Quiet Council of Krakoa
The Quiet Council of Krakoa is an organization that features in Marvel Comics.
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The Quiet Council of Krakoa was a government formed by Mutants that formed a nation on the living island of Krakoa. (House of X v1 #6)
Emma Frost was responsible for negotiating the United Nations to get them to recognise the sovereignty of Krakoa as an independent nation. Once this was achieved, Xavier made out the call to all Mutants to arrive on the island that was to be their new home with Apocalypse among those that accepted the new state. (House of X v1 #5)
The Council came to set laws for their new nation which included that no humans were to be killed which led to the imprisonment of Sabretooth over a recent incident where he murdered several guards. (House of X v1 #6)
The island was later recognise as a sovereign nation by the United Nations leading to a celebrating by the people of Krakoa. (House of X v1 #6)
During its formative moments, the Quiet Council tasked Mystique and Sabretooth with stealing some vital data from Damage Control that was needed for Krakoa's security. In that time, he came to kill a human but his status as a Krakoan citizen meant he was immune to arrest. However, upon returning to Krakoa, the Quiet Council instituted a law that banned any Mutant from killing a human. As punishment, they decided to exile Sabretooth into the Pit that resided deep within the living island. (House of X v1 #6)
However, Krakoa and the Quiet Council were built over secrets. Unbeknownst to most, Dr. Moira MacTaggert lived in a hidden chamber in Krakoa, the No-Place. Being a mutant with the power of resurrection, she was in her tenth life and had schemed for the creation of Krakoa alongside Professor Xavier and Magneto, with the rest of the world believing her to be dead. Afraid of being discovered, Moira was against the resurrection of the mutant seer Destiny, whose powers would be able to foresee a possible failure of Krakoa and Moira's existence. Still, Professor Xavier and Magnet decided to follow their own agenda despite Moira's recommendations. (Powers of X v1 #6) They blackmailed Destiny's wife and councilwoman Mystique, promising Destiny's resurrection in exchange for her being a spy in the anti-mutant organization Orchis. (X-Men v5 #6)
Afterwards, Kate Pryde accepted the role of Red Queen of the Hellfire Trading Company and assigned undetermined seat in the Quiet Council of Krakoa. (Marauders v1 #3)
The council came to make the controversial decision to not resurrect Madelyne Pryor when she was deemed not an actual person as she was a clone of Jean Grey. (Hellions v1 #4)
Amenti War
Unknown to the Council, Apocalypse came to go behind their back in order to construct a gateway to Otherworld. This was in order to find the missing island of Arakko that was located in the hell-dimension of Amenth. At first, the Council looked to destroy the gateway but were overruled as Krakoa wanted to be reunited with his lost half. Taking a team of Krakoans, Apocalypse came to find his children amongst the Amentho hordes where they learnt that Arakko's inhabitants had become servants to Annihilation who looked to conquer Otherworld. The fighting was stopped when Saturnyne brokered the Tournament of Swords in order to settle the conflict. (X of Swords: Creation v1 #1)
Krakoa was later responsible for re-establishing the S.W.O.R.D. program that was funded and manned by their personnel whilst headed by Director Abigail Brand. Despite its ties to Krakoa, Brand stated that the purview of the organization was the protection of the entirety of the Sol system rather than having any ties to one single nation. (S.W.O.R.D. v2 #1)
The Council also managed its business ventures through its X-Corporation branch. (X-Corp v1 #1)
Afterwards, the Quiet Council embarked on an ambitious plan to secure the next stage of Mutant ascendance as a people. This involved the terraforming of the planet Mars by using the powers of Omega-level Mutants both from Krakoa and from Arakko. The efforts of these powerful Mutants transformed it into habitable planet whereupon the entirety of Arakko was transported to its surface where they were to colonise the world. Mars was then re-named as planet Arakko that was declared the new capital of the solar system. (Planet-Size X-Men v1 #1) Storm was declared as the Regent of Mars and to serve as the Voice of Sol whilst Abigail Brand quickly managed to get support from galactic powers in recognising the newly formed interplanetary state by trading the newly created metal Mysterium. (S.W.O.R.D. v2 #6)
Moira's Inferno
Professor Xavier and Magneto later authorised a mission for Mystique to help remove the threat posed by the Orchis Forge. She was provided a singularity bomb where she came to infiltrate the space station but she was detected by the newly activated Nimrod. Though she detonated the weapon, it came to be contained by the advanced Sentinel with Mystique managing to make it past the portal but died from her injuries. The Resurrection Protocols were then instituted to bring her back where she reported her failure in achieving her mission objective. (X-Men v5 #20)
