Neosapien Commonwealth

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The Neosapien Commonwealth is an empire that features in Exo-Squad.



The Neosapien Commonwealth, also known as the Phaeton's Regime or as the Neosapien Empire as well as the Martian Commonwealth, was an interplanetary empire that was established in the Sol system. It was built by the Neosapiens under Phaeton's leadership after the Second Neosapien Revolt and their conquest of the Homeworlds.

Despite the success of the Neosapien Revolt, only a handful of them had gained rights. Many wondered how Phaeton, one of the few Neosapiens to gain rights was able to amass such huge fleet in such a short time, but in fact, the construction of the Neo Fleet began long before the Neosapien War actually started. Much like Adolf Hitler in the Third Reich, Phaeton, as Governor of Mars had plotted the downfall of the Homeworlds for an unspecified number of years and had carefully rebuilt all the factories on Mars to fulfill a double purpose – a peaceful and a war one. Thus, as soon as Exofleet left the Homeworlds to chase the Pirate Clans, thousands of Neosapien E-frames and hundreds of ships were produced in a matter of days following Phaeton's order. The first to discover Phaeton's plan was his then-Finance Minister, who noticed a discrepancy in the Martian factory productions, but he was intercepted by Phaeton's agents and soon afterwards, the Operation Destiny (after the "Neosapien manifest destiny" proclaimed by Phaeton) was put in motion. The Neosapiens quickly overwhelmed the defenseless Venus and Earth but a distress signal was sent to the distant Exofleet, who canceled the pursuit of the Pirates and returned to the Homeworlds only to be thrown back to Jupiter. There, they fended off continuous assaults by the Neosapien General Typhonus until allying themselves with the Pirates and moving further away from the Sun - to Chaos.

Meanwhile on Earth and Venus, multiple resistance movements have been formed, who resented the Exofleet for abandoning them and attempted to regain independence on their own. To counter this threat, the Neosapiens introduced mandatory registration with undesirables being formally exiled to Venus, though unknown to Terrans, they were actually sent to die into the Sun. An occupation committee was established which worked with collaborators to suppress rebellion and Chicago was renamed to "Phaeton City", the capital of the Neosapien Commonwealth.

When it became clear that Exofleet personnel worked with resistance forces to sabotage Neosapien rule, the Neosapiens built Gravitational Focus (GRAF) Shields on Earth and Venus to free their fleet for an attack on the Exofleet. Simultaneously, the Venus Occupation employed atrocious tactics to suppress Venusian Resistance, e.g. burning their crops to starve them to death. Within one year the Neosapiens had achieved dominance over the Solar system.

Using the confusion generated by sending the Exofleet against the Pirate Clans, Phaeton led the Commonwealth in surprise attack that ceased control of Earth and Venus from Human control.

The Neosapien Empire eventually collapsed due to various resistance movements and a combined assault from the Exofleet and the Pirate Clans.


The head of the Commonwealth was Phaeton who led it as the Governor-General, first under Terran rule and eventually as leader of the entire solar system after he led a coup that deposed the Earth government.

A number of positions were present within the Commonwealth that included:

  • Finance Minister : a civilian rank that involved auditing and monitoring the flow of resources with this typically being reported to the Homeworld's Congress. (Episode: Hidden Terrors)

Under Neosapien rule, Human beings were considered as second-class citizens or worse.

One branch government branch of the Commonwealth consisted of the Ministry of Genetics who were responsible for numerous genetic experiments that were conducted under the order of Phaeton himself.

The Neosapien Order was a belief that was proposed by Phaeton's Regime which stated that the Neosapiens were genetically and culturally more advanced and evolved compared to Humans. Thus, according to this, it should be the Neosapiens who should rule the Sol system and the universe beyond. This form of manifest destiny was a guiding role in Phaeton's government which treated Humans as a lower race and thus were second class citizens. The dictates of the Order would have eventually meant Humanity's extinction in the eventual future.

The Neosapien military's true might was seen during the Neosapien War when thousands of E-Frames and weapons of war including starships were constructed in secret and let loose against the Homeworlds. The staple of the military was the Neosapien Fleet which was commanded by Neosapien Command. The development of GraF Shield technology would have made Earth and Venus nearly invulnerable until the accidental destruction of the Venus fleet by the gravitational focus shield meant that this was abandoned.

During the Neosapien War, the Fleet consisted of two large fleets that protected Mars and Earth. The Venus Home Fleet was the smallest defense force that was charged with keeping a watch on Venus itself. The overall command of these forces was handled by the Minister of War. The fleets were temporarily supported by the Fusion Pulse Cannon which gave the Commonwealth long range weapon capability against the Exofleet.

The Commonwealth possessed large scale ground forces though the development of the Neo Warriors provided a level of shock troopers while ordinary Neosapiens could pilot E-Frames in battle.


There were a number of Exo-Frames designed created specifically by the Neosapiens which included:

  • RA-643 Supersonic High Speed Stealth Attack :
  • EL-909 Y-wing :

For a brief time, the Commonwealth had access to a gravitational defensive shield known as the GRAF Shield system. These were large dome structures that operated the Gravitational Focus shield which projected gravity waves to crush objects in its path. Such was the defensive potential of the technology that it made a planet nearly impervious to attack. Despite its use by the Commonwealth, the GRAF Shield was actually experimental technology developed by a human scientist.


  • Phaeton :
  • Gidas : a male Neosapien who was the finance minister of the Martian Commonwealth before the war who learnt of Phaeton's plans and sought to stop it but was sent to Neurological Research Centre as punishment for his act of rebellion. (Episode: Hidden Terrors)


  • Exosquad:

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