Confederacy (Starcraft)

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The Confederacy is a government that features in StarCraft.




The Terran Confederacy was formed in 2459 as a conglomerated government between the colony on Tarsonis and seven other colony worlds in the Koprulu Sector. This number increased to a peak of eleven colonies as the Confederacy expanded its operations throughout its history, not including non-colony worlds with military purposes. Whilst the powerful Tarsonis colony wanted the other primary Terran planets of Umoja and Moria to join them in the confederation, it was unable to persuade them to do so. Even so, the new Confederacy was able to benefit from mutual trade and commerce treaties with the other colonies. Despite these agreements, the Confederacy quickly came into conflict with the government of Moria. Moria was the richest resource node in the sector, so the Morians became worried that the Confederacy might attempt to move in and regulate their mining operations, thus losing their independence. In order to protect themselves and their corporate mining guilds, the Kel-Morian Combine was formed. Tensions between the Confederacy and the Combine rose to a point where conflict became inescapable, and the Terran Guild Wars erupted. The consequent war was costly for both sides, with several planetary assaults taking place on both Moria and Tarsonis. After nearly four years of combat, the Kel-Morian Combine was forced to submit, left with no other option than a dictated peace. Whilst the Combine was able to maintain its independence, most of its supporting mining guilds were annexed into the Confederacy. It was also rumoured that a reparations demand was established, by which the Combine would be forced to supply the Confederate military with resources. At its peak, the terran confederacy was by far the most powerful and technologically advanced terran faction that ever existed in the Starcraft universe. Most of the technology used by every other terran faction was developed by the confereracy. More advanced technologies such as the Psi Disruptor, capable of being used to eliminating the zerg, were eventually lost. Even earth did not have the technology of the confederacy.

The brutal tactics used by the Confederacy in the Guild Wars sparked a series of resistance movements to Confederate rule. Although not a terrorist organisation, the Umojan Protectorate was created by the Umojan colony in order to protect its people from the forces of the Confederacy. Many smaller pirate militias were also formed, such as the Colonial Liberation Army, and whilst none of these groups were capable of taking on the Confederacy directly, they remained a constant irritant to Confederate security. The Confederate Senate responded with harsher legislation, allowing the enforcement agencies to effectively abuse the citizenry. This in turn created more dissent amongst the populace, culminating in the rebellion of Korhal IV. Although Korhal IV was one of the original signatories of the Confederacy, there was a growing call for independence in the wake of Confederate oppression. Despite declaring martial law, the Confederates were unable to hold the planet when the Korhalian Senator Angus Mengsk declared war and actively assisted the Korhalian resistance. Fearing the implications of having one of their core colonies withdraw from the confederation, the Confederate Council had the renegade Senator assassinated. However, the assassination of Angus Mengsk resulted in his son, Arcturus Mengsk, taking control of the Senator's forces and striking out directly at the Confederacy, using both guerilla and terrorist tactics to do so. As rumours about a potential alliance between the newly dubbed Sons of Korhal and the Umojan Protectorate spread, the Confederate Council decided to raze the Korhal colony with a nuclear barrage. Despite killing four million people in the attack, the Confederacy was still unable to stop the resistance.

Arcturus Mengsk's forces continued to strike out at the Confederacy, but a greater threat soon engulfed the Confederacy. Chau Sara, a fringe world colony, became involved in studying a new xenomorphic threat known as the Zerg. However, the creatures overwhelmed the Confederate researchers, and despite the attempts of both Alpha and Cerberus squadrons they were successful in infesting the planet. Whilst these events were kept under strictest seal by the Confederate Council, they were unable to prevent the knowledge of the subsequent destruction of the planet in a surprise stike by a Protoss fleet under the command of Tassadar, revealing to the humans in the sector that they were not alone in the galaxy and starting off the period conventionally known as the Brood War. The existence of the Zerg became common knowledge soon after, although Confederate media attempted to mislead the public over the nature of the species, suggesting they were allied to each other and the Sons of Korhal. The colony of Mar Sara quickly showed signs of infestation, along with the other Confederate worlds of Dylar IV and Brontes IV. The Protoss fleet withdrew unexpectedly after heading towards Mar Sara, but the Zerg were able to advance underhindered across the planet as the Confederacy wrote off the planet and its colonists. However, the Sons of Korhal evacuated the colonists and also raided the local Confederate installation, retrieving secret plans for a psi emitter, a device used in the experiments designed to lure the Zerg into specified locations. As the last of the colonists evacuated, the Protoss returned and destroyed the surface of the planet. As they were not destroyed by the Protoss, the colony worlds of Dylar IV and Brontes IV quickly fell to the Zerg.