Later on, the subtle manipulations of Moira MacTaggert looked to have Magneto and Professor X remove Mystique from the ranks of the Quiet Council in order to prevent the resurrection of her lover Destiny. However, despite their efforts, they failed and Mystique managed to use the Resurrection Protocols to restore Irene Adler to lie who was then nominated for a position on the Quiet Council. (Inferno v2 #1) Unpredictably, Destiny was accepted by the members of the Council to replace Apocalypse, since Mystique had procured votes, including Frost's. Destiny in the Council quickly put a damper on any plans to remove Mystique, who strengthened her influence and would not be voted out. In order to counter Mystique and Destiny, Professor Xavier, Magneto and Moira decided to reveal the truth about the creation of Krakoa to Emma Frost in order to gain her support. Their plan backfired because Frost felt betrayed for having been kept in the dark for so long. As an alternative plan, Professor Xavier nominated Colossus, for he believed him to be a loyal ally in the Council he could trust. Colossus took Jean Grey's seat after being voted to join. (Inferno v2 #2) A resentful Frost revealed the information about Moira's existence and importance to Mystique and Destiny. The terrorist couple kidnapped Moira from an Orchis Node in Terra Verde, misleading Professor Xavier and Magneto into believing Moira was kept captive by Orchis. (Inferno v2 #3) They were then ambushed and killed in battle against the deadly machines Nimrod and Omega Sentinel. Seeing Moira as a liability, since her death would trigger a resurrection and reboot history, Frost presented Mystique and Destiny with a mutant-negating pistol. Mystique depowered Moira, turning her into a human and planning to execute her. Unexpectedly, Cypher interfered, for he had been aware of the games within the Council all along by communing with Krakoa using Warlock's Transmode Virus. Destiny suggested that the best future would be to let Moira go; so it happened, Moira was no longer an ally to Krakoa or a secret influence in the Quiet Council. Emma Frost shared the secret of Xavier's and Magneto's collaboration with Moira as well as her true condition with the rest of the Quiet Council before having them resurrected. The Quiet Council was to remain silent about their true origins for the rest of the Krakoan society. (Inferno v2 #4)
Following the events surrounding Moira's disappearance and eventual betrayal of mutantkind, Magneto chose to step down from the Council and retire to Arakko. The Council searched for candidates to replace him, with the dark priestess Selene and the mutant messiah in charge of the Resurrection Protocols Hope being the favorite candidates. Selene argued that her immense powers, experience with immortality, and intimate knowledge of magic would be vital for Krakoa as a fit replacement for Apocalypse. Hope, on the other hand, all but demanded a seat on the grounds that, since the Five were central to mutant resurrection, they needed a voice on the Council. The council voted in six to five on accepting Hope's candidacy immediately, granting her the seat that belonged to Magneto. In retaliation, Selene disrupted the External Gate, turning it into a monster and prompting the Council members to fight off the beast. (Immortal X-Men v1 #1) A solution was found as Hope, acting on a vision by Destiny, assassinated Selene with a Mysterium bullet. Selene was then resurrected and telepathically overwhelmed by Exodus, who had her undo the spell that cast the monster before snapping her neck. (Immortal X-Men v1 #2)
Judgement Day
Sins of Sinister
Fall of X
In appearance, the Quiet Council of Krakoa was a governing body consisting of the leaders of the newly formed Mutant nation on the living island of Krakoa. (House of X v1 #6)
It was divided into four smaller councils consisting of three members that each took on the name of one of the seasons with these including Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer along with the representations of Krakoa itself. (House of X v1 #6) Members of the Quiet Council represented priority in the resurrection queue. (Excalibur v4 #6)
The laws set forth by the council included:
- Make More Mutants : a rule stating that they should have children and make more of their kind. (House of X v1 #6)
- Murder No Man : a law that prevented a Mutant from killing a human. (House of X v1 #6)
- Respect this Sacred Land : a proclamation that they do no harm to the living island itself. (House of X v1 #6)
Under Quiet Council, Krakoans had a law that prevented the evolution of artificial intelligence. (Hellions v1 #8)
Serving the Council were the Great Captains of Krakoa who were in charge on stated-related excursions such as in times of conflict or war where they defended the state. In the field, a captain had total control with the captain commander being considered the first among equals. (House of X v1 #6) One among their ranks was chosen to serve as the personal protector of the Quiet Council membrs. (X-Men v5 #4)
Groups that served the Quiet Council included:
- X-Force :
- X-Factor :
