Lucy Heartfilia

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Lucy Heartfilia is a female anime and manga character who features in Fairy Tail.





Lucy Heartfilia, a Celestial Wizard.

Lucy Heartfilia (Japanese: ルーシィ・ハートフィリア Hepburn: Rūshii Hātofiria) was a female human born the daughter of Jude Heartfilia (ジュード・ハートフィリア Jūdo Hātofiria) and his wife Layla Heartfilia (レイラ・ハートフィリア Reira Hātofiria). Her parents were originally members of a merchants guild named Love & Lucky which was where they met one another and later decided to go independent when her mother became pregnant. The couple decided to name their daughter after noticing that the merchant's guild was missing the letter 'K' in the name and became inspired by the name 'Lucy'. Afterwards, the couple made the Heartfilia family into a wealthy and powerful business empire in Fiore. Growing up in her family's mansion, Lucy had a good relationship with all the staff at her estate. She came to develop a love for her mother Layla's celestial spirits at an early age. However, when she was 10 years old, her mother passed away leaving only her father to care for her though he became obsessed with money and the business leading to him neglecting Lucy. Lucy came to inherit two of her mother's gold Gatekeys that summon powerful zodiac spirits with her later acquiring a third key by herself. Her estrangement from her father led to Lucy deciding to leave home with the intention of joining the Fairy Tail guild, which she admired despite the reputation of its members' inclination to cause unintended property damage. As such, she came to leave home when she was 16 years old and she set out to be an adventurer.

Later on, she came to be in Hargeon where she lamented on the lack of magic stores in the town. She came to find a single shop and attempted to get a discount on a Celestial Spirit named Nikora by using her sex appeal but even then could not afford the item. Whilst there, she came to be rescued from a criminal by Natsu Dragneel who was a fire wizard and Dragon Slayer who was accompanied by an Exceed named Happy. She later came to learn that he was a member of Fairy Tail where he invited her to join the guild after learning of her goals. The pair quickly formed a partnership as the two travelled to Magnolia where thy jointly paid rent for her house in the town that was home to Fairy Tail. Lucy came to quickly demonstrate her proficiency in summoning spirits and handling a whip in battle.

Fairy Tail

A day or so later, Lucy arrived at the Fairy Tail guild, in awe and mostly shocked at the many varied personalities of its members. A brawl develops in front of her, started by Natsu, and during that fight, she meets other members Gray and Mirajane. She also comments that none of the guild members are acting normal. The brawl is eventually stopped by Fairy Tail's Guild Master Makarov before it escalates into one with usages of Magic. Makarov initially begins to scold the members for their destructive actions, but soon breaks into an inspiring speech about following the way of Fairy Tail. Night falls, and Lucy opts to have her member stamp on the back of her right hand. Whilst there, Natsu looked for another job on the guild's request board, but overhears that Macao Conbolt, a Fairy Tail member, has been missing for a week, and his son Romeo wishes for Makarov to look for him, which the latter refuses to do. Natsu punches the board and leaves with Happy. Curious, Lucy asks Mirajane what is wrong with him, and she explains that perhaps, Natsu sees his own past happening with Romeo; in the past, his foster parent, Igneel the fire Dragon, suddenly disappeared. Out of curiosity, Lucy decides to go along with them into the furiously snowing mountains and begins to regret coming because of the sheer cold. Stealing Natsu's blanket and wrapping herself up in it, she then summons her Celestial Spirit Horologium, a clock spirit with a compartment where she can hide herself in for warmth. One Vulcan, a monster Macao had been subduing, suddenly appears and attacks Natsu before kidnapping Lucy, as it liked women. The Vulcan takes her to its cave, where it parades around her until Horologium disappears. As the Vulcan advances, Natsu catches up and demands to know where Macao is. Just as the Vulcan appears to confide Macao's whereabouts, he abruptly pushes Natsu off a cliff instead. Enraged and horrified, Lucy summons the (perverted) Zodiac Spirit, Taurus. Taurus and the Vulcan immediately begin to battle, but stop as Natsu reappears, having been saved by Happy. He knocks out Taurus, thinking it is another monster. Natsu then fights and swiftly defeats the Vulcan. Much to their surprise, the Vulcan is actually Macao, who had been "taken over" by the Vulcan's Magic. Having been smashed into the wall, Macao falls through a hole in the wall and is saved from falling down the mountain, thanks to the combined efforts of Natsu, Happy, Lucy and the revived Taurus. Macao, now back up, is found to be seriously wounded, and Natsu resorts to the extreme of burning one of Macao's wounds shut, which brings him back to consciousness. He tells them that he had successfully subdued 19 other Vulcans, but had been taken over by the twentieth one. At this, Lucy is in awe and feels she is no match for them. They then return to Fairy Tail's town, Magnolia, and Macao reunites with his son, Romeo.

