Orion (DC)

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[[File:NewGodsV1-1.jpg|thumb|left|200px|Orion in New Gods v1 #1.]]
[[File:NewGodsV1-1.jpg|thumb|left|200px|Orion in New Gods v1 #1.]]
Orion was a male member of the race of [[New Gods]] where he was the son of [[Darkseid]] and his second wife '''Tigra''' with him being born on [[Apokolips]]. It was said that the mating was actually arranged by Queen Mother [[Heggra]] prior to her death. (New Gods v1 #7)
In secret, she met with her co-conspirators deep underground where they helped her during the labour. She bore a son that she decided to name Orion who was intended to be the instrument of Darkseid's annihilation and intended to take the throne of Apokolips. However, Darkseid's spies were aware of their actions whereupon they came to eliminate the conspirators leaving only Tigra alive. It was then that Darkseid took Orion away to be raised under his own watch whilst Tigra was exiled from Apokolips with any mention of her expunged from the records. (Orion v1 #3)
Around this time, a great and terrible war was fought between Apokolips and the New Gods of [[New Genesis]] that erupted when [[Steppenwolf (DC)|Steppenwolf]] murdered '''Avia''' the love of [[Highfather|Izaya]]. In a rage, he led the forces of New Genesis as they waged a brutal and terrible cosmic war against their dark counterparts. This was until Izaya became horrified at his actions and he sought to bring about peace where he engaged in secret communiques with Darkseid. It was agreed that the pair would exchange sons in an effort to end the war where Darkseid decided to use Orion as a tool for peace. In exchange, he was given Izaya's own [[Mister Miracle|son]] whilst Orion went to live on New Genesis where he knew nothing of his past. (New Gods v1 #7)
Highfather watched the children of Supertown at play, supervised by Desdemona. He observed Orion and told Metron that he believed the future of New Genesis depended on overcoming his heritage, just as he believed Apokolips would win if Darkseid swayed Scott Free to the dark side. The newly resurrected Steppenwolf led a raid on New Genesis, and Desdemona led the children to a fortress while New Genesis soldiers turned away the attack. Metron almost had his Mobius Chair finished, but the power of the x-element destroyed the chair, and he needed more, so he contacted Darkseid. Darkseid exchanged more of the x-element for Boom Tubes, and while Metron successfully finished his chair and toured the cosmos Darkseid sent Steppenwolf to reclaim Orion from New Genesis. Many children were killed, but Orion himself turned the tide and sent Steppenwolf retreating. Orion was already developing a deep hatred for Darkseid. (New Gods v3 #22)
Orion’s hostility drove people away, and the only family he had was Highfather and Metron. Commander trained Orion in the ways of combat, and he became a furious warrior, an embodiment of war itself. Arkal, a boy at his school, disliked Orion’s fiery ways, and they fought tooth and nail, but eventually became close friends and grew up together. During a school break Orion visited Akarl’s families’ Agri-Center, but found Bugs had slaughtered everyone there. Orion’s mind disappeared into a crimson haze of violence, and he slaughtered the perpetrators, leading to his lifelong hatred of Bugs. Orion’s rage grew, and Highfather worried for him. He granted him the power of the astro-force, knowing Darkseid’s forces might well target him. Orion’s hatred of Darkseid made him eager to resume war with Apokolips, but Highfather tried to show him that his rage was an evil equal to Darkseid’s ways. Orion took no heed, unable to comprehend anything but his hate and love of war. (New Gods v3 #2)
Lonar came across Orion, who was brooding and in a deep depression. The sight of the magnificent Thunderer, a battlehorse Lonar rode that had been resurrected from the ruins of the Old Gods momentarily cheered him, but the animal reared at his touch. Orion wondered if life would always recoil from him. (Forever People v1 #7)
Superman helped the Forever People free Beautiful Dreamer from Darkseid’s clutches, and because he was feeling like an outsider among humanity, they allowed him to take a Boom Tube to Supertown. Highfather called him to his side, and told him the answers he sought were held on his adopted planet Earth, and he could not interfere by giving him the answers himself. He used his wonder staff to return Superman home, and confided in his son Orion that Superman would be a valuable ally in their war against Darkseid. Orion was chomping at the bit to wage war against Darkseid, even though he knew their final battle was a long way away. Highfather warned him not to think war glorious. (Jack Kirby’s Fourth World v1 #20)