- The Five : a circuit consisting of five Mutants led by Hope Summers and including Eva Bell, Fabio Medina, Joshua Foley and Kevin MacTaggert who when combined had the means of resurrecting fallen Mutants whose mental patterns were stored within Cerebro. This combined with a telepath such as Professor X was able to restore a Mutant essence into the body grown for them as part of the Resurrection Protocol. (House of X v1 #5)
- The Six :
Linked to the Council's activities was its business ventures maintained through the X-Corporation. (X-Corp v1 #1)
A practice conducted by the Krakoans was the Crucible which was a death match where a broken Mutant died in gladiatorial combat in order to be reborn through resurrection. (X-Men v5 #7)
All Mutant diplomacy was dependent on their relationship with human nations and their need for Krakoan pharmaceuticals. More than 100 countries had accepted trade deals with Krakoa whilst those that refused were considered adversarial. (House of X v1 #5)
Locations tied to the society of Krakoa included:
- Grove : a site located on the northern part of Krakoa that was home to the council chambers where the Quiet Council had their meetings. (House of X v1 #1)
- Healing Gardens :
- Summer House : a Krakoan biome situated adjacent to the Blue Area of the Moon that was occupied by the Summers clan and was used as a departure point for first response/first strike capabilities. (X-Men v5 #1)
- Treehouse : a tree headquarters grown ear Central Park in Manhattan to serve as the base for the newest incarnation of X-Men who were to serve as Earth's superheroes. (X-Men v6 #1)
- Island M :
- White Palace :
- Red Keep :
- Danger Island :
- Greenhouse : a Krakoan facility that was grown in the North Pole in the aftermath of the loss of Krakoa itself where it served as a refuge for X-Force. (X-Force v6 #47)
The Krakoans came to establish the means to bring back deceased Mutants through the use of the Five with this resulting in the Resurrection Protocols. (House of X v1 #5) Members of the Quiet Council received priority in the resurrection queue. (Excalibur v4 #6)
The Hesiod Protocol was a piece of Krakoan technology that was code designed to corrupt and destroy artificial intelligences. (Hellions v1 #8)
The primary economic resource of the council and their Mutant nation were the Flowers of Krakoa. These were specialised plants created by the living island of Krakoa that could achieve a variety of feats. A number were bred for human use with these being created as fabricated pills which included; Human Drug L that extended human life by 5 years, Human Drug I an adaptive universal antibiotic with it being a superdrug for humans, and the Human Drug M a drug that cured diseases of the mind among humans. (House of X v1 #1)
Another class of flowers was used for Mutants with these including;
- Gateways : flowers that were pathways to its twin allowing travel between the two locations. (House of X v1 #1)
- Habitat : these flowers produced a self-sustaining environment with the biome being part of the interconnected consciousness of Krakoa. (House of X v1 #1)
- No-Place : a non-naturally occurring flower that produced a habitat that existed outside the consciousness of Krakoa and was not known to the living island with these being deemed the equivalent of a Krakoan tumour. (House of X v1 #1)
On Krakoa, a special chamber called the Shadow Room that was designed by Beast. With it, one could access blueprints, photos, surveillance video, eyewitness accounts and holographic recreations of crime scenes. It was described as being the C.S.I. version of the Danger Room where it was used for analysis. (Wolverine v7 #8)
Through the S.W.O.R.D. initiative, a newly discovered meta-material called Mysterium was created by the Krakoans who condensed it from certain exotic particles. It had strength on par with secondary Adamantium and conducted electricity at 100% efficiency barely conducted or retained heat with it also being radiation-proof. This made it a a valuable construction material for the next generation of machinery though the Krakoans stated that they had no need of it for themselves and instead used it as a tool for trade and gaining influence. (S.W.O.R.D. v2 #6)
On an intergalactic basis, the Quiet Council helped sponsor a new credit based system for use in dealing with other races with the currency being known as the Sol. (S.W.O.R.D. v2 #6)
A language developed for the Mutant nation-state was Krakoan that was telepathically imprinted onto the mind of a newly arrived Mutant. This allowed them capable of reading, speaking and fully understanding the language. It was created as Mutantkind's first autochthonous language and as it was manufactured it was not the same as the native one used by the living island itself. Krakoan was untranslatable with human/Mutant brains incapable of comprehending it. (House of X v1 #3)
- Professor X :
- Magneto :
- Apocalypse :
- Moira MacTaggert :
- Mister Sinister :
- Exodus :
- Mystique :
- Emma Frost :
- Sebastian Shaw :
- Kate Pryde :
- Nightcrawler :
- Storm :
- Jean Grey :
- Destiny :
- Cypher :
- Krakoa :
- The Quiet Council of Krakoa was created by Jonathan Hickman and Pepe Larraz where they made their first appearance in House of X v1 #6 (December, 2019).
