Votan Ark

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Votan Arks are a type of spacecraft that features in Defiance.



The Arks were created during the time the Votanis systems were facing imminent destruction. In the face of the coming cataclysm, the Indogene were responsible for designing craft to take entire populaces to safety. The other Votan races were initially unwilling to commit the resources needed to build the ships but construction eventually began as the danger became more apparent. Once completed, each race had their own way to select which of their populace boarded the Arks. Among the Castithans they chose only the highest liros, the Irathients used tribal combat along with religious trials, the Indogene chose their best and brightest. The Omecs were among the races that had an Ark constructed but these were seemingly destroyed during the cataclysm with it claimed that their ships suffered from design flaws. In reality, the Votanis Collective had sent Indogene shapetakers to sabotage the Omec vessels from the inside in order to eliminate them.




  • Defiance:

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