Spider-Punk is a male comic superhero who features in Marvel Comics.
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Hobart Brown was a male human who was native to Earth-138 in the Multiverse. Originally, he was a homeless teenager who was transformed by a spider that was irradiated as part of President Norman Osborn's toxic waste dumping. He becomes the punk-rock inspired Spider-Man, leading the downtrodden people of New York against Osborn. As leader of the Spider Army, they fought against President Osborn's regime, Hobart Brown utilized his free spirit as a 'radioactive suicide machine' to rally support from the lowest classes that the regime was aiming to stamp out in the name of America's 'strength'. When Osborn led his forces, the Thunderbolt Department in the use of the V.E.N.O.M., Spider-Man used 15000 volts of punk rock out of an 'army of amps' to disable the new technologies, then defeated Osborn himself by bashing him over the head with his guitar before Brown unmasked himself to the viewing crowd. (Spider-Verse v1 #2)
During the Inheritors Great Hunt, Hobie came to find himself recruited by the Superior Spider-Man to join his army of Spider-Men to combat the vampiric villains. Hobie and the Assassin Spider-Man of Earth-8351 accompanied Superior Spider-Man to Earth-1610, where they rescued Miles Morales and Jessica Drew from Verna and her Hounds, taking the two of them back to their base on Earth-928. Around the same time an independent Spider-Army showed up, and the presense of so many Spiders in one place overload the cloacking device that hid them from the Inheritors. The two groups merged and fled to Earth-13. (Amazing Spider-Man v3 #10) The safe zone of Earth-13 was demolished by the arrival of Solus, the Inheritors' patriarch. (Amazing Spider-Man v3 #11) As a result, the Spiders found a new temporary shelter on irradiated Earth-3145. (Amazing Spider-Man v3 #12)
Following the defeat of the Inheritors, Hobart returned to his reality after telling Spider-UK to keep careful watch on Karn by reminding that he had killed countless Spider-Men despite having helped the Spider-Army against his brethren. (Amazing Spider-Man v3 #15)
Whilst performing with the Spider-Slayers over the Radio Free Medianet, Adrian Toomes of Toomestone Records cut power to the concert. This led to a fight between the Spider Army and Toomestone Records security which was cut short when a rift between Earth-138 and Earth-93726 appeared in the sky, and Spider-Ham 2099, Ducktor Doom 2099, and Doom's Duckbots attacked the fighters. Spider-Man hogtied Spider-Ham 2099 and went to Earth-001, home of the Web-Warriors asking for them to help stop Ducktor Doom 2099's invasion. Although most of the Warriors had difficulty whilst fighting the Duckbots, Spider-Ham easily stopped them with "the wind-up," a maneuver in which Spider-Ham rotated his arm so fast it created a tornado that swallowed the enemy forces and took them far away. (Web Warriors v1 #7) This was not the end of interdimensional visitors to Spider-Man's world however as, the instant ducktor Doom 2099 and his Duckbots were returned home, two giant robots modeled after Spider-Man and Doctor Octopus appeared. Spider-Man and the Web Warriors began attacking "the one that doesn't look like Spider-Man" but were no match for the villain's Mega Morph's abilities. Suddenly, as a result of the Master Weaver and Octavia Otto's attempts to recover the Web Warriors' lost teammates (Spider-UK and Spider-Woman), most of the team (Spider-Man (Earth-50101), Spider-Man (Earth-90214), Spider-Woman, and Spider-Ham) and the Mega Morphs Doctor Octopus, were transported to Earth-90214 or Earth-8311, leaving Spider-Man stranded with Spider-Girl, Lady Spider, and Mega Morphs Spider-Man. (Web Warriors v1 #8)
Having lost contact with their teammates through their Dimensional Travel Watches, Lady Spider began working on a new communicator using the Mega Morphs' technology. (Web Warriors v1 #9) As their bracelets were out of sync with one another and the web, they used the Mega Morph as a giant amp for Hobie to play rock on, while connecting it to a Dimensional Travel Watch. This indeed worked and allowed bracelets to call on one another, transporting the four Spider-People to Earth-803 where the rest of the Spider-Army was fighting against an army of Electros. (Web Warriors v1 #10) The Electros were defeated, but the Web of Life and Destiny was threatened by Harry Osborn of Earth-22916 and to save the Multiverse, the Spiders decided to resonate the Great Web again, using not only the Mega Morph but also the energy of countless electros. Hobie played the guitar while Gwen Stacy played the drums, and together they saved reality through the power of Rock and Roll. (Web Warriors v1 #11) Peter Parker of Earth-616 later led the Web-Warriors on a mission to Earth-177 where they battled that reality's version of Sinister Six. (Spider-Man: Enter the Spider-Verse v1 #1)
Spider-Punk was shown to be fighting Thunderstrike while the other Web Warriors after the dismantling of Loomworld. (Superior Octopus v1 #1)
