Syn Shenron

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Syn Shenron is a male anime and manga character who features in Dragon Ball GT.



Syn Shenron (Japanese: 一イー星シン龍ロン, Hepburn: Īshinron) was a male Shadow Dragons (邪じゃ悪あく龍りゅう Jaaku Ryū, lit. "Evil Dragons") that were a race of evil dragonic beings created from the Dragon Balls. Similar to the rest of his kin, he was born from the wishes asked of the eternal dragon Shenron. In Syn Shenron's case, the basis of his creation came from Mr. Popo's wish to revive everyone on Namek that was killed at the hands of Frieza and his soldiers. The sheer scale of this wish created an incredible amount of negative energy that resided within the Dragon Balls. It remained there until after the defeat of the android Super 17. Following the incident, the Z Warriors came to use the Dragon Balls once again but unknown to them the wish resulted in the negative energy from the wishes coalescing into the Shadow Dragons that scattered around the world. Syn Shenron stood among their number where he operated in the shadows as he looked to grow in power and destroy the world.

Eventually, he made his presence known after the defeat of Eis Shenron at the hands of Super Saiyan 4 Goku and Nuova Shenron, the only Shadow Dragon with good within. Disgusted at the Four-Star Dragon's acts of mercy towards the Saiyan, Syn Shenron uses a sneak attack to dispatch Nuova Shenron before turning his attention to an enraged Goku. Goku criticizes him for killing one of his own kind, but Syn tells him not to criticize his own creation, reminding Goku that he is responsible for the birth of all seven Shadow Dragons due to his overuse of the Dragon Balls. Goku refuses to listen, declaring that he always used the Dragon Balls for the good of the Earth, and never used them once for his own selfish gain. Dismissing Goku's argument, Syn Shenron engages him in battle, quickly taking the advantage due to Goku having been blinded by Eis Shenron and tired out from his earlier battles with the other Shadow Dragons. Although Goku is able to land a few hits, none of them do any damage (even a direct hit from a 10x Kamehameha had no effect), and he is completely dominated by Syn Shenron, who batters him around and ultimately leaves him hanging unconsciously from a fairground tower.

Seeing he is no match for Goku he decides to absorb all the other Dragon Balls. This creates Omega Shenron who beats SS4 Goku. This causes Vegeta to be obliged to turn SS4. While the duo tries to fusion Omega Shenron is not able to stop them since Goten, Gohan and Trunks make a diversion. Against Gogeta SS4 Omega Shenron is extremely weak being afraid of every attack he launches. In a desperate act he launches a negative energy ball against his enemy only causing Gogeta to change it to a positive energy ball and make the dark aura dissapear. After a Big Bang Kamehameha he is turned back to Syn Shenron and is about to be terminated when Gogeta defusions. Against Vegeta and Goku he is able to win easily until they use a clone technique and do the fusion dance again. It didn't work and Syn Shenron, who has now turned into Omega Shenron again is about to kill Goku when Nouva Shenron appears and battles the dragon. After a battle Nouva Shenron is killed and absorbed. Meanwhile Goku creates a Spirit Bomb and kills Omega Shenron freeing the dragon balls.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Syn Shenron was a large dragonic humanoid with two large fleshy horns emerging from the top of his head whilst having a pair of tiny feelers on his upper lip that resembled a moustache.

Being born from one of the strongest and most selfless of wishes, Syn Shenron is the most selfish, uncaring, and evil-hearted of all the Shadow Dragons. He feels no compassion for any form of life, even destroying his fellow Shadow Dragons if it benefits his ultimate goal of universal destruction. He also enjoys belittling his enemies, reminding the heroes that they are to blame for his existence.

It was shown that he did not fight fairly and used trickery as a means of attaining victory. This included shooting his opponents in the back from the shadows in order to eliminate them.

Powers and abilities

Syn Shenron was one of the Shadow Dragons (邪じゃ悪あく龍りゅう Jaaku Ryū, lit. "Evil Dragons") that were dragonic beings born from the negative energy made from wishes to the Dragon Balls. Among all the seven Shadow Dragons, it was note that Syn Shenron was the most powerful of their number.

He was proficient in a number of techniques that included:

  • Annihilation Gun (全滅砲 Zenmetsu-Hō, lit. Annihilation Cannon) :
  • Demon Death Ball (秒殺魔光弾 Byōsatsu Makōdan) :
  • Dragon Thunder : An attack of Omega Shenron used only by him on the videogames. This ability consists on Omega Shenron putting an enemy on it's back and the spikes on Omega Shenron release a thunder shock which weakens the enemy alot.
  • Gigantic Blaze : The attack consists in Syn Shenron making a fist with his hand and then releasing the hold making several storms of fire surround it's enemy exploding one after another.
  • Trap Shooter : A technique he uses only in the Budokai Tenkaichi series. He charges an energy ball with one hand and then shoots several mini-attacks to its enemy.
  • Minus Energy Power Ball (マイナスエネルギーパワーボール Mainasu Enerugi Pawā Bōru) : the Negative Karma Ball was an energy sphere attack whereby Syn Shenron gathered all his evil energy and formed an energy ball with it.
  • Dragon Ball transfer : Syn Shenron can throw the dragon balls that make him into another being taking possesion of the person making him turn into himself. He uses this ability to transfer himself into Nouva Shenron and resist to his flame ball.

He had the ability to absorb the Dragon Balls of the other Shadow Dragons which he used to empower himself further. This led to a transformation whereby he became known as Omega Shenron (超スーパー一イー星シン龍ロン Sūpā Ī Shinron, lit. "Super One-Star Dragon") whereby he gained all the powers of all the other dragons. In this state, he was regarded as one of the strongest and most powerful beings within the universe.


  • Syn Shenron was created by Akira Toriyama where he featured in the setting of the Dragon Ball GT universe.

In other media


  • In Dragon Ball GT, Syn Shenron appeared in the setting of the anime television series where he was voiced by Japanese actor Hidekatsu Shibata and by English actor Bob Carter in the Funimation Dub.

Video games


  • Dragon Ball GT:

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