Highfather later summoned Orion to New Genesis, and they read from the Source Wall, which predicted that Orion would go to Apokolips, then Earth, then to war. Metron wanted to aid them, and hinted that Darkseid was Oirion’s father, but Highfather told him to be quiet. Orion went to Apokolips and battled Para-Demons, Darkseid’s dog cavalry and Kalibak, but found the tyrant absent. A mass-director unit transmitted all of Darkseid’s orders, and Metron appeared to Orion, letting him know that Darkseid was on Earth searching for the anti-life equation. He’d broken the pact by bringing humans to Apokolips to scan their minds for the equation, and setting up base underground in Earth. Orion freed the humans on Apokolips and came to Earth, telling Darkseid they were at war. (New Gods v1 #1) Orion confronted Darkseid and the villain told him he’d dare do whatever he wanted with Earth. His warlord Brola attacked Orion, but was soundly defeated, but Darkseid slipped away. Orion's new human friends helped him establish a base on Earth, and he took the secret identity of O’Ryan. Using mother box he saw Darkseid’s minions pouring into Earth, poised for conquest, and told his friends everyone would have to help combat Darkseid unless they wanted Apokolips to own Earth. Darkseid used Desaad’s fear machine to cause panic in the city, but Orion destroyed the device. (New Gods v1 #2) Orion’s human friends gave him human clothing so he could blend in. Orion spent a private moment of reflection, using mother box to restore his true face, the cruel brutal, face that hinted of his Apokoliptan origins. His human friend Lincoln, a P.I., brought him to the building where Darkseid had abducted him for probing. They found Intergang members preparing to detonate a bomb that would shut off the city’s communication centers. Orion defeated them, and using mother box he lifted the bomb into space, where it exploded harmlessly. (New Gods v1 #3)
Orion set up a home for Lightray on Earth, staying with his human friend Victor Lanza. Orion saw a TV report of Kalibak on Earth. After going on a rampage he'd taken Orion’s friends Claudia Shane and Dave Lincoln hostage, demanding that Orion confront him. Orion arrived in time to save the life of detective Terrible Turpin, who was determined to arrest Kalibak and keep superpowered brawls from destroying Metropolis. Orion and Kalibak fought savagely, and Kalibak got a hunch that Orion must come from Apokolips to be filled with such fury. Orion reflected that they’d fought each other ever since they were young, and there must be a connection between them. As their battle reached a crescendo Orion’s true demonic face was revealed, but as he was about to deliver a killing blow Lightray flew him away. Turpin had hooked up every power generator into the city into one device, and used it to shock Kalibak into unconsciousness. Orion was angry that Lightray had seen his true face, but Lightray told him that while he saw many scars, they were all acquired defending New Genesis. (New Gods v1 #8) The dawn broke, and Lightray tried to convince Orion that the new day was filled with hope, though Orion’s mind was still focused on war. Playwright Eve Donner offered them hospitality, and she was equally fascinated and repulsed by Orion. Orion raged that Darkseid would not face him one-on-one and Lightray warned Eve that he was the personification or destruction. Orion told her he’d seek her out after his final battle and see if she thought he was worth her pity. Orion and Lincoln checked in on Orion’s friend Dave Lincoln, and found the Metropolis police waiting for them. Metropolis D.A. J. Mason Hartwell told Orion and Lightray they’d be held accountable for the property damage they’d caused during their fight with Kalibak, but Dave Lincoln pointed out that they’d helped to defeat Kalibak and prevented any loss of life. Forager of the New Genesis Bugs found the New Gods and warned them that Mantis was planning an invasion of Earth. Orion hoped that all of Earth would aid the New Gods of New Genesis in their war against Darkseid, because their preservation depended on it, and departed. Orion fought Mantis’ Bug horde fiercely, and Lightray convinced Sonic Research and Development to lend him a transmitter, which he used to focus sound and light to drive off the Bugs, and send them scurrying back to New Genesis. (New Gods v1 #10)