In the wake of the fall of the Sara system and the threat from both the Zerg and the Protoss, the Sons of Korhal launched a full scale assault on the Confederates, sparking a revolt on the Confederate colony of Antiga Prime. In the midst of this, the Zerg had invaded the planet and forced the Alpha Squadron flagship Norad II to crash-land within infested parts of the colony. Mengsk decided to have the ship rescued, thus causing Alpha Squadron's commander General Duke to defect to the Sons of Korhal. The Confederate Delta Squadron blockaded the planet to trap the Sons of Korhal there with the increasing Zerg infestation[1], but the Sons of Korhal set off the psi emitters, luring the Zerg to the planet and facilitating the escape of the terrorists. Soon after, the Sons of Korhal assaulted Tarsonis directly. In the midst of the battle, General Duke's forces set off dozens of psi emitters across the planet, drawing millions of Zerg to the system to lay waste to the planet. Already crippled by surgical strikes by the Sons of Korhal, the Confederates were unable to activate their hidden Psi Disruptor in order to mount an effective defence, and consequently were overrun by the Zerg. As the Sons of Korhal prevented the Protoss from attacking the Zerg, the bulk of the population of Tarsonis, including the political institutions of the Senate, Council and the Old Families, was killed. In the space of only a few months since the first appearance of non-human life, the Confederacy was effectively destroyed. The Confederacy was succeeded by the Terran Dominion, an empire founded by the Sons of Korhal under the sovereignty of Arcturus Mengsk. Mengsk later forcibly conscripted the remaining Confederate forces into the Dominion military. The remaining Confederate colonies, left unaffected by both the Zerg and the Protoss, were also drawn into the new Dominion. However, pockets of Confederate resistance remain. One such pocket, calling itself the Confederate Resistance Forces and led by Lieutenant Samir Duran, joined with the United Earth Directorate during its initial assault. Confederate forces were seen experimenting with Protoss technology for human usage in the special mission Deceptions, under the command of Vice-Admiral Alexei Stukov. It is likely that there are other Confederate resistance groups operating within the Dominion, even though the Confederacy has been damaged beyond repair.


The Confederate government consisted of an elected Senate and a Council. The Senate comprised of representatives from each colony world and dealt with most of the day-to-day running of the Confederacy. However, the unelected Council held sovereignty over the whole of the Confederacy. Its members consisted primarily of members of the Old Families, descendants from the leaders of the exiles aboard the Nagglfar. Old Families held much influence over Confederate policy and more secretive aspects such as the Zerg. As such, both levels of Confederate government were perceived by many to be corrupt. The Council also controlled the Confederate High Command, which had responsibility over all Confederate military actions. As such the actions of the High Command were often politically motivated by the Council. Despite being a confederation, dissent from member worlds was not tolerated. The rebellion and potential withdrawal of Korhal IV from the Confederacy caused the Council to decide to destroy the colony with a nuclear barrage. The rich and powerful Old Families maintained huge businesses and had representation on multiple worlds. They were largely immune to all but the most important laws and knew the secrets of the Council. Many members of the Old Families married members of other families in order to forge a stronger genetic and financial union. As these weren't love matches, both parents generally had mistresses and "jigs" and offspring were produced through artificial insemination. The Old Families were largely wiped out by the destruction of Tarsonis, although a number of the younger members of the Families are thought to have escaped to Tyrador IX prior to the Sons of Korhal assault.

