Dee-Dee Twins

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The Dee-Dee Twins (aliases Delia and Deirdre Dennis) were identical twin girls who were granddaughters of Harley Quinn and members of the Jokerz, collectively referred to as just "Dee-Dee," and dressed like ragdolls. They were among the Jokerz who assisted the resurrected Joker in his scheme to make his grand comeback in Gotham City, and were ultimately defeated by Batman and arrested. They were, however, released into the custody of a much older (and no longer criminal) Harley Quinn pending their trial.

Alternate Timelines

In an alternate future timeline created by Chronos's time-tampering, the Dee-Dee Twins served as Chronos' minions. Using future technology, Chronos gave them powerful energy whips and the ability to duplicate themselves after any physical impact. Among other victims, they slew the future's Green Lantern and Batman (Terry McGinnis). This timeline ceased to exist after Batman trapped Chronos in a time-loop.

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