At Dave Lincoln’s apartment Orion railed that he wanted to face Darkseid no matter the consequences. Lightray advised planning and caution, but Orion would have none of it. Kalibak escaped police custody and challenged Orion, but Lightray wanted his war-weary friend to have a break and accepted Kalibak’s challenge. Kalibak soundly beat him, and Orion engaged him in combat. Orion and Kalibak finally realized their relationship as half-brothers, and Kalibak gained the edge because Desaad was pumping energy into him from Apokolips. Darkseid wanted his sons to fight on a level playing ground, and feared death for Orion, so he killed Desaad, disabling his device. The tide turned in Orion’s favor and as the battle reached its climax the Black Racer appeared and claimed Kalibak. (New Gods v1 #11)
Following the Flashpoint, a new version of history was created with a different series of events.
Following the Flashpoint, a new version of history was created with a different series of events. Orion
For some time, divinations of the future revealed that doom was coming to the cosmos with this heralding the return of Darkseid and his ascendance into power. It was then that a crisis emerged when the Source Wall itself was threatened with destruction with the New Gods intervening alongside the Justice League. However, despite their attempts, they failed and the Wall collapsed with an ancient primordial being unleashed from eons of imprisonment. With their release, the New Gods attempts to flee through a Boom Tube but came to be unformed as a result with Orion seemingly among the few survivors. He became convinced that his father Darkseid was responsible and sought to stop him where he clad himself in '''okkulting armor''' to protect him from the '''Eskaton''' that were to hunt the New Gods upon their demise. Taking the identity of '''Okkult''', he set about the task of hunting down and eliminating Darkeid who had activated the '''Sepulkore''' where he was creating a new race of gods to serve him. (Justice League Odyssey v1 #16)
For some time, divinations of the future revealed that doom was coming to the cosmos with this heralding the return of Darkseid and his ascendance into power. It was then that a crisis emerged when the Source Wall itself was threatened with destruction with the New Gods intervening alongside the Justice League. However, despite their attempts, they failed and the Wall collapsed with an ancient primordial being unleashed from eons of imprisonment. With their release, the New Gods attempts to flee through a Boom Tube but came to be unformed as a result with Orion seemingly among the few survivors. He became convinced that his father Darkseid was responsible and sought to stop him where he clad himself in '''okkulting armor''' to protect him from the '''Eskaton''' that were to hunt the New Gods upon their demise. Taking the identity of '''Okkult''', he set about the task of hunting down and eliminating Darkeid who had activated the '''Sepulkore''' where he was creating a new race of gods to serve him. (Justice League Odyssey v1 #16)
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===Personality and attributes===
===Personality and attributes===
He once took the name of '''Okkult''' when he tried to hide his true identity. (Justice League Odyssey v1 #16)
[[File:OrionV1-1Textless.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Son of Darkseid and Tigra in Orion v1 #1.]]
It was his mother Tigra who decided to name him '''Orion''' which Darkseid found to be a good one. (Orion v1 #3) He once took the name of '''Okkult''' when he tried to hide his true identity. (Justice League Odyssey v1 #16)
It was said that of all the New God celestials that he was the one most plagued by shadows. (New Gods v1 #1)
Orion was said to fight with the fury of one born of Apokolips. It was noted that one such as Orion could never be taken captive with his kind dying in battle. (New Gods v1 #2) Even when he was newly born that he shook with fury. (Orion v1 #3)
He believed that his destiny was one of battle and he answered the call for the ultimate mission which was to thwart ultimate destruction. (New Gods v1 #1)