The Confederate government extends down to local levels with the appointment of Colonial Magistrates. Magistrates act as governors over their colonies, dealing with local issues. They are normally delegated control of the local militia, and can also take command of divisions of Confederate squadrons under special orders from the Confederate High Command. Confederate Marshals are also appointed to assist the Magistrate, taking responsibility for the enforcement of law in their region of responsibility.

The Confederate military forces are divided up into various armies and divisions called squadrons. Each of these squadrons is responsible to the Confederate High Command, but the individual commanders of the squadrons enjoy a sizeable amount of autonomy. In addition to the Confederate squadrons, Confederate High Command also has control over local militias on the various colony worlds. However, these colonial militias are often delegated to the control of the Colonial Magistrate or a Colonial Marshal. The militias are also not very well trained or equipped, acting more as a deterrant than competent combat forces. After the fall of the Confederacy, many of the Confederate squadrons were forcibly conscripted into the Terran Dominion.

Within the military, there were a number of famous units that included:

  • Alpha Squadron : also known as the Blood Hawks, they were an elite task force commanded by General Edmund Duke. It is described as one of the most efficient wing of the Confederate armed forces; the squadron's motto is appropriately "first in, first out". Once based on Chau Sara, the squadron had to evacuate the planet when the Protoss and Zerg wiped out all life on the planet. During the fall of the Confederacy, Alpha Squadron was tasked with the evacuation of Confederate assets from Mar Sara and with the security of Confederate personnel on Antiga Prime. During the Antiga operation, the Alpha Squadron flagship Norad II was forced to crash-land in a Zerg-infested area of the planet. However, the Sons of Korhal rescued the downed vessel and their general, Edmund Duke. In return for saving them, Alpha Squadron defected to the Sons of Korhal, later spearheading the assault on Tarsonis.
  • Cerberus Squadron : a small but elite reconnaissance group within the Confederate military. They were involved in early research regarding the new xenomophic threats, later taking control of a division of Alpha Squadron to facilitate the defence of Chau Sara in the early stages of the Zerg invasion. However, the Cerberus Squadron abandoned the planet after the initial Zerg wave along with Alpha Squadron, allowing the planet to be fully infested by the Zerg. Cerberus' position in the Confederate hierarchy is not entirely clear, the squadron commander has security clearance much higher than normal, able to gain access to information normally kept only to the politicial institutions.
  • Delta Squadron : forming the bulk of the Confederate military. Directly controlled by the Confederate Government, the squadron itself is bigger than any other squadron. As it forms the main force of the military, Delta Squadron is often involved in supporting other squadrons to assist them in their objectives in the field. However, the squadron's main directive is the defence of Tarsonis. During the fall of the Confederacy Delta Squadron was tasked with securing the colony of Brontes IV from both rebel and alien forces[6]. It was later responsible for the blockade of Antiga Prime and was also heavily involved in the defence of Tarsonis. Delta Squadron was later conscripted into the Terran Dominion.
  • Nova Squadron : numerically inferior to the other wings of the Confederate forces, but its units are well-trained for their purposes. The squadron acts as the Confederacy's secret police[2], keeping both the public and other squadrons in line. Led by Colonel Jackson Hauler, Nova Squadron also maintains a vast espionage system, keeping tabs on the enemies of the Confederacy and investigating the Protoss and Zerg[2]. Nova Squadron, along with its commanding officer, were later conscripted into the Dominion[7] where they continue to maintain security and the running of the Ghost Program.
  • Omega Squadron : also known as the Death Head's Legion, they were an elite assault force under the command of Lieutenant Commander Gregory Reikson. Omega Squadron consists primarily of neurally resocialized conscripts[2], who before their forced entry into the squadron were mainly hardened criminals. Whilst not the most efficient of the squadrons, Omega Squadron has a reputation for unrelenting savagery in battle. Omega Squadron participated in the defence of Tarsonis during the final days of the Confederacy, and was later conscripted into the Terran Dominion.


  • Edmund Duke :
  • Samir Duran :


  • The Confederacy was created by Blizzard Entertainment and featured in the StarCraft universe.


  • StarCraft:
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