As Lucy was settling into her new home, she finds out that Natsu and Happy have brazenly broke in. As she attacked and scolds Natsu, Happy sharpens his nails on the wall, distracting her from Natsu, who then peeks at her writings. She dives for them, keeping them away from Natsu, and demands that they leave, which Natsu refuses to do. Giving up, she offers the two a cup of tea. Lucy teaches them how the Celestial Spirit keys work and the fundamentals of making contracts with the Spirits. She summons the Spirit of her recently-bought Nikora key. His peculiar appearance stirs Natsu and Happy's pities, believing Plue to be a failure on Lucy's part. She argues that Nikora is a canine Spirit, and proceeds to contract with him. In a 'language' that only Natsu seems to understand, Plue apparently suggests that they should form a team, to which both Mages adhere. Their first mission is to steal a book, which involves an owner looking to hire a blonde maid, and that makes Lucy think Natsu tricked her. Upon arriving in the Town of Shirotsume, Natsu complains about being hungry and goes off to a restaurant with Happy, while Lucy leaves them be to look around the town. She returns in a maid costume, shocking both of them, as they only meant it as a joke. Regardless, they go to Kaby's house to meet with their client and discuss the mission, and are stunned to discover the reward has been raised by ten times. Impassioned, they head to Everlue's mansion, where Lucy attempts to be hired, but is rejected for being too ugly for Everlue's taste. This infuriates her slight vanity. With infiltration no longer an option, they resort to invasion, and decide to come through the roof of the mansion. They try to sneak around to find the book, but are quickly found by Everlue's maids, who are instantly defeated by Natsu. They eventually come across a library, and, after a bit of searching, find the book they have been hired to destroy: DAYBREAK. Just as Natsu is about to destroy it, Lucy snatches it off him, claiming that it is a book by the famous author, Kemu Zaleon, and that she has never seen it before. She refuses to allow Natsu to incinerate the book. Everlue appears at this moment, diving up from the floor, and after a short appraisal of his own genius, summons the Vanish Brothers to deal with the Fairy Tail Mages. Amidst the commotion, Lucy skims the book and discovers something within the contents that makes her rush off. She asks Natsu to buy her some time, as she apparently decodes the hidden meaning of the book. She somehow makes it to the mansion's sewers and through the enhanced reading speed provided by her Gale-Force Reading Glasses, Lucy successfully discovers the secret within the book. Everlue abruptly reappears and ambushes her, grabbing her arms and threatening to break them unless she tells him her discovery. She refuses to say anything, and is released when Happy strikes Everlue in the face. Lucy and Everlue engage in battle. Everlue's selfish nature is revealed when he tells Lucy how he forced Kemu Zaleon to make that book about him. Lucy, however, tells him that the book contains a further secret which proves that Everlue does not deserve it. With this declaration, she summons the Celestial Spirit Cancer. Everlue summons his own Celestial Spirit, Virgo, in response, but Natsu accidentally arrives with her, because he was grabbing her before she was called. At Lucy's request, he punches Virgo into the ground while Cancer and herself defeat Everlue. They return to Kaby's mansion and Lucy returns the book. He initially wishes to burn it, much to Natsu's chagrin. Kaby then explains his past, as well as why he wishes to get rid of the book. However, just as he is about to proceed with incinerating it, the book bursts into life - the letters rearrange themselves with the book's title, becoming DEAR KABY. Lucy explains that Zaeleon placed a spell on the book and dedicated it to his son, Kaby. Much to her dismay, Natsu and Happy then say they cannot accept the reward because they did not specifically do what they were asked. On their way home, Natsu realizes that Lucy's earlier protectiveness over her writings is because she is writing a book herself. Embarrassed, she desperately asks for him not to tell anyone.

Back at the guild, Lucy looks for another request poster and while talking to Mirajane, learns about the organization of guilds and the existence of illegal guilds, called Dark Guilds. Natsu frightens her and then tells her to hurry and find a new job for them, as it is her turn to choose one. However, she no longer wishes to work with him. Gray explains that she should feel no need to team up with anyone anymore, complimenting her on her work, but she explains that Natsu did nearly everything. As Natsu and Gray begin to brawl, Loke flirts with Lucy, but quickly runs away when he finds out that she is a Celestial Spirit Mage - he then returns to tell Natsu and Gray that the S-Class Mage Erza Scarlet has returned. Erza accordingly arrives with the large horn of a Demon she has slain, and after scolding several members, turns to Gray and Natsu, who are acting like Happy, and asks them to help her with a mission. Although Natsu and Gray both refuse, it seems to have fallen on deaf ears, as Erza immediately sets forth. Mirajane heralds the creation of this team as possibly "The Strongest Team" in Fairy Tail. Mirajane also asks Lucy to tag along, in order to keep Gray and Natsu from getting into their habitual fist fights. On the day of their departure, in the train station, she keeps the two from breaking into a brawl by lying that Erza is approaching. Upon her arrival, Lucy introduces herself to Erza, and Natsu challenges Erza to a fight, once their mission ends, which she readily accepts. The team boards the train, and, after knocking Natsu out to relieve him from his motion sickness, Erza explains the mission to her teammates. On her last job, Erza has apparently overheard guild members talking about an accursed object called Lullaby, and a Mage named Erigor. She admits that she failed to recognize the gravity of the overheard conversation, and only realized her mistake upon returning home. She recalls that Erigor was a member of the Dark Guild Eisenwald, and claims that such people would be up to no good. The mission she planned is to walk into Eisenwald and destroy them.

