Sha Shan

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Sha Shan is a female comic character that features in Marvel Comics.



Sha Shan Nguyen was a female human born the daughter of the High Priest of a secret temple in Vietnam. One day, she and her father stumbled upon an American soldier who had been wounded and separated from his platoon, and decided to nurse him to health. When this soldier, Flash Thompson, returned to his camp, he learned that they were planning to bomb the area of the temple. He tried to convince them of the temple's existence, but they would not listen, so he ran back to the temple to warn his saviors. However, the High Priest claimed the temple was their life and decided not to evacuate. The High Priest was killed in the shelling, but Sha Shan survived and took the unconscious Thompson back to camp. When he woke up, he thought everyone at the temple had perished and decided to leave the army to return to America. Meanwhile, the temple survivors blamed Thompson for the tragedy and, despite Sha Shan's protests, traveled to America to go after Thompson. There, the priest captured him to perform a ritual that would kill him to free the High Priest's spirit. Sha Shan revealed herself to Flash and tried to free him, but was interrupted by the other priest before doing so. As Thompson was about to be decapitated, however, Spider-Man and Doctor Strange showed up and saved him. Strange then cast a spell to revive the High Priest, who finally convinced his fellow priests that Thompson was not to blame for the bombing. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #109)

With everything cleared out, Sha Shan and the priests relocated to a new temple, where they knew peace for a while. Their quiet lasted until the day her father summoned her and told her a lord of darkness was coming and, as a being of purity and innocence, she would have to join him to balance the scales. (Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man v1 #13) In reality, a man named Achmed Korba had encountered the Man-Beast, who granted him power in exchange for loyalty and, in order to maintain him under control, Man-Beast limited Achmed's powers so that they could only be used when in contact with an innocent and pure being. (Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man v1 #15) Achmed chose Sha Shan as his wife, and the two married, leaving the temple, just as it was about to be bombed, presumably killing everyone there, including Sha Shan's father. Together, they became Brother Power and Sister Sun and led a cult called the Legion of Light. Achmed and Sha Shan then traveled to the US, and in a short time he opened a restaurant in New York. From there, he promoted the Legion of Light as a peace-loving organization and began amounting followers. (Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man v1 #12) However, its true purpose was to gather people who could then be manipulated as pawns of the Man-Beast. (Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man v1 #15)

While in South east Asia of Vietnam, Flash Thompson was rescued by Sha Shan who later became his girlfriend. After her partner Brother Power was killed in an explosion, Sha Shan gave up crime and became Flash Thompson's lover, and the pair later married. Sometime later was out with her then boyfriend when they went out to the Beyond Forever Disco with Peter Parker, Harry Osborn, Liz Allan, Glory Grant and Betty Brant. Where she along with everyone else at the disco was hypnotised by the Hypno-Hustler.

Flash Thompson and Sha Shan later split up when Flash was cheating on her with Betty Brant.

Sha Shan eventually came back into Flash's life, after being tracked down by Harry Osborn and Peter Parker. She later became a physical therapist, and was working with Flash to help him walk again with his leg prosthetics.

She was treating Angelina Brancale at the Columbia University Medical Centre where she noted her good progress in her treatment. (Superior Spider-Man v1 #20)

Shan later returned to a hospital in New York where she treated numerous heroes that had fought the deadly Red Goblin. During this time, she learnt that Anti-Venom was Flash Thompson who was treating his comrades. (Amazing Spider-Man v1 #800)


Personality and attributes

As a member of the Legion of Light, Sha Shan came to go by the name of Sister Sun. (Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man v1 #12)

Powers and abilities


  • Sha Shan was created by Stan Lee and John Romita Sr. where she made her first appearance in Amazing Spider-Man v1 #108 (May, 1972).

In other media


  • In The Spectacular Spider-Man, Sha Shan Nguyen appeared as a minor supporting character in the animated series where she was voiced by actress Kelly Hu. She was shown as being a student at Midtown High who idolized Spider-Man with Flash Thompson inviting her to his birthday party but she did not attend. Flash was shown to be interested in her romantically but she coldly rejected his advances with him becoming frustrated as a result. She later attended a play that was being directed by St. John Devereaux with Thompson joining it in an effort to impress Sha Shan so that she could become his girlfriend. Despite attending the play A Midsummer Night's Dream, Sha Shan still rejected him. She ultimately decided to accept Flash's attention when he tells her about Harry Osborn's addiction to Gobulin Green. Thompson helped them win the championship thus demonstrating that he only wanted to win fairly. Sha Shan later went out with Flash on Valentine's Day, causing Thompson to behave strangely in an attempt to behave properly. She told him that she accepted him for who he is namely an honest caring person, and agreed to dance with him after he told her "I honestly want nothing more".


  • Amazing Spider-Man v1: (1972)
  • Superior Spider-Man:
  • Starbrand and Nightmask v1:
  • Amazing Spider-Man:
  • The Spectacular Spider-Men v1:

External Links

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