Darkseid himself claimed that Orion was an enemy that was to be respected. (New Orions v1 #2)
Orion was shown to be the son of '''Darkseid''' and his second wife '''Tigra'''. He as noted to be much like his mother. (New Gods v1 #7)
It was said that he and Lightray were very different from one another yet were close friends. (New Gods v1 #1)
===Powers and abilities===
===Powers and abilities===
He claimed to had been trained to resist all degrees of fear. (New Gods v1 #2) According to himself, he was the strongest of all the New Gods of New Genesis. (Death of the New Gods v1 #6)
It was noted that he was the wielder of the '''Astro-Force'''. (New Gods v1 #1) This energy is channeled through his harness or Wristbands and allows him to heal himself, manipulate matter and energy, and even generate force fields that can ward off the powers of Darkseid's Omega Effect. (Orion v1 #7)
He was equipped with a '''Mother Box''' that was a common piece of technology for the New Gods of New Genesis. It did whatever was beneficial to its user where it generated a warm presence and spoke electronic computer-like sounds. Mother Box was capable of sharing images from Orion with others allowing him to show his knowledge to others quickly. Their sensors were also capable of detecting invisible beams of energy and could task it to track down the source. (New Gods v1 #2)
Orion was able to voice summon his war armour where it phased in his gear from subspace after it being unlocked and it simply emerged around him. (Justice League Odyssey v1 #17) He was known to make use of '''okkulting armor''' that could hide his presence from beings such as the Eskaton who hunted the New Gods. (Justice League Odyssey v1 #16)
Orion was able to voice summon his war armour where it phased in his gear from subspace after it being unlocked and it simply emerged around him. (Justice League Odyssey v1 #17) He was known to make use of '''okkulting armor''' that could hide his presence from beings such as the Eskaton who hunted the New Gods. (Justice League Odyssey v1 #16)
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==Alternate Versions==
==Alternate Versions==
*In Future State: Green Lantern v1 #2 (2021), an alternate version of Orion appeared in the possible timeline of Future State. This version came to be trapped where he was worshipped by a cult of warriors who knew him as the '''God in Red'''.
==In other media==
==In other media==
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**In Superman: The Animated Series, Orion made his first appearance in the animated series where he was voiced by actor Steve Sandor.
**In Superman: The Animated Series, Orion made his first appearance in the animated series where he was voiced by actor Steve Sandor.
**In Justice League, Orion returned in the animated series where he was voiced by actor Ron Perlman.
**In Justice League, Orion returned in the animated series where he was voiced by actor Ron Perlman.
*In Young Justice, Orion appeared in the setting of the animated television series third season Outsiders where he was voiced by actor Ben Diskin. This version was claustrophobic and had poor social skills. He was impersonated by [[Ma'alefa'ak]] who attacked the Bugs of New Genesis in order to lead to increased hostilities between them and the New Gods.
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===Video games===
===Video games===
*In DC Universe Online, Orion appeared in the setting of the MMORPG video game.
*In Injustice: Gods Among Us, Orion made a cameo appearance in the video game where a statue of his head was shown in the Hall of Justice.
*In Injustice: Gods Among Us, Orion made a cameo appearance in the video game where a statue of his head was shown in the Hall of Justice.
*''New Gods v1'':
*''New Gods v1'': (1971)
*''Orion v1'':
*''JLA v1'':
*''JLA v1'':
*''Final Crisis v1'':
*''Death of the New Gods v1'':
*''Wonder Woman'':
*''Wonder Woman'':
*''Green Lantern v5'':
*''Green Lantern v5'':
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==External Links==
==External Links==
*[https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Orion DC Database Entry]
*[https://comicvine.gamespot.com/orion/4005-2363/ Comicvine Entry]
*[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orion_(comics) Wikipedia Entry]
*[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orion_(comics) Wikipedia Entry]

