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Tyrael is an angelic video game character that features in Diablo.




Tyrael was a member of the race of Angels that were native to the forces of the High Heavens shortly after its creation. He came to serve as the Archangel of Justice where he was a member of the ruling Angiris Council and administered over the Courts of Justice. Due to his position, he came to fight in the Eternal Conflict against the Demons of the Burning Hells. In this time, he and Imperius were noted to had saved each others lives many times. The war saw them engage against the Prime Evils where in one such engagement he battled a horde of Demons led by the Lord of Terror Diablo himself. Diablo was defeated and captured where Tyrael along with Auriel were of the mind of holding him captive which would serve their cause better then to slay him. However, Imperius decided otherwise and decided to seek out his own brand of justice that involved killing the Lord of Terror.

He came to be regarded as something of a rogue by the forces of Heaven, as he seemed to intervene in the affairs of mankind more frequently than was considered appropriate.

Tyrael eventually became the patron of the Horadrim several centuries prior during the events of the Sin War. He united mages, warriors, and other typically dysfunctional factions into a single force dedicated to binding the Prime Evils. Thus, he fashioned soulstones from the great Worldstone that were to serve as prisons for the Prime Evils where he over the many years worked alongside the Horadrim in hunting their quarry with Mephisto first being captured and then Baal.

He was brought before the angelic council where Imperius accused him flaunting Heaven's lies by his repeated interference in the mortal world. Tyrael, however, countered that he fought for justice whilst the Angels were driven by inaction leading to a fight with the Aspect of Valour. In the fight, Tyrael managed to gain the upper hand where he abandoned his angelic status and embraced the life of a mortal leading to his banishment from the High Heavens. As a falling star, he crashed into New Tristram where his sword was shattered into three shards and Tyrael came to forgot his past as he fell to Sanctuary. The 'falling star' came to cause the undead to rise once more with King Leoric being awakened once more as they plagued the land. This was until the Nephalem emerged where he helped uncover the amnesiac Tyrael who was brought before Deckard Cain. He was then attacked by the witch Magda who killed Deckard Cain and kidnapped Tyrael.

With Diablo imprisoned, Tyrael summoned the aid of the Horadrim to help him seal the Soulstone in the temple. During that moment, they were attacked by Malthael who intended to claim the stone for himself and begin his campaign of purging humanity from the world.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, he was depicted as an angel whose face was hidden by the darkness of his hood and never revealed. By his back were large tendril-like white-glowing wings with him being garbed in brown and gold robes. He was noted for being the Aspect of Justice and represented this quality.

Powers and abilities

He was noted to wield the blade El'druin that was the Sword of Justice.


  • Tyrael was voiced by actor Ed Trotta in Diablo 2.
  • In Diablo 3, the character was voiced by actor Jonathan Adams.

In other media

Video games

  • In World of Warcraft, Tyrael appeared in the setting of the MMORPG where he could be found as a vanity pet who was only available to those who obtained a special code from the 2008 WWI Convention.
  • In Heroes of the Storm, Tyrael was a playable character in the setting of the MOBA video game.


  • Diablo II:
  • Diablo III:

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