Kronika (Mortal Kombat)

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Kronika is a female video game character who features in Mortal Kombat.



Kronika was a female member of the Titans that were ancient god-like entities that inhabited the universe where she became the Keeper of Time. She came to be the mother of Shinnok and Cetrion both of whom became members of the Elder Gods. Long ago, she was said to had crafted the Sands of Time to manage the flow of time and to maintain balance between the realms. It was known that on numerous occasions that she had reset the timeline due to the actions of Raiden and Liu Kang.

It was the actions of Raiden again that were said to had disrupted the balance that Kronika had long maintained. This led to her deciding to intervene in mortal affairs once more following the defeat of Shinnok. Thus, she appeared before her son and decided to alter the universe itself in order to create a more perfect universe. To accomplish this, she intended to rewind the Sands of Time to the beginning of existence thus forming a new universe. In this New Era, Raiden would not exist and the universe would become more according to the balance that was part of Kronika's designs. To bring about this goal, she began looking for allies for her cause with her approaching the Revenant Liu Kang and Empress Kitana after they suffered losses from an assault by the Special Forces of Earthrealm. She offered them the chance of ruling in her New Era with their forces in the Netherrealm being restored as a result. Kronika then set about altering time to bring forth individuals in the past to serve as her allies. Thus, she restored fallen kombatants that included Shao Kahn who was recovered by D'Vorah with the Emperor of Outworld agreeing to serve the Keeper of Time.

Kronika arrives at the Jinsei Chamber momentarily after Raiden leaves. She stops the blood draining out of Shinnok's severed head, and is disgusted with Raiden upsetting the balance of time. With Liu Kang and Kitana's palace destroyed and their Netherrealm minions crippled by the Special Forces, Kronika appears before them, rebuilding their palace by reversing time. This causes the present Raiden to be removed from existence, creating an anomaly of the younger versions of both good and evil, and thus reviving old foes that has been killed by the forces of good in the current timeline, but that does not bring Shinnok, Shang Tsung or Quan Chi back from the past. Meanwhile at the Kytinn hive, she, along with Geras and the mysterious figure, allied with Shao Kahn and his loyalists as well as members of the Black Dragon, D'Vorah and Kollector. Despite the dispute with each other, she incorporated her forces in an attempt to re-balance and reshape the world in perfect condition. At the Jinsei Chamber, she insisted Geras that the younger Shaolin Monks must live, otherwise their revenant counterparts will cease to exist. By stopping time, Geras passed the Jinsei to Kronika, so that she will be able to fulfil her goal in shaping the world. At the corridor entrance of her keep, she told Sektor, Shao Kahn and Kitana to rally her forces to ensure that the Sands of Time must stay intact, so that she can re-sculpt time. For Shao Kahn, he will reclaim the Throne of Outworld once he has killed Kotal Kahn. Sektor's plan is to reprogram the Cyber Lin Kuei and to ensure that the machines are in perfect fighting conditions.