Latest revision as of 07:09, 5 June 2024

Orion in Mister Miracle v4 #3.

Orion is a male comic deity superhero who features in DC Comics.





Orion in New Gods v1 #1.

Orion was a male member of the race of New Gods where he was the son of Darkseid and his second wife Tigra with him being born on Apokolips. It was said that the mating was actually arranged by Queen Mother Heggra prior to her death. (New Gods v1 #7)

In secret, she met with her co-conspirators deep underground where they helped her during the labour. She bore a son that she decided to name Orion who was intended to be the instrument of Darkseid's annihilation and intended to take the throne of Apokolips. However, Darkseid's spies were aware of their actions whereupon they came to eliminate the conspirators leaving only Tigra alive. It was then that Darkseid took Orion away to be raised under his own watch whilst Tigra was exiled from Apokolips with any mention of her expunged from the records. (Orion v1 #3)

Around this time, a great and terrible war was fought between Apokolips and the New Gods of New Genesis that erupted when Steppenwolf murdered Avia the love of Izaya. In a rage, he led the forces of New Genesis as they waged a brutal and terrible cosmic war against their dark counterparts. This was until Izaya became horrified at his actions and he sought to bring about peace where he engaged in secret communiques with Darkseid. It was agreed that the pair would exchange sons in an effort to end the war where Darkseid decided to use Orion as a tool for peace. In exchange, he was given Izaya's own son whilst Orion went to live on New Genesis where he knew nothing of his past. (New Gods v1 #7)

Highfather watched the children of Supertown at play, supervised by Desdemona. He observed Orion and told Metron that he believed the future of New Genesis depended on overcoming his heritage, just as he believed Apokolips would win if Darkseid swayed Scott Free to the dark side. The newly resurrected Steppenwolf led a raid on New Genesis, and Desdemona led the children to a fortress while New Genesis soldiers turned away the attack. Metron almost had his Mobius Chair finished, but the power of the x-element destroyed the chair, and he needed more, so he contacted Darkseid. Darkseid exchanged more of the x-element for Boom Tubes, and while Metron successfully finished his chair and toured the cosmos Darkseid sent Steppenwolf to reclaim Orion from New Genesis. Many children were killed, but Orion himself turned the tide and sent Steppenwolf retreating. Orion was already developing a deep hatred for Darkseid. (New Gods v3 #22)

Orion’s hostility drove people away, and the only family he had was Highfather and Metron. Commander trained Orion in the ways of combat, and he became a furious warrior, an embodiment of war itself. Arkal, a boy at his school, disliked Orion’s fiery ways, and they fought tooth and nail, but eventually became close friends and grew up together. During a school break Orion visited Akarl’s families’ Agri-Center, but found Bugs had slaughtered everyone there. Orion’s mind disappeared into a crimson haze of violence, and he slaughtered the perpetrators, leading to his lifelong hatred of Bugs. Orion’s rage grew, and Highfather worried for him. He granted him the power of the astro-force, knowing Darkseid’s forces might well target him. Orion’s hatred of Darkseid made him eager to resume war with Apokolips, but Highfather tried to show him that his rage was an evil equal to Darkseid’s ways. Orion took no heed, unable to comprehend anything but his hate and love of war. (New Gods v3 #2)

Lonar came across Orion, who was brooding and in a deep depression. The sight of the magnificent Thunderer, a battlehorse Lonar rode that had been resurrected from the ruins of the Old Gods momentarily cheered him, but the animal reared at his touch. Orion wondered if life would always recoil from him. (Forever People v1 #7)


Superman helped the Forever People free Beautiful Dreamer from Darkseid’s clutches, and because he was feeling like an outsider among humanity, they allowed him to take a Boom Tube to Supertown. Highfather called him to his side, and told him the answers he sought were held on his adopted planet Earth, and he could not interfere by giving him the answers himself. He used his wonder staff to return Superman home, and confided in his son Orion that Superman would be a valuable ally in their war against Darkseid. Orion was chomping at the bit to wage war against Darkseid, even though he knew their final battle was a long way away. Highfather warned him not to think war glorious. (Jack Kirby’s Fourth World v1 #20)

Highfather later summoned Orion to New Genesis, and they read from the Source Wall, which predicted that Orion would go to Apokolips, then Earth, then to war. Metron wanted to aid them, and hinted that Darkseid was Oirion’s father, but Highfather told him to be quiet. Orion went to Apokolips and battled Para-Demons, Darkseid’s dog cavalry and Kalibak, but found the tyrant absent. A mass-director unit transmitted all of Darkseid’s orders, and Metron appeared to Orion, letting him know that Darkseid was on Earth searching for the anti-life equation. He’d broken the pact by bringing humans to Apokolips to scan their minds for the equation, and setting up base underground in Earth. Orion freed the humans on Apokolips and came to Earth, telling Darkseid they were at war. (New Gods v1 #1) Orion confronted Darkseid and the villain told him he’d dare do whatever he wanted with Earth. His warlord Brola attacked Orion, but was soundly defeated, but Darkseid slipped away. Orion's new human friends helped him establish a base on Earth, and he took the secret identity of O’Ryan. Using mother box he saw Darkseid’s minions pouring into Earth, poised for conquest, and told his friends everyone would have to help combat Darkseid unless they wanted Apokolips to own Earth. Darkseid used Desaad’s fear machine to cause panic in the city, but Orion destroyed the device. (New Gods v1 #2) Orion’s human friends gave him human clothing so he could blend in. Orion spent a private moment of reflection, using mother box to restore his true face, the cruel brutal, face that hinted of his Apokoliptan origins. His human friend Lincoln, a P.I., brought him to the building where Darkseid had abducted him for probing. They found Intergang members preparing to detonate a bomb that would shut off the city’s communication centers. Orion defeated them, and using mother box he lifted the bomb into space, where it exploded harmlessly. (New Gods v1 #3)

