Gluttony (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)

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Gluttony the Voracious.

Gluttony is a male anime and manga character who features in Fullmetal Alchemist.




Gluttony (Japanese: グラト二ー, Hepburn: Guratonī) the Voracious was one of the homunculi that were artificial beings that were created with a core of a Philosopher's Stone and were aspects of Father's personality. They were crafted by Father sometime after the destruction of the nation of Xerxes long ago and he had acquired a human form. He sought to achieve his own mysterious goals and crafted numerous homunculi that were shed from his own personality with each being based on the Seven Deadly Sins of Man. These homunculi were Pride, Envy, Greed, Lust, Sloth and Wrath. Gluttony's own origin was part of an experiment in creating a Gate of Truth with this ultimately being a failure. Upon Gluttony's creation, he operated as an agent of Father and worked alongside Lust in the completion of his goals.

Alongside Lust, he travelled to Eastern Amestris to the town of Reole where the homunculi had manipulated a fraud priest named Father Cornello. This was until he was exposed where he went on the run to his benefactors though Lust ultimately decided to have him killed with Gluttony devouring him. Envy then came to impersonate him where his identity was used to cause violent riots in the town of Lior. The three homonculi then watched the resultant riots where they mocked the predictability of mankind. He participates in the battle with Scar, having being able to detect "an Ishvalan cloaked in the stench of blood"- another of his own unique abilities. Sadly for him, Scar escapes, so Gluttony cannot eat him. Later, Gluttony is present in Father's lair when Greed is captured, who snidely remarks to Gluttony that he has not lost any weight, though Gluttony doesn't seem to mind, and is later honored as one of Father's loyal children. When Envy recognizes Number 66 from the penitentiary attack, he and Gluttony are sent by Lust along with Barry the Chopper's reanimated body to kill the traitor, inadvertently falling into the trap set up by Colonel Roy Mustang, and Gluttony is forced to engage in a fairly unsuccessful battle, being reprimanded by Pride towards the end, and told to leave the scene. While this is going on, Lust is killed by Mustang, something an unhappy Gluttony doesn't find out until later. After another battle with the Elrics, Gluttony is captured by them with the help of Ling Yao and taken away with Lt. Riza Hawkeye's help to a small building outside Central. When Gluttony realizes Mustang is Lust's killer, he manages to easily escape his restraints and opens his False Gate. Gluttony furiously consumes Edward, Ling, and Envy with the False Gate. The false gate manages to partially hit Alphonse, dissolving his arm off of his suit of armor. With Envy no longer around to command Gluttony, Alphonse convinces Gluttony to take him to Father's lair. In the ensuing battle, Gluttony runs out of energy and he is no longer able to revive himself. Father takes and reabsorbs what remains of Gluttony's Philosopher's Stone, promising to restore him with his memories intact. Some time later, Father recreates Gluttony by allowing him to grow off of his own body.

After recovering, he made his way past the woods into the opening where Pride was and commented on whether he had seen the bright light. In that moment, their foes threw some flash bombs that dissipated Pride's shadows and left the two Homunculi in a stand off. Gluttony commented that he had tried to devour his prey but the two Xingese used their talents to overpower him despite the complete darkness. Pride then asked how many times Gluttony had been killed to which the Homunculi stated that he did not know but that it was a lot. His brother Pride stated that the two were badly wounded and that they faced the very real prospect of being killed. But Gluttony said he had no fear as Father would fix them if that was the case but only then realized that Pride's shadows had encircled. Pride at this point intended to consume Gluttony's Philosopher's Stone to empower himself despite Gluttony begging to be spared. As the shadows snatched him, Gluttony begged Pride not to eat him and in his last moments he called out to Lust to save him. After his Philosopher Stone was consumed, Pride gained all of Gluttony's abilities including his endless hunger that needed to be sated.


Personality and attributes

One of the Homunculi.

In appearance, Gluttony was seemingly a short, obese, bald human with white eyes and oversized teeth with an Ouroboros mark on his tongue.

He was noted for being extremely childish and meek where he was content to follow the higher-ranking homunculi.

The main characteristic of Gluttony was his ravenous and unquenchable hunger. His only interest was finding something to eat with this ranging from living creatures to most humans. In one instance, he had a particular fondness for women as he found them tastier. Ultimately, his main trait was finding something to eat that would sate his hunger. During missions, he often inquired from his comrades if he could eat their target.

His most defining trait stemmed from his name as Gluttony was completely fixated on sated his hunger. As such, he often asked his comrades if he could eat their target.

He had faith in Father in being able to heal all of his injuries.

Gluttony was greatly attached to Lust and felt rage at the individual responsible for killing her.

Powers and abilities

A failed Gate of Truth.

As a homunculi, Gluttony had a range of abilities that were beyond those of a normal human despite his appearance. He was immortal so long as the Philosopher's Stone that made his core was not exhausted of energy or destroyed. As such, he was able to survive critical wounds that simply regenerated allowing him to restore lost limbs within moments. Among the homunculi, Gluttony had a superior sense of smell that allowed him to track targets over long distances through their scent.

His greatest weapon stemmed from his origin as a failed attempt at replicating a Gate of Truth. Gluttony was able to open up a massive move that split apart his body creating a doorway. From this maw, he was able to fire beams at targets that sucked his targets inside of it. Those hit were taken inside a realm within Gluttony. Once inside, they were generally trapped inside a place that consisted of everything Gluttony had ever consumed. This realm consisted of a sea of blood with few solid ground structures but no food or water. Typically, individuals trapped inside of Gluttony had no way of escaping and simply died inside. However, a skilled alchemist with the power of a Philosopher's Stone had the means of opening the portal and returning to the real world.


  • Gluttony was created by Hiromu Arakawa where he featured in the setting of the Fullmetal Alchemist universe.
  • In the earlier anime, a different version of Gluttony was shown with a backstory that diverged from the Manga.

In other media




  • Fullmetal Alchemist:
  • Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood:

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