A retired Special Forces Officer, Jax Briggs, sat on a couch watching his television, awaitng for his daughter's reply. Kronika approached to him and said that he will have a good and better future if he promised her that he will have grandchildren. Jax then accepted her allegiance. Back at the Keep, the present Liu Kang told Kronika of the failures that both Shao Kahn and the Black Dragon members are defeated, while scalping the hourglass. She once crafted the souls for Shang Tsung to gather enough souls at Shang Tsung's Island. Cetrion and present-day Jax returned from his deserted island, giving the soul crown to her. Pleased with her actions, she wore the crown to reform the timeline. Jax, however, is not satisfied for what he has done, unlike his previous iteration in which he had saved his daughter from death. Kronika then arrived at the Fire Gardens to insult Raiden about his devious actions that he has committed. She convinces Raiden that she will take young Liu Kang as her prisoner. Back at her keep, Kronika warned the others that Raiden's forces prepare an all-out assault soon, if he is willing to save Liu Kang and not repeat the same mistakes that they did in the previous timeline. She summoned her minions - revenant Kung Lao, Jade and Kitana - to command the Netherrealm army in the final defense against the Earthrealm and Outworld forces, especially Liu Kang, who has merged with the Thunder God's physical body. In desperation, Kronika casts a temporal reversion back to the start, causing a widespread distortion on the invaders as well as her own army, except for the Fire God Liu Kang, which Raiden merged with the revenant self, is immune to this spell. Her revenant minions attacked the Fire God, but it is of no use. The demigod Liu Kang is resilient and he still persists. She convinces Cetrion to defeat him. Lost to Liu Kang, Kronika has one final bargain for Cetrion: her essence will be transferred to Kronika. By becoming all-powerful, she rewrites history to the prehistoric age.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Kronika resembled a human female with piercing blue eyes. She had no hair but adorning her scalp was a piece of gold metal. She wore a black, white, and gold dress along with matching armor and heels. Parts of her body had a blue, ethereal glow. Her position led to her being known as the Keeper of Time.

She claimed that the arc of the universe bent to her will. Kronika was determined to bring about balance between the realms.

According to Raiden, as the Keeper of Time, Kronika is the only one capable of tampering with the forces of time to the point of present and past to collide, and also states that she has restarted the timeline many times in order to find perfection.

Kronika was the mother of the god Shinnok and goddess Cetrion both of whom represented the concepts of evil and good.

Among her most trusted followers was the immortal Geras who served as her enforcer and right-hand.

Powers and abilities

As a Titan, she was a god-like entity who stood above the Elder Gods. Her power allowed her to change the flow of time itself around those save herself or anyone else she includes. She can summon multiple individuals from across the entire history of time itself and bring them to the present era, even condense two entirely different points in space and time together, allowing doppelganger of the same person to exist and occupy the same space at the same time. Kronika has threatened to rewrite the entirety of the fabric of time and create an entire new era to undo the changes brought. Kronika could manipulate the sands of time for offensive measures, such as summoning sandstorms, blasting sand beams and turn sand into glass to create blades sharp enough to decapitate a person. For defensive means, she can turn into sand or energy to become intangible and impervious to attacks or create fields that damage her opponent over time. Kronika also has access to psychic powers such as telekinesis capable of ripping people in half or flaying them whole with a gesture. She can also summon other warriors to aid her.

She can also use her time powers offensively by firing projectiles that wildly rewind, forward and stop others in time and can make these projectiles home in to her target to lessen the chances of dodging them. The effects of her time merging can also erase beings from existence but this effort requires a lot of energy to use. Such was her power that she could banish people into the Void where they could be trapped beyond the realms.

While she can be injured or even killed if damaged badly enough, she is physically more durable than any Earthrealm or Outworld native. In spite of her power, she is not omnipotent, and her mastery over all time is limited, requiring the immense sources of energy from the outside. In spite of her power, she is not omnipotent, and her mastery over all time is limited, requiring the immense sources of energy from the outside, such as Earthrealm's Jinsei and the crown hidden away in Shang Tsung's island empowered by the countless souls he had gathered over his lifetime, to enhance her power to its fullest. With the Crown, she was able to rewind time entirely using the Hourglass and with Cetrion's essence, reverting time all the way back to the very beginning, the dawn of time itself.

Central to her power was her Hourglass that allowed her to control the Sands of Time themselves. With it, she could halt time or reverse its effects or even create portals between the realms. Souls were said to possess the ability to influence time and thus could be a source of power to energise the Hourglass. Only a god was capable of manipulating the Hourglass and it could only be controlled through Kronika's Crown.

Her base of operations was a place outside the realms that was difficult to reach with this being the Isle of Kronika. On this island was a fortress that was known as Kronika's Keep that served as her base of operations.


  • Kronika was created by NetherRealm Studios and was voiced by actor Jennifer Hale where she featured in the setting of the Mortal Kombat universe.


  • Mortal Kombat 11:

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