Completely preoccupied with the mission briefing, the team disembarks from the vehicle. A moment too late, they realize that a still unconscious Natsu was forgotten in their compartment. They rush back to retrieve him, and Erza gets Happy to use an emergency stop signal lever to stop the train. They race towards it on a magical four-wheeled train. Just as they arrive at the train, Natsu crashes out of one of the windows and lands headfirst into Gray. After a bit of convenient amnesia, Natsu informs Lucy and the others that he got attacked on the train by a member of the Eisenwald guild who had a strange flute, displaying a skull with three eyes. This description reminds Lucy of a story about the cursed flute Lullaby, which kills anyone who hears melodies played from it. With this shocking revelation in hand, they rush towards the train station. On the way there, Happy mentions that he meant to tell Lucy something, but forgot, and as they try to enter the station, Lucy carries Natsu in - though she causes his motion sickness doing this as she is considered as a means of transport. Inside, they are confronted by Eisenwald and Erigor, who explains that his plan is to use the station's loudspeakers to broadcast Lullaby. Distracted by Erigor, Gray and Erza fail to notice one of Eisenwald's members, Kageyama, attacking Lucy. Natsu, however, manages to save her in the nick of time. Erigor then flees, and Erza orders Natsu and Gray to chase after him while she and Lucy deal with the rest of his Dark Guild. Using her Magic, The Knight, Erza quickly dispatches all of their foes, with assist from Lucy, who summons the Celestial Spirit Cancer. One member, however, escapes, and Erza calls upon Lucy to give chase to him. Lucy, along with Happy, loses sight of him and eventually reunites with the others beside a stabbed Kageyama. The two then find out that they have been trapped in a barrier of impassable wind, having been tricked by Erigor. At this moment, Happy finally remembers his message for Lucy—upon Virgo's request, the Maiden gold key previously owned by Everlue, was to be transferred to Lucy's ownership. Foregoing the usual process of contracting, Lucy summons Virgo and asks for the latter to use her superior digging powers to create a safe path of escape for them to use. Natsu immediately rushes ahead with Happy to defeat Erigor. Bringing with them the injured Kageyama, Lucy, Erza, and Gray continue to travel along the train tracks, and eventually stumble upon Natsu, who successfully defeated Erigor. As the team rejoices, Kageyama unexpectedly makes a break for it, taking the flute with him. He aims to complete Eisenwald's original mission, which was to assassinate all the Guild Masters present in the annual meeting held in the town of Clover. Team Natsu rushes to subdue him, however, they eventually discover that their assistance was not needed, as Master Makarov managed to sway Kageyama from his original purpose. The Guild Masters as well as Team Natsu begin to celebrate their apparent victory when all of a sudden, the flute begins to 'speak', and manifests as a gargantuan demonic form, which was said to be the true embodiment of the cursed 'Lullaby'. Erza, Natsu, and Gray engage it into melee and swiftly defeat the monster. Their battle, however, inadvertently destroys the regular guild meeting hall, prompting Lucy and the other Fairy Tail members to make a quick getaway.

Sub-Zero Emperor Lyon

Natsu and Happy invite Lucy to embark on an S-Class Mission with them. She was horrified once she learnt that, enticed by the hefty reward of such mission, Happy and Natsu decided to steal the mission's flyer. Natsu attempts to relieve her by saying it was the least-paying one out of the available S-class jobs, but only makes things worse for her. Lucy eventually concedes upon learning that a Golden Key will also be given as reward. As the trio prepares to leave for Galuna Island, several sailors and fishermen discourage them, claiming that the island is haunted. The encounter with the fishermen delays the Mages, and Gray eventually catches up to them. He originally intended to bring them back to the guild, however, gets sidetracked as Natsu daunts him, and is forced to join. Together, they head for Galuna Island, accompanied by Bobo—the only fisherman who was brave enough to set sail towards the accursed island. The group continues forth, when Bobo abruptly disappears in the middle of the sea. Worried, Happy dives into the ocean to search for him underwater, but to no avail. As he resurfaces, Lucy along with the rest of the team watches in horror as a gigantic tidal wave appears before them, and eventually engulfs their little boat. A day after they crashed ashore, Lucy regains consciousness first, and asks if the others are fine as well. After Gray concedes to accompany them entirely to the mission, they all venture into the island, and eventually meet the denizens of Galuna and learn of the curse inflicting them that had apparently turned them into demons. The mayor of the town asks them to destroy the moon, believing it will free them from the curse. Realizing that the task he requires is impossible, Lucy and the others decide to investigate the island, and they soon encounter and defeat a giant mouse named Angelica. Angelica leads them to a huge temple where they discover the monster Deliora. After learning about the plot to free Deliora and destroy the town, Lucy and Happy hurry off to warn and save the townsfolk. Lucy prepares very simple traps in front of the entrance to the village, which Happy pokes fun at. However, Natsu, who is rushing towards the village, falls for Lucy's trap. After all the work Lucy had put into it, their opponents effortlessly fly over the village, preparing to drop a poisonous substance. Natsu redirects the poison and Virgo saves the mayor from being hit, but the village is destroyed. As Sherry Blendy, one of the people behind Lyon Vastia's scheme, flies off with her mouse Angelica, Lucy grabs on the rat's foot and tickles it, which results in all of them crashing to the ground.

