Gabriel Stacy and Sarah Stacy

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Gabriel Stacy and Sarah Stacy in Amazing Spider-Man v1 #512.

Gabriel Stacy and Sarah Stacy are twins that feature in Marvel Comics.




The Stacy children in Amazing Spider-Man v1 #510.

Gabriel Stacy and Sarah Stacy were the genetic children of Gwen Stacy of Earth-616. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #511) Their origins were traced to Harry Osborn following the seeming death of his father Norman Osborn. In that time, Harry came to fall into madness after taking Goblin Formula where he looked to get revenge against all those that he perceived to had wronged him. Chief among them was Peter Parker after learning that his close friend was the hero Spider-Man. At first, Osborn worked with the Chameleon to create Life Model Decoys of Richard and Mary Parker to torment Peter Parker. At the same time, he was aware that his father had survived and planned to return. In preparation for that encounter, Harry as the Green Goblin began to make pacts with the likes of Mysterio and Mendel Stromm all with the goal of making the sins of his father's past return to haunt him. This began with the creation of an artificial intelligence based in a computer that was based on Harry Osborn's personality at the time. Stromm then helped in the engineering of clones based on the genetic material of Gwen Stacy to create biological children. Meanwhile, Norman Osborn had returned to New York City where Mysterio in the guise of a hypnotist was used to make the elder Osborn believe that he had an affair with Gwen Stacy. There were initial setbacks though as the process of making the cloned children suffered from fatal flaws that brought about accelerated aging, decay and eventually death. Thus, the siblings were cloned several times where they suffered, died and came back until finally one incarnation was ready to be deployed onto the field. (Amazing Spider-Man v5 #73) In addition, the demon lord Mephisto played a role in reviving the twins per a deal made with Norman Osborn who had sold his son Harry's soul to Hell. (Amazing Spider-Man v5 #74) It was then that a cover story was put into place whereby the twins were said to be the result of an affair between the young Gwen Stacy and Norman Osborn. It was said to had occurred seven months before Harry Osborn suffered from a critical overdose of LSD. In that time, Stacy found Norman where he seemed upset and broken to the point where she felt sorry for him. This was a different side to the man and in a moment of weakness the two slept together. Afterwards, Gwen came to find herself pregnant with twins but kept this a closely guarded secret from everyone. This was until 7 months later when Harry Osborn's overdose resulted in both Gwen and Mary Jane Watson both rushing home to watch over him. Whilst Mary Jane watched Harry, Gwen secretly confronted Norman claiming that she had no intention of him ever seeing their children and that she had intended to reveal their existence to her love Peter Parker. Mary Jane Watson came to inadvertently witness the confrontation where Gwen asked her to keep the secret. Thus, the existence of the twins was a closely guarded secret with Norman Osborn intending to claim the offspring for himself to be his heirs to replace Harry Osborn. He believed that they would inherit the special Osborn blood within them. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #512)

Spider-Man came to meet the twins atop George Washington Bridge in order to expose Norman's manipulations with Sarah beginning to believe Spider-Man whilst her brother Gabriel was maddeningly convinced of the lie. Wrongly outraged that 'Spider-Man' had abandoned them, he believed that Parker had attempted to pawn them off on Norman leading to Gabriel attack the reticent Spider-Man who did not want to hurt him. However, the police arrived at the scene where they became involved in the incident leading to them shooting the twins thus wounding Sarah. Taken to the hospital, Sarah's body refused all blood transfusions until Spider-Man offered his in speculation that his own unusual blood samples would help to stabilize the Goblin serum in her bloodstream. After Sarah regained consciousness, her brother crashed through the hospital window having taken a new Goblin serum to become the Grey Goblin, and dragged Peter out to kill him. Meanwhile, Gabriel escaped and found one of Norman's old base that he had been told them about in the past. Realizing Peter was telling the truth, he injected himself with Goblin Formula and donned a grey variant of the Green Goblin costume where he assumed the mantle of the Grey Goblin in an attempt to gain the strength to finally kill Spider-Man. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #513) Attacking at the hospital where Spider-Man was saving Sarah's life, Grey Goblin was ready to kill Spider-Man in his weakened state when Sarah intervened by shooting his Goblin Glider, causing it to blow up and Gabriel losing his memories. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #514)