Orion set up a home for Lightray on Earth, staying with his human friend Victor Lanza. Orion saw a TV report of Kalibak on Earth. After going on a rampage he'd taken Orion’s friends Claudia Shane and Dave Lincoln hostage, demanding that Orion confront him. Orion arrived in time to save the life of detective Terrible Turpin, who was determined to arrest Kalibak and keep superpowered brawls from destroying Metropolis. Orion and Kalibak fought savagely, and Kalibak got a hunch that Orion must come from Apokolips to be filled with such fury. Orion reflected that they’d fought each other ever since they were young, and there must be a connection between them. As their battle reached a crescendo Orion’s true demonic face was revealed, but as he was about to deliver a killing blow Lightray flew him away. Turpin had hooked up every power generator into the city into one device, and used it to shock Kalibak into unconsciousness. Orion was angry that Lightray had seen his true face, but Lightray told him that while he saw many scars, they were all acquired defending New Genesis. (New Gods v1 #8) The dawn broke, and Lightray tried to convince Orion that the new day was filled with hope, though Orion’s mind was still focused on war. Playwright Eve Donner offered them hospitality, and she was equally fascinated and repulsed by Orion. Orion raged that Darkseid would not face him one-on-one and Lightray warned Eve that he was the personification or destruction. Orion told her he’d seek her out after his final battle and see if she thought he was worth her pity. Orion and Lincoln checked in on Orion’s friend Dave Lincoln, and found the Metropolis police waiting for them. Metropolis D.A. J. Mason Hartwell told Orion and Lightray they’d be held accountable for the property damage they’d caused during their fight with Kalibak, but Dave Lincoln pointed out that they’d helped to defeat Kalibak and prevented any loss of life. Forager of the New Genesis Bugs found the New Gods and warned them that Mantis was planning an invasion of Earth. Orion hoped that all of Earth would aid the New Gods of New Genesis in their war against Darkseid, because their preservation depended on it, and departed. Orion fought Mantis’ Bug horde fiercely, and Lightray convinced Sonic Research and Development to lend him a transmitter, which he used to focus sound and light to drive off the Bugs, and send them scurrying back to New Genesis. (New Gods v1 #10)

At Dave Lincoln’s apartment Orion railed that he wanted to face Darkseid no matter the consequences. Lightray advised planning and caution, but Orion would have none of it. Kalibak escaped police custody and challenged Orion, but Lightray wanted his war-weary friend to have a break and accepted Kalibak’s challenge. Kalibak soundly beat him, and Orion engaged him in combat. Orion and Kalibak finally realized their relationship as half-brothers, and Kalibak gained the edge because Desaad was pumping energy into him from Apokolips. Darkseid wanted his sons to fight on a level playing ground, and feared death for Orion, so he killed Desaad, disabling his device. The tide turned in Orion’s favor and as the battle reached its climax the Black Racer appeared and claimed Kalibak. (New Gods v1 #11)


Following the Flashpoint, a new version of history was created with a different series of events. Orion

For some time, divinations of the future revealed that doom was coming to the cosmos with this heralding the return of Darkseid and his ascendance into power. It was then that a crisis emerged when the Source Wall itself was threatened with destruction with the New Gods intervening alongside the Justice League. However, despite their attempts, they failed and the Wall collapsed with an ancient primordial being unleashed from eons of imprisonment. With their release, the New Gods attempts to flee through a Boom Tube but came to be unformed as a result with Orion seemingly among the few survivors. He became convinced that his father Darkseid was responsible and sought to stop him where he clad himself in okkulting armor to protect him from the Eskaton that were to hunt the New Gods upon their demise. Taking the identity of Okkult, he set about the task of hunting down and eliminating Darkeid who had activated the Sepulkore where he was creating a new race of gods to serve him. (Justice League Odyssey v1 #16)


Personality and attributes

Son of Darkseid and Tigra in Orion v1 #1.