When they both recover from the fall, they start to fight off against each other. Lucy immediately summons Taurus, however, is surprised to discover Sherry's Magic allows her to use her surroundings as puppets, as long as they are not humans. As Taurus turns against his owner, Lucy miraculously achieves Forced Gate Closure, which is said to be one of the greatest feats of any Celestial Spirit Mage. As the battle draws near, Lucy realizes that they are approaching the ocean, and so decides to summon Aquarius, despite being aware of the Spirit's uncanny tendency to attack both friend and foe regardless. After Aquarius' attack, both Mages are stunned and dizzy, and Lucy takes this opportunity and defeats Sherry. However, before Sherry loses consciousness, she commands her pet rat, Angelica, to avenge her. Lucy is about to be squished by Angelica, when Erza unprecedentedly shows up. The latter then saves Lucy, but immediately apprehends her, stating that her only purpose was to retrieve the team who ran away. Gray argues and stands up to Erza, managing to convince her to abandon her original purpose momentarily, in order to complete the S-Class mission. Lucy and Happy are visibly relieved by this, however, both are terrified as soon as Erza reminds them of the punishment that awaits them at home. Gray argues and stands up to Erza, managing to convince her to abandon her original purpose momentarily, in order to complete the S-Class mission. Lucy and Happy are visibly relieved by this, however, both are terrified as soon as Erza reminds them of the punishment that awaits them at home. Without the layer in the sky, everything returns back to normal again. The people of the village are revealed to have been Demons to begin with, and the 'curse' that befell upon them was actually the side-effects the holy Moon Drip has on demons. It trampled with their memories, deluding them into believing they were humans all along. As their first S-Class Mission is finally over, Erza declines the reward, but takes the Gold Key when the villagers say that it was a sign of their friendship.

Phantom Lords

As the Team heads home from Galuna Island, Lucy and the others discover that their guild building has been sabotaged by their rival: Phantom Lord. Furious, Lucy and the rest of the team proceed to confront Master Makarov about the occurrences, but in turn, Lucy receives lenient punishment for inappropriately taking on an S-Class job. As Natsu and the Master bicker, Lucy questions why the latter is spanking her derrière, and with a rather perverted expression on. Later the evening, Team Natsu decides to crash into Lucy's apartment, explaining that no Mages are allowed to be left alone at all costs, much to Lucy's chagrin. The next morning, Lucy, along with her guild mates, sees Levy McGarden, Jet and Droy crucified to a tree with the Phantom Lord mark branded on Levy. The Master then arrives and declares war against Phantom Lord. The Fairy Tail members head towards Phantom Lord's guild house and wreaks havoc, while Lucy stays behind to watch over the injured Shadow Gear. As Lucy is walking back from her visit with grocery supplies, she is greeted by Juvia Lockser and Sol from the Element 4. She attempts to battle them after finding out that they are associated with Gajeel Redfox, but is very overpowered, which leads to her capture and her dropping her keys. Lucy is later seen being used as bait to help seal Master Makarov's Magic Power. Lucy awakes at Phantom's headquarters and learns from the guild master, Jose Porla, that her father sent them to retrieve his daughter. In order to escape, Lucy says she needs to use the bathroom, but is shocked when Master Jose claims such old tricks will never work on him, and offers a rusty bucket instead. Lucy proceeds to 'take up' his suggestion, surprising Master Jose with her brazenness. As he turns away, saying he is such a gentleman, Lucy forcefully kicks him in between his legs, and runs away. He follows her, and corners her into a dead end. Lucy, somehow believing that Natsu will be there to save her, jumps off of the tower and, as she expected, Natsu indeed appears, and catches her as they free fall into the ground after which they returned to Fairy Tail.

Back at the guild, Lucy blames herself for the recent events, and explains how it had been her father who was responsible for pulling the strings behind Phantom Lord. Her friends try to cheer her up, but to no avail. As the war with Phantom continues, Mirajane feels it was better to hide Lucy to protect her, and puts the latter to sleep. With Transformation Magic, she disguises herself as Lucy, while Reedus brings the real one to Fairy Tail's safe house. However, thanks to Gajeel's keen nose, he manages to find the real Lucy and forcefully takes her back to the Phantom Lord headquarters. After being beaten and tortured by Gajeel, Natsu and Happy show up to rescue Lucy. As Natsu and Gajeel's battle progresses, Lucy realized Natsu was on the verge of being defeated and she called upon the only key she has remaining which was the one she got from Galuna Island namely Sagittarius. Sagittarius shot his arrows at a machine, which caught fire, so that Natsu can eat that fire and power up. Fired up, he managed to use his newfound might to defeat Gajeel. Upon Phantom Lord's defeat, and with a little encouragement from her injured comrades, Lucy sets out alone towards the Heartfilia manor to meet her father, for the first time in a year. When Lucy arrives at the manor, she is happily greeted by her old servants. They deck her in fancy clothing, and wait outside as Lucy goes to her father’s office. Lucy enters and her father explains that the reason he sent Phantom to get her was because her husband has been decided by him. Lucy says not to misunderstand her, and that she came back to cut ties with him instead, as well as to make sure he would never threaten or come near Fairy Tail again. She shows her resolve by ripping her elegant attire, and claiming she does not need material things to be contented. She is then seen visiting her mother's grave as the others come to take her back to Fairy Tail. As she revealed the superfluous wealth of the Heartfilia family, the rest of Team Natsu were completely stunned.