Alternate Versions
- In Bishop: War College v1 #3 (2023), an alternate version of the Quiet Council of Krakoa appeared in the reality designated as Earth-63 in the Multiverse. When Lucas Bishop living on Earth-616 got thrown into this reality, he was brought to the Quiet Council and Professor X allowed everyone to experience the history of Earth-616 through Bishop's memories.
- In Sins of Sinister v1 #1 (2023), an alternate version of the Quiet Council of Krakoa appeared in the reality designated as Earth-TRN993 in the Multiverse. The Quiet Council's existance mirrors that of its mainstream counterpart as a governing body proposed to rule the mutant-exclusive nation of Krakoa, which was founded by Professor Xavier under the guidance of Moira and the secret knowledge she had gathered across multiple lives through her gift reincarnation. After the schism between Xavier and Moira, the Quiet Council became aware of Moira's true origins. The vile councilman Mister Sinister saw the revelation as an opportunity to weaponize the reincarnation powers through cloning for his interests in the form of the Moira Engine. As such, he had access to an apparatus that allowed him to generate safe-points in the timeline and reset events to achieve his goals.
- In Immortal X-Men v1 #9 (2022), an alternate version of the Quiet Council of Krakoa appeared in a Moira timeline designated as Moira VI.1 in the Multiverse. During a Quiet Council session discussing the aftermath of the Judgment Day, Mister Sinister arrived late, only to have Destiny announce his intent to kill Hope. Upon hearing this, Exodus telekinetically exploded Sinister's torso, killing him instantly.
- In Immortal X-Men v1 #9 (2022), an alternate version of the Quiet Council of Krakoa appeared in a Moira timeline designated as Moira VI.2 in the Multiverse. When Mister Sinister attempted to kill the Quiet Council with a Boom-Boom bomb, Destiny foresaw his scheme and warned the Council to get out. The Council then traveled to Sinister's hideout, where Exodus exploded the traitor's head.
- In Immortal X-Men v1 #9 (2022), an alternate version of the Quiet Council of Krakoa appeared in a Moira timeline designated as Moira VI.3 in the Multiverse. When Mister Sinister attempted to kill her with a hidden weapon, Destiny foresaw his scheme and warned the Council while her wife Mystique restrained him. Hope Summers used the gift of Exodus to telepathically look inside Sinister's brain.
- In Immortal X-Men v1 #9 (2022), an alternate version of the Quiet Council of Krakoa appeared in a Moira timeline designated as Moira VI.4 in the Multiverse. Mister Sinister stormed into the Quiet Council chambers in a suit of battle armor, which he used to kill Exodus. Hope Summers then avenged him by taking the gift of Storm and frying the traitor.
- In Immortal X-Men v1 #9 (2022), an alternate version of the Quiet Council of Krakoa appeared in a Moira timeline designated as Moira VI.5 in the Multiverse. Mister Sinister stormed into the Quiet Council chamber in a suit of battle armor, which he used to kill Exodus and Hope before Storm fried the traitor.
- In Immortal X-Men v1 #9 (2022), an alternate version of the Quiet Council of Krakoa appeared in a Moira timeline designated as Moira VI.6 in the Multiverse. Mister Sinister stormed into the Quiet Council chamber in a suit of battle armor with the intention to kill Hope and others. However, his tech malfunctioned and Sinister used a small regular gun to kill himself, as the others looked in confusion.
- In Dead X-Men v1 #1 (2024), an alternate version of the Quiet Council of Krakoa appeared in a Moira timeline designated as Moira II.4 in the Multiverse. The Quiet Council was killed during the interstellar war unleashed by Orbis Stellaris, perishing in a surprise wormhole strike against Krakoa.
- House of X v1: (2019)
- X-Men v5:
- Marauders v1:
- Hellions v1:
- S.W.O.R.D. v2:
- Planet-Size X-Men v1: (2021)
- Inferno v1:
- Immortal X-Men v1:
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