After taking down Thunderstrike, Spider-Punk stated to Eric Masters to carry a message to the Red Skull about taking the Bowery, Eric is then reduced to a skeleton by Kang the Conglomerator who claims that he has the rights to his name in the future for his company KangCo. When Spider-Punk goes on the attack, Kang summons some Spider-Punk dolls to assist him. After fighting them, Spider-Punk gets away from them and asks for a tape from Captain Anarchy who is busy fighting the Annihilation Wave when they emerged in Harlem from the Negative Zone. When the Spider-Punk dolls catch up, they get into a fight with the Annihilation Wave where one of them eats the tape that Captain Anarchy was going to give to Spider-Punk. After getting the tape out of the insectoid's mouth, Spider-Punk is surprised when Kang catches up to him. As Captain Anarchy holds Kang off, Spider-Punk swings away. Meeting up with Robbie Banner, Hobie tries to convince him to help while reminding him of how he helped in battles against the U-Foes, the Universal Church of Truth, and Hydra. When Kang catches up again, Robbie plays the tape and becomes the Hulk to attack Kang. When Kang is defeated, he states that Captain Anarchy is not marketable and died old while Hobie died young. After Kang disappears with Hulk confused on what Kang meant, Spider-Girl shows up and states that something big is coming, and Spider-Punk agrees to go with her. (Edge of Spider-Geddon v1 #1) Spider-Punk later visited an unnamed reality and saved the Norman Osborn version of Spider-Man from the collapsing Oscorp Tower. (Edge of Spider-Geddon v1 #4) Seven months ago, Spider-Punk assisted Spider-Girl, Pavitr Prabhakar, Spider-UK, and Karn as the Master Weaver have been keeping a surveillance on the Inheritors as they send a Spider-Bot to Earth-3145 to check up on the Inheritors. Spider-Girl and Pavitr consider Spider-Punk to be the worst Spider-Man. (Spider-Geddon v1 #0)
Spider-Punk is among the spider-powered characters that recruit Miles Morales to confront Superior Octopus when it was discovered that his cloning machine was made from the Inheritors' technology. They try to warn Superior Octopus, but it was too late as the Inheritors start to emerge as they kill Spider-Man Noir and Spider-UK. (Spider-Geddon v1 #1) After the Inheritors emerge, Spider-Punk and Superior Octopus come up with a plan to kill the Inheritors. (Spider-Geddon v1 #2) Spider-Punk informs the rest of Superior Spider-Man's group the bad news as Octavia Otto of Earth-1104 discovered that Solus lives again. (Spider-Geddon v1 #4) As Miles Morales' group joins Superior Spider-Man's group in fighting the Inheritors, Spider-Punk notices that Jennix was driven insane and Verna is missing. (Spider-Geddon v1 #5)
Personality and attributes
It was said that he hated the nickname 'Spider-Punk' where he criticized Spider-Woman for calling him that name. (Edge of Spider-Geddon v1 #1)
He was said to had been a fan of his world's Gwen Stacy before she 'croaked'. (Web Warriors v1 #7)
Powers and abilities
After being bitten by a spider irradiated by illegal waste dumping Hobart obtained the proportionate powers of a spider and became a Spider-Totem. (Spider-Verse v1 #2)
- Spider-Punk was created by Dan Slott and Olivier Coipel where he made his first appearance in the Amazing Spider-Man v3 #10 (January, 2015).
- The character was based on Spider-Man created by Stan Lee, Steve Ditko and John Buscema.
- As noted on CBR, the design that became Spider-Punk originated as Olivier Coipel's concept for Spider-UK. However, it did not fit due to Spider-UK being a member of the Captain Britain Corps, but Dan Slott liked the design and turned it into a new character instead. The final design of Spider-UK was added after the original pencils of Amazing Spider-Man v3 #9 (2014) were finished.
In other media
- In Ultimate Spider-Man, Spider-Punk appeared in the setting of the animated television series in the episode "Return to the Spider-Verse: Part 4" where he was voiced by actor Drake Bell. This version spoke with a Cockney accent where he came to be among several alternate reality Spider-Men that the villainous Wolf Spider took hostage to siphon their powers before the 'prime' Spider-Man, Kid Arachnid, and Spider-Woman arrive to save them.
- In Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, Spider-Punk appeared in the setting of the animated film where he was voiced by actor Daniel Kaluuya. Hobart Brown is a homeless "foul-mouthed" teenager living as a squatter on a canal boat, which serves as his headquarters. He was bitten by a radioactive spider, giving him spider-like powers and leading to him taking up the mantle of Spider-Man in his universe's Camden, New London. As Spider-Man, he is a performer and an activist against the fascism and corrupt systems of his world. Hobie often includes his music and art as part of his activism. Despite his disdain for organised power and government, Hobie was recruited by Miguel O'Hara as part of the Spider-Society. During his time as part of the Spider-Society, he befriended Gwen Stacy and allowed her to temporarily reside in his universe and hang out with him. This friendship would also lead Hobie to befriend Pavitr Prabhakar, with them becoming close friends. As a part of the Spider-Society he would go on missions with Gwen to capture anomalies, one of these missions resulting in the capture of a Prowler variant. Gwen would also end up joining his band at some point as his drummer.
Video games
- In Marvel Strike Force, Spider-Punk appeared as an unlockable playable character in the setting of the mobile video game. This version was shown to be a member of the Web Warriors.
- Amazing Spider-Man v3: (2015)
- Spider-Verse v1:
- Spidergeddon v1:
- Spider-Punk v1:
External Links
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