Tower of Heaven

Noticing Lucy worrying over her little amount of money, Mirajane suggests they do a simple acting job at a theater. She, along with the rest of Team Natsu are originally only to do some small acts to inspire bystanders to come and see a play. However, with all the theater's actors having walked out, Lucy and the rest of Team Natsu are forced to act as the leads themselves. Lucy is cast as Princess Yanderica. Happy is given the task of carrying a Dragon suit that Natsu is in, and they are given a week to rehearse. Their show is atrocious, barely makes sense as a story in general, and they eventually destroy the theater, but despite all this, they are hailed as a success to the point that they're kept there for another week, doing three performances a day. Upon completing another mission earlier than expected, the gang decides to stay an extra night at an inn before departing. With the others engaged in an intense pillow fight, Lucy goes for a walk and meets two rogue Mages. The rogue Mages cast a spell on her and are about to have their way until Loke appears and rescues her from them. As a token of appreciation for having found her keys earlier with the Phantom incident, and for rescuing her as well, Lucy invited Loke to go to a local bar with her. There, she tries to find out why he doesn't like Celestial Spirit Mages, but he refuses to answer. As she thanks him again and is about to leave, Loke suddenly grabs Lucy's hand, embraces her, and says he did not have much time left. Not wanting to get her involved, he quickly passes this off as a joke leading to him receiving a slap in turn. Later at the guild, Lucy, who is still upset from the events of the previous night, learns that Loke had broken up with all his girlfriends. She summons the Celestial Spirit Crux, an expert on Celestial Spirit Magic, to ask about Loke's history with Stellar Spirit Mages. Grandpa Crux provides Lucy with a very brief story about Loke, and the late Celestial Mage Karen Lilica of Blue Pegasus. Lucy then recalls about Loke's vague 'joke' and ponders about what he truly tried to imply. Around that time, Gray appears and informs her that Loke has left Fairy Tail, and was nowhere to be found.

Realization dawned Lucy, and she springs into action, knowing fully as to where Loke is. She heads to Karen's grave, where he confesses that he is actually the Celestial Spirit Leo, and Karen was his former summoner. He claims to have killed Karen, and as punishment, was banished in the human realm. Loke then recounts the whole story of him and Karen. After he finishes, Lucy says that Karen's death wasn't his fault and that she will save him no matter what. She tells him that if he is doomed to perish because of one incident that was not his fault, then she will change the rules of the Celestial Spirit world. At this declaration, the Celestial Spirit King appears before them, and says that, despite the power he beholds, the rule is absolute, and that Loke had inadvertently been the source of Karen's death. Lucy adamantly refuses any punishment to be inflicted on her friend, and manages to summon all of her Spirits at once, surprising the King and Loke greatly. Moved by her resilience to protect her nakama, the King decides that Loke will be rendered a different punishment instead. Rather than dying, he would dedicate his life to serve Lucy as her guardian. His Key materializes, and Lucy officially becomes Loke's new owner. Out of gratitude, Loke gives Lucy and Team Natsu tickets to a resort, as he proceeded to carry her bridal-style, and claim to talk about their future. Later on, the team arrives at their vacation spot, and decompresses. However, problems arise and Erza gets kidnapped by her old friends. Lucy and her team, along with Juvia, aided by Natsu's heightened sense of smell, follow Erza into the Tower of Heaven. There, they go on a quest to rescue Erza from the clutches of Jellal Fernandes and his minions.

While looking for Erza, Lucy and Juvia encounter the "Hawk" Vidaldus Taka, one of Jellal's top three fighters and a member of the assassination Death's Head Caucus Guild team, Trinity Raven. As they fight, Taka uses his Rock of Succubus to enslave Juvia. As Juvia fights Lucy, Lucy hears the real Juvia's voice and summons Aquarius through Juvia's water body. Lucy and Juvia join hands as Aquarius attacks, and together, they perform Unison Raid, defeating Vidaldus for good, and surprising Jellal, since many Mages practice for years, only to never achieve that feat. After this, Simon asks Gray to lead everyone off the Tower and Lucy watches from afar in a boat as Natsu defeats Jellal, and completely destroys the tower. As Erza's friends leave to try to learn more about the 'outside world' before truly trying to live a new life, Lucy sees them off, together with the rest of the Fairy Tail members, by making some fireworks with her Celestial Spirit Magic.

Battle of Fairy Tail

When Team Natsu returns to the guild, they find its reconstruction complete and Cana Alberona shows them around. Makarov startles them with the introduction of two new members: Juvia and Gajeel, their previous enemies. After settling down, they sit down for a song from Mirajane; this calm state doesn't last long as the two Dragon Slayers soon cause a large brawl. Though Lucy is supposed to be the interviewee in the weekly Sorcerer Magazine for Fairy Tail, the reporter, Jason, instead ignores her throughout the whole time, as he constantly runs around in excitement, asking different guild members questions. Not giving up, Lucy decides to dress as a bunny girl and go onto the stage, hoping to gain attention, only to fail as Gajeel appears next to her and surprises everybody with his singing performance. He even threatens Lucy with a stare to force her to dance as he sings. A few days later, Lucy desperately looks for jobs to pay her rent, and asks Natsu and Happy to help her out. Much to her dismay, Natsu is feeling under the weather and goes home to rest. Lucy grabs his scarf to stop him, but falls to the ground instead. Admitting defeat, Lucy goes home. On the way back, she realizes she still has Natsu's scarf and decides to wash it for him. She arrives in her apartment, and finishes her work. She decides to sleep, but is startled instead when she finds Happy and Natsu asleep on her bed. Happy explains that Natsu has been feeling ill, similar to when he ate Laxus Dreyar's lightning. He then goes on to explain about the strongest members in the guild, the strongest probably being Gildarts, and then gives Lucy a flyer about the Magnolia Harvest and the Miss Fairy Tail competition that is being run alongside it. He says it will solve all her monetary problems, as the competition offers a huge reward for the winner.

