Ghoul (DC Animated)
Ghoul was a member of the Jokerz gang who assisted the resurrected Joker in his comeback campaign. Ghoul (real name Stewart Carter Winthrop III) was a tall, thin individual who dressed like a scarecrow and carried around a plastic jack o' lantern trick-or-treat bucket. He is thought to have been killed when the Joker's out-of-control laser satellite destroyed the Jolly Jack Candy Factory, after being knocked unconscious by Batman.
Alternate Timelines
In an alternate future timeline created by Chronos's time-tampering, Ghoul served as one of Chronos' minions. Using future technology, Chronos gave him mechanical limbs with retractable blades. He was later captured by the Justice League Unlimited of two eras and interrogated. This timeline ceased to exist after Batman trapped Chronos in a time-loop.