After Sarah had secretly taken him home to Paris and cared for him, a drug dealer from their youth came after the two for the theft of $1.5 million dollars of drugs Gabriel stole from him. When the pressure of nursing him and fending off the dealer became too much, Sarah attempted suicide and Gabriel escaped the Osborn estate in a crazed state while she was in the hospital. As he was on the loose, Sarah eventually joined Interpol in an effort to find Gabriel. (Spectacular Spider-Man v2 #26) Found again by Norman Osborn, Gabriel was injected with a Super-Soldier-Goblin Formula. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #598) Years later, a new clone of Gabriel Stacy resurfaced, shooting his half-brother Harry Osborn in a fit of jealousy over Norman's spoils. Leaving him for dead, Gabriel stole the American Son Armor and fled continuing to suffer from the split personality disorder, developed as a result of the second dose of the Goblin Serum. Gabriel hears a planned ambush by a police squad and proceeds to attack; before he can do any real damage, however, he is stopped by Spider-Man. After kidnapping reporter Norah Winters and luring Harry to a vacant warehouse, Gabriel makes another attempt on Harry's life. While locked in combat, the half-brothers discuss their respective views of their father. Harry attempts to convince Gabriel that their father is an evil monster who only craves death and power while Gabriel tells Harry that his half-brother's a waste of the Osborn bloodline. Saddened by the inability to reach Gabriel, Harry reveals hacking into the American Son armor and quickly over powers Gabriel. After Gabriel is defeated the warehouse is set on fire and the half-brothers are saved by Spider-Man and a police squad. Following his capture, Gabriel is placed in a psychiatric hospital, and informed that the American Son suit is thought to be destroyed. However, a package is soon delivered to his room containing the American Son helmet and a note from his father telling him of loving Gabriel and missing his son. (Amazing Spider-Man Presents: American Son v1 #4)

By this point, the personalities of both Gabriel and Sarah Stacy were erased where they were replaced by those of the A.I. Harry Osborn who assumed the name of Kindred and embarked on his planned revenge against all his enemies. (Amazing Spider-Man v5 #73)


In appearance, the brother Gabriel Stacy and sister Sarah Stacy were said to resemble their mother Gwen Stacy. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #511) In reality, the siblings were actually genetically engineered clones created by the Harry Osborn artificial intelligence. (Amazing Spider-Man v5 #73)

It was believed that the Goblin Formula that was inherited from their 'father' was responsible for aging them abnormally. This led to them suffer from premature aging that would ultimately be responsible for killing them. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #512)

They were initially raised to believe that Peter Parker was their father who abandoned them and that he had caused the death of their mother. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #511)

In reality, the children were always engineered to be simply vessels for the personality engrams of an artificial intelligence version of Harry Osborn that had been uploaded onto a computer. Upon reaching a set age, the personalities they developed would become erased and were instead replaced by those of Harry Osborn who had taken the name Kindred. (Amazing Spider-Man v5 #73)


Gabriel Stacy in Amazing Spider-Man v1 #513.
  • Gabriel Stacy : a brown haired male who was the son of Gwen Stacy. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #511) He would later adopt the identity of the Grey Goblin in memory of his 'father' Norman Osborn. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #514) During the Dark Reign, he confiscated a suit of armor when he became the American Son. (Age of Heroes v1 #2) His personality was later erased and replaced by those of the A.I. Harry Osborn where he shared the identity of Kindred with his sister. (Amazing Spider-Man v5 #73)
  • Sarah Stacy : a blonde haired female who greatly resembled her mother Gwen Stacy. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #511) Her personality was later erased and replaced by those of the A.I. Harry Osborn where she shared the identity of Kindred with her brother. (Amazing Spider-Man v5 #73)


  • Gabriel Stacy and Sarah Stacy were created by J. Michael Straczynski and Mike Deodato where they made their first appearance in Amazing Spider-Man v1 #509 (August, 2004).
  • In a thread on Newsarama, Straczynski commented on how he ultimately wished to retcon the characters out of existence using the events of the One More Day story arc, but was not permitted to do so.

Alternate Versions

In other media

Video games


  • Amazing Spider-Man v1: (2004)
  • Amazing Spider-Man Presents: American Son v1:
  • Amazing Spider-Man v5:

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