During the contest, Lucy, in a cheerleader getup, performs alongside her Spirits. She is, however, interrupted by Evergreen, a member of the Thunder God Tribe, who proceeds to turn her into stone, along with the other participants. Later on, Lucy and the other victims are de-petrified as Erza successfully defeats Evergreen. Lucy quickly jumps into battle, easily escaping from Fried Justine's barrier set up around the guildhall. She encountered another member of the Thunder God Tribe named Bickslow and was attacked by his puppets, consequently dropping her keys. He is about to finish her off with his Baryon Formation when Loke summons himself to save her and to fulfill his promise to her. Loke, having significantly powered up since returning to the Stellar Plane, easily gains the upper hand in battle, as he proceeds to defeat Bickslow. The latter, however, reveals his trump card: the Figure Eyes, which allow him to turn anything he sets his eyes on into his dolls and control them. Unable to use their vision, the tables turn for Loke and Lucy as Bickslow overpowers them. In the end, their immense trust in one another pushes through. Through Lion Brilliance, Loke momentarily blinds Bickslow, paving a way for Lucy to subdue him. Through their solid partnership, Loke and Lucy manage to completely defeat their opponent. Her feat shocks Gajeel, who does not deem Lucy to be a particularly strong Mage. After the battle, Lucy collapses from exhaustion and Loke returns her keys to her, stating that he will always be there for her. He also jokingly remarks that it is the power of their love that enabled them to win. Near the end though, Warren's Telepathy informs the recovering Fairy Tail members of what is happening. Lucy and the rest of Fairy Tail decide to destroy Laxus's Thunder Palace spell and save the town. After the incident, Fairy Tail finally performs on the Fantasia parade in the city. There, Lucy performs on a float together with Cana, Levy, and Bisca.

Oración Seis

Afterwards, Lucy was one of the members chosen along with Natsu, Gray and Erza to represent Fairy Tail as part of an alliance for the upcoming battle against one of the strongest Dark Guilds, Oración Seis. Team Natsu heads to the villa of Blue Pegasus' Guild Master, Bob, to meet up with the rest of the members of their alliance, the Allied Forces—a league formed by four legal guilds: Fairy Tail, Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale, and Cait Shelter. As Fairy Tail arrives, The Trimens of Blue Pegasus welcome them, flirt with the ladies, and openly ignore the boys. As the rest of the Allied Forces members arrive, they proceed to carefully plan their attack on Oración Seis, who are aiming to set into motion the powerful Nirvana. Unbeknownst to them, however, their opponents are fully aware of their plans, and catch them off guard. In the attack, the Oración Seis Mages not only overwhelm the Allied Forces completely, they also manage to kidnap Cait Shelter's Wendy Marvell. In the battle, Erza is poisoned by Cubellios, Oración Seis' Cobra's snake, and Lucy stays behind to watch over her. Blue Pegasus' Hibiki Lates then informs Lucy that her reputation has suffered quite the blow, as she is also blamed for her team's destructive tendencies. She quickly explains none of it had been her doing at all, but understands that the damage has been done regardless. Natsu, having successfully rescued Wendy, returns to Erza's location, and pleads for the younger Mage to heal his injured friend. As Wendy sets into work, they see a black light in the distance. Natsu rushes towards it, believing that the revived Jellal is there as well. Distracted over Natsu's vague outburst, Lucy and the rest of the party are surprised to see Erza has disappeared as well. Hibiki proceeds to explain the truth about Nirvana's fearsome nature. As they make their way towards the light, they encounter "Gray" standing above Natsu, about to deliver a finishing blow. Thinking Gray has yielded to the darkness, Lucy summons Sagittarius and he fires an arrow to save Natsu. "Gray" then proceeds to freeze Happy and shoots a blast at Lucy, who is saved by Hibiki. As Lucy and her team finally realize what is happening, "Gray" transforms into Lucy, tugs on her blouse upward, and brazenly flashes Lucy's bosom to the gaping audience. "Lucy" then makes Sagittarius shoot Hibiki in the back. With everyone confused, the real Lucy tells Carla to take Wendy and run, then forces Sagittarius's gate closed. The other "Lucy" then summons Sagittarius and orders him to shoot Carla down. Soon after, Angel appears, saying it's not necessary and the other "Lucy" turns out to be the twins Gemi and Mini, the Celestial Spirits Gemini. Lucy determines that she has to take on Angel herself and summons Aquarius in the nearby river. Angel, also being a Celestial Spirit Mage, opens the gate of the Scorpion, Scorpio, who turns out to be Aquarius's boyfriend. Elated by the arrival of her beloved, Aquarius abandons Lucy's orders and the couple goes on a date. Taking advantage of the surprised Lucy, Angel attacks her, saying that Lucy has no hope of defeating her if she does not know the relationships between Celestial Spirits, and proceeds to knock Lucy into the river. Desperate, Lucy then summons her trump card, Loke. Angel, unperturbed, summons Loke's friend Aries. Lucy is now distraught, saying that even Loke won't be able to fight. Seeing Aries, Lucy asks Angel where she got Karen's Spirit, and Angel bluntly replies that she killed the Celestial Spirit Mage and took her key. Not wanting the two friends to fight, Lucy tries to close Loke's gate, but he refuses because it's his duty to serve his master. As the two Spirits fight, Angel sees Loke gaining the upper-hand, and decides to summon Caelum, which shoots both Loke and Aries through their stomachs. With Loke apologizing, both Spirits fade away. Lucy, upset, calls Angel the scum of Celestial Spirit Mages for treating her own spirit so cruelly. She summons Taurus, only to see him get defeated by Gemini.