It was his mother Tigra who decided to name him Orion which Darkseid found to be a good one. (Orion v1 #3) He once took the name of Okkult when he tried to hide his true identity. (Justice League Odyssey v1 #16)

It was said that of all the New God celestials that he was the one most plagued by shadows. (New Gods v1 #1)

Orion was said to fight with the fury of one born of Apokolips. It was noted that one such as Orion could never be taken captive with his kind dying in battle. (New Gods v1 #2) Even when he was newly born that he shook with fury. (Orion v1 #3)

He believed that his destiny was one of battle and he answered the call for the ultimate mission which was to thwart ultimate destruction. (New Gods v1 #1)

Darkseid himself claimed that Orion was an enemy that was to be respected. (New Orions v1 #2)

Orion was shown to be the son of Darkseid and his second wife Tigra. He as noted to be much like his mother. (New Gods v1 #7)

It was said that he and Lightray were very different from one another yet were close friends. (New Gods v1 #1)

Powers and abilities

He claimed to had been trained to resist all degrees of fear. (New Gods v1 #2) According to himself, he was the strongest of all the New Gods of New Genesis. (Death of the New Gods v1 #6)

It was noted that he was the wielder of the Astro-Force. (New Gods v1 #1) This energy is channeled through his harness or Wristbands and allows him to heal himself, manipulate matter and energy, and even generate force fields that can ward off the powers of Darkseid's Omega Effect. (Orion v1 #7)

He was equipped with a Mother Box that was a common piece of technology for the New Gods of New Genesis. It did whatever was beneficial to its user where it generated a warm presence and spoke electronic computer-like sounds. Mother Box was capable of sharing images from Orion with others allowing him to show his knowledge to others quickly. Their sensors were also capable of detecting invisible beams of energy and could task it to track down the source. (New Gods v1 #2)

Orion was able to voice summon his war armour where it phased in his gear from subspace after it being unlocked and it simply emerged around him. (Justice League Odyssey v1 #17) He was known to make use of okkulting armor that could hide his presence from beings such as the Eskaton who hunted the New Gods. (Justice League Odyssey v1 #16)

For a time, he had with him a war dog by the name of Sturmer who had fine mega-senses. (JLA v1 #34)


  • Orion was created by Jack Kirby where he made his first appearance in New Gods v1 #1 (February, 1971).

Alternate Versions

  • In Future State: Green Lantern v1 #2 (2021), an alternate version of Orion appeared in the possible timeline of Future State. This version came to be trapped where he was worshipped by a cult of warriors who knew him as the God in Red.

In other media


  • In the DC Animated Universe, Orion made a number of appearances in the shared continuity setting.
    • In Superman: The Animated Series, Orion made his first appearance in the animated series where he was voiced by actor Steve Sandor.
    • In Justice League, Orion returned in the animated series where he was voiced by actor Ron Perlman.
  • In Young Justice, Orion appeared in the setting of the animated television series third season Outsiders where he was voiced by actor Ben Diskin. This version was claustrophobic and had poor social skills. He was impersonated by Ma'alefa'ak who attacked the Bugs of New Genesis in order to lead to increased hostilities between them and the New Gods.


  • In Justice League: Gods and Monsters, Orion appeared in the animated film set in an alternate universe where he was voiced by actor Josh Keaton.

Video games

  • In DC Universe Online, Orion appeared in the setting of the MMORPG video game.
  • In Injustice: Gods Among Us, Orion made a cameo appearance in the video game where a statue of his head was shown in the Hall of Justice.


  • New Gods v1: (1971)
  • Orion v1:
  • JLA v1:
  • Final Crisis v1:
  • Death of the New Gods v1:
  • Wonder Woman:
  • Green Lantern v5:
  • Mister Miracle v4:
  • Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps v1:
  • Justice League Odyssey v1:

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