Category:League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

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Acclaimed comic book from America's Best Comics (an imprint of Wildstorm) by Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill. Derived from the concepts of the Wold Newton Universe, it features an alternate Victorian era where the heroes of literary fiction are real, and a group of them has been assembled by the British Secret Service to deal with extraordinary threats.

Canon Material

  • League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (first series) (1999-2000)
  • League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (second series) (2002-2003)


During the course of its two series, League made reference to hundreds of other universes. These include:

These connections have made it an integral part of the Wold Newton Universe, not only through its ties to universes already part of the Universe, but also through the numerous new connections it provides.


Pages in category "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen"

The following 7 pages are in this category, out of 7 total.

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