After Lucy collapses from exhaustion, Gemini gives her a savage beating. Even though she is beaten up, Lucy lifts her head up, and demands Angel to release Aries from her contract. She says the Spirit had suffered enough from her formerly abusive owner, and that Aries deserves to reunite at last with her friend, Loke. Angel asks what she is willing to give in exchange, and Lucy says she will give her anything but her keys. Angel decides that Lucy's life will be the price, and orders Gemini to finish her off. However, before administrating the final blow, Gemini goes through Lucy's memories and sees how much Lucy truly loves and cares for Celestial Spirits. Thus, Gemini cannot bring themselves to kill her. Angel closes Gemini's door and orders Caelum to finish Lucy off when Hibiki appears and grabs hold of Lucy's neck. This shocks both Angel and Lucy, both thinking that he had turned to the darkness. Instead, Hibiki uses his archive to give Lucy a new Magic, which he calls a 'super' Magic. With this, glowing orbs appear around Lucy and she casts Urano Metria to defeat Angel. After using the spell, Lucy doesn't seem to remember what happened. Angel then gets back up, saying that she will not be defeated, and that Oración Seis never loses. Angel fires Caelum, but just like Gemini, Caelum has lost the will to attack Lucy due to her compassion for Celestial Spirits. As Angel falls into the water, Lucy tries to save Natsu from going down the river, but ends up on the same raft, heading towards a waterfall and falling over. Moments later, the two Mages regain consciousness, and Lucy is astonished to find her wounds treated and outfit changed, courtesy of Virgo, who decks Natsu in a matching getup as well. During this moment, Sherry, who has fallen to the darkness, shows up and is about to attack both of them, when Gray appears and apprehends Sherry. Lyon follows suit, actually being alive and in good condition. Relieved to see that is Lyon relatively unharmed, Sherry was released from the darkness and returns back to normal. After witnessing Nirvana's second stage, Lucy, Gray and Natsu decide to climb up one of its legs to reach the series of towers perched atop the device's general body. When Lucy and Gray finally arrive in the capital of Nirvana, they meet up with Jura Neekis and Hoteye, who explain that long ago, Nirvana was created by the race called Nirvit for the purpose of peace. Ironically enough, it is now being used to execute evil intentions.

As they go on to explain that Brain is the one controlling Nirvana, Midnight shows up to assassinate them, and takes them aback with his powerful Magic as he effortlessly slices a building in half. Hoteye gives them a chance to escape, saying he will take on Midnight. Eventually, Lucy, Gray and Jura catch up to Brain, who is dragging an unconscious Natsu away. Brain reveals his plan to turn Natsu into a member of his new Oración Seis and that his first target with Nirvana is Cait Shelter. At this, Natsu unexpectedly bites Brain's hand, successfully managing to release himself. Lucy and Gray plan to attack Brain, but Jura steps in himself, and assaults Brain unmercifully with his Rock Magic. He demanded Brain's reasons for wanting to destroy Wendy's guild, which catches the others off guard. After Brain's defeat, Lucy and the rest of her teammates head towards the capital's summit, hoping to find any means to stop Nirvana. They unfortunately stumble upon nothing, but Wendy runs off, realizing a possible way to shut it down. 'Hoteye', who, unbeknownst to them is in fact Zero, telepathically communicates with Allied Forces, saying he was unable to defeat Midnight, and the latter is now located at the bottom of the capital. Lucy, along with her companions, rushes towards Midnight's apparent location, where they stumble upon a set of doors which Natsu recklessly destroys. In the last moment, Jura realizes they fell into a trap, and shields the younger Mages with his Earth Magic and his own body. The explosion that follows gravely injures Jura, and Lucy, along with the others, treats him immediately. At this, Brain's apparently living staff, Klodoa, arrives, and reveals he is actually the seventh member of the supposedly-six-member Oración Seis. He was then comically smacked around by Natsu. Levitating in the air, Klodoa reveals that Cait Shelter is made up of descendants of the Nirvit, thus they are the only ones able to seal Nirvana, and consequently must be eliminated. All of a sudden, Klodoa starts to attack Natsu and Gray, and even manages to sneak a peek at Lucy's panties before attacking her as well. Klodoa then senses that all of the six have been defeated, goes into a panic and declares that when all of the six 'prayers' have fallen, Brain's other, more savage personality, Zero, emerges. At this moment, Zero himself arrives and ruthlessly beats Natsu, Gray, Lucy, and Happy to a pulp. Blood-frenzied, he says that they are not defeated, until they are completely reduced to nothing.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Lucy Heartfilia was a female human with brown eyes and shoulder-length blonde hair that was typically tied by ribbons in a variety of colors in a small ponytail to the right side of her head with the rest of the hair loose. She had her Fairy Tail guild insignia located on the back of her right hand.

She had exceptional pride in her appearance and was very confident in her sex appeal with her exuding a certain amount of vanity.

It was shown that she was very kind to her Celestial Spirits and refused to utilize them as shields or think of them as such. Instead, she fought alongside them and treated them as her friends which was unlike other such mages some of whom treated them as tools instead of living beings.

