula to stop the satellite, pointing out that the satellite was made to transport electricity and not used as a weapon of destruction.
Personality and attributes
In appearance, Father Abel Nightroad appeared as a clumsy absent minded Catholic priest who constantly has bad luck in terms of money and is always hungry. However, in truth, he was a Crusnik, a vampire with extraordinary powers and has the power to feed on other vampires.
In the distant past, Abel had nothing but hatred towards Humanity and was an angry young boy during the Mars Colonization Project. He felt that as he and his fellows were experimental subjects only then their lives were considered expendable by Humanity. Thus, he despaired about what their futures would be and felt that he was no longer Human. A young Abel felt that if Human was destroyed the Earth would become a far better place. This meant that he worked towards Mankinds destruction until the death of Lilith. As penance for his past sins, Father Nightroad adhered to a strict principle of pacifism to the point that he had taken a vow not to kill unless he absolutely must. Even after killing a murdering vampire as a Crusnik, he was noted as saying that he knew that the criminal would burn for his sins but still he would say a prayer for him.
While he accepted his Crusnik form, he only changed into it as a last resort. Upon meeting Esther, he also became reluctant to transform into a Crusnik in battle due to the thought that she would see him and fear him. When Ester did see him in his true form, Abel was noted as being distraught and screaming in agony. He would later tell her that it was a mark of his sins. When he believed Esther was killed by the vampire Radu, he went into a rage and turned into his Crusnik whereupon he delighted in killing the Methuselah Radu. However, Ester managed to bring him back to normal.
Abel displays many odd quirks throughout the series; such as putting thirteen sugars lumps in his tea and is always short of money. He is noted as having terrible luck as well.
Abel considered himself a sinner for his past actions in fighting against Humanity as he was once considered the enemy of the world. When his fellow Crusnik Seth told him that the events were 900 years ago and that Lilith would have forgiven him, Father Nightroad simply responded that he had never managed to forgive himself.
It's been shown that Abel appears almost oblivious to the romantic feelings Esther has towards him even though some of his comrades were aware of it to the point that they called him a dunce.
Powers and abilities
Abel Nightroad was a test-tube baby who was born in vitro and genetically modified with a higher degree of intelligence as well as increased strength, speed, intellect and longevity whereby he aged 1.5 times less than a normal human being. As part of his creation, experimental science led to his rate of growth being accelerated so that he would reach adulthood at a fast rate. They also assimilated large quantities of knowledge that would allow them to complete their mission.
Nightroad was a genetically engineered human who came to be bonded to Crusnik nanomachines. In his human form, Abel makes use of a gun loaded with silver bullets as his primary method of offense against an enemy. The nanomachines in his body have apparently improved his lifespan as he is nearly a millennia old though his appearance was that of a comparatively young man.
However, when he called upon the nanomachines in his body, he was capable of turning into a Crusnik which greatly enhanced his combat abilities. At 40% activation power, his eyes became red and his lips turned dark blue with his teeth becoming fangs. A gigantic red scythe formed in his hands and appeared to have been formed from crystallized blood. Once transformed, it was noted that Methuselah blood appeared to move about and be drawn into Nightroad's body without using his fangs..
At 80% activation, his nails turn into claws with black wings growing on his back and the capacity to generate large amounts of electricity. To take on this form, he required the blood of a vampire to power him and though he was capable of initiating 80% power, there was a chance that the nanomachines would refuse the command and cause him to collapse. This power usually manifests as gigantic electrical discharges that he uses as attacks, but can be more subtly employed as well, as in one instance where he created a static electrical field. His regenerative powers are also significantly enhanced in this form and he has demonstrated the power to regrow missing limbs and vital organs within seconds.
His final state was 100% activation where he turned into a dark skinned humanoid with black bat wings as well as blue markigns that covered his body. Similar to the previous state, he had the capacity to generate electricity though it was much more potent and a second blade formed on the other end of his blood scythe.
Abel was knowledgeable in the use of Lost Technology and was skilled enough to match programmers skilled in its usage. This allowed him to reprogram computers and restore control to them.
- Abel Nightroad was created by Sunao Yoshida and Thores Shibamoto where he featured in the setting of the Trinity Blood universe.
In other media
- In Trinity Blood, Abel Nightroad appeared in the setting of the anime television series where he was voiced by Japanese actor Hiroki Tōchi with Satoshi Hino voicing the young Abel whilst English actor Troy Baker voiced the character in the dubbed series. The anime DVD booklet noted on Abel that he was second Nightroad son, born to be leader of the Mars colonists. As the second Crusnik, he became the Commander of the Alliance Aerospace Navy, and the General Security Supervior of the Mars Colonization Project's Administration; his ID is UNASF94-8-RMOC-666-02-ak. Hates himself for being "expendable goods" for the colonization project, is pessimistic about the future, and curses humanity. Inside the Ark, he caused all sorts of problems. Talking to Lilith calms his wild heart, but Abel despises humanity. He tries to burn the world, using the power of the Ark.
- Trinity Blood:
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