Although, Lucy is, in most cases, cowardly and easily frightened, she has no problems with fighting and would happily stand up to danger, even if she ends up getting hurt, for her friends and guild. While her powers are normally not as overwhelming as her teammates, Lucy has proven to be a capable combatant herself, often using her cleverness to her advantage, and thinking outside the box during battle. She has eventually inherited Natsu's stubbornness and refusal to give up, even when the odds are against her.

Lucy Heartfilia was the daughter of rich businessman Jude Heartfilia (ジュード・ハートフィリア Jūdo Hātofiria) and a Celestial Spirit mage named Layla Heartfilia (レイラ・ハートフィリア Reira Hātofiria).

One of her distant ancestors was Anna Heartfilia (アンナ・ハートフィリア Anna Hātofiria) who lived over 400 years ago and was also a Celestial Wizard that was responsible for opening the Eclipse Gate long ago.

It was shown that she tended that she was often frustrated at the antics of her guildmates. Unlike them, she tended not to get excited by fighting and did not resort to violence as being a solution. Despite that, she did note that she liked being around her comrades in Fairy Tail who she found to be fun people.

Powers and abilities

Lucy Heartfilia was a human of the Earthlands who had a degree of magic power that allowed her to become a mage. She came to have a degree of physical skill that she could use in combat. One form of attack she made was the Lucy Kick (ルーシィ・キック Rūshi Kikku) which was actually a simple, non-magical melee move. She was shown as being proficient in the use of a whip as she demonstrated being skilled enough to grab opponents through it and to employ it as an effective weapon at short-to-mid range.

As a magic user, Lucy was skilled in the art of Celestial Spirit Magic (星霊 魔法 Seirei Mahō) that was a form of spatial magic that allowed her to summon Celestial Spirits (星霊 Seirei). These magical beings resided within the Celestial Spirit World (星霊界 Seireikai) with her able to summon them through the keys that opened their respective Gates. During the summoning, the Key was enveloped in a soft golden light as the Spirit was brought onto the field. Once a contract had been formed, the Spirit became available for use and could be summoned on certain days. They could be used for any task ranging from fighting her side to performing select tasks. Her Celestial Spirits varied in levels of power with different ones being more suited for certain tasks than others some of which were unrelated to battle. Over time, she gained the advanced skill of being able to summon multiple spirits at a time.

The spirits that she could summon included:

  • Aquarius (アクエリアス Akueriasu) :
  • Taurus (タウロス Taurosu) :
  • Virgo (バルゴ Barugo) :
  • Leo (レオ Reo) :
  • Sagittarius (サジタリウス Sajitariusu) :
  • Cancer (キャンサー Kyansā) :
  • Capricorn (カプリコーン Kapurikōn) :
  • Scorpio (スコーピオン Sukōpion) :
  • Gemini (ジェミニ Jemini) :
  • Horologium (ホロロギウム Hororogiumu) : a Silver Key Celestial Spirit

With Ultear's help, her Second Origin (二番原セカンド・オリジン Sekando Orijin) came to be awakened allowing her access to dormant magical power. In the case of her summoning's, she was shown to be able to maintain two active Celestial Spirit effortlessly.

Among the techniques known to her included:

  • Force Gate Closure (強制閉門 Kyōsē Hēmon) : she was able to force the gate of a Celestial Spirit to close against their will prompting them to return to the Celestial Spirit World.
  • Recompense Summoning (代償召喚術 Daishō Shōkanjutsu) : a technique that allowed the spell caster to summon the Celestial Spirit King. This could only be achieved by sacrificing one of the keys in the wizards possession which in turn could only be achieved if the summoner and spirit had a level of mutual trust with one another.
  • Urano Metria (ウラノ・メトリア Urano Metoria) :

After further training, she was able to summon a Star Dress (星霊衣スタードレス Sutā Doresu) that was an extension of her Celestial Spirit Magic. This allowed her to incorporate the power of a Celestial Spirit into her body by placing the key of the respective being onto her chest. The result was the manifestation of a clothing that was centered around the Spirit in question.

Similar to other mages, she was able to perform a Unison Raid (合体魔法ユニゾンレイド Yunizon Reido) whereby she combined her abilities with another person's magic to create a single combined stronger attack against a target. She was shown to had performed Unison Raids with both Juvia Locksear and Wendy Marvell.

She also had Gale-Force Reading Glasses (風詠みの眼鏡 Kazeyomi no Megane) that were a pair of enchanted reading glasses which allowed her to read at an extremely accelerated rate. Another magical item in her possession was a Light Pen (光筆 Hikari Pen) that allowed her to write even on air and in various colours.

Her father once headed a powerful and rich company called the Heartfilia Konzern (ハートフィリア・コンツェルン Hātofiria Kontserun) which operated in Fiore. Lucy herself came to join Fairy Tail (妖精の尻尾フェアリーテイル Fearī Teiru) that were a powerful magical guild which operated in the Kingdom of Fiore.


  • Lucy Heartfilia was created by Hiro Mashima where she featured in the setting of the Fairy Tail universe.

In other media


  • In Fairy Tail, Lucy Heartfilia appeared in the setting of the anime television series adaptation where she was voiced by Japanese actress Aya Hirano and by English actress Cherami Leigh in the dub.


Video games


